7th Heaven (season 5)

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7th Heaven (1996-2007) is an American television drama series created and produced by Brenda Hampton that centers on a minister's family and their lives in the fictional town of Glenoak, California.

Here We Go Again [5.01]

Ruthie: [about Ms. Riddle] She's mean! She's really mean. And she makes me want to do something really, really bad.

Ruthie: This isn't just about Miss Riddle and me. When I thought about it, I'm not just angry that I'm in her class again. I'm angry about a whole lot of stuff. Are we tired of being told to be quiet?
Students: Yeah!
Ruthie: Are we tired of being made to feel stupid when we don't know something?
Students: Yeah!
Ruthie: Are we tired of not being able to ask questions?
Students: Yeah!
Ruthie: We're tired of having no choices and having grown-ups making bad choices for us.
Students: Yeah!
Ruthie: We are tired of eating bad school food. Ketchup as a vegetable? I don't think so.
Students: Yeah!
Ruthie: And if we have to learn about the stuff that doesn't interest us, why can't we also learn about the stuff that does interest us? Is it too much work to give us each individual assignments if we're willing to do them?
Students: Yeah!
Ruthie: And can't the adults do something about school safety? Aren't you scared that you're gonna get shot, or that someone else is gonna get shot? I am. There are a lot of angry kids around here. Why can't someone help them do something with their anger? I can tell you that it helps just to talk. And why can't someone help the kids who come to school hungry? It's not their fault their parents can't feed them. And why can't someone help the kids who get hit every night when they go home? Can't someone protect them? Won't someone help us? I don't just need a new teacher. We need a revolution!
Students: Yeah!!! [they all stand up] Ruthie! Ruthie! Ruthie!

Mary: Hello? Is anyone listening to me? I need a car!
Annie: Hello! Earn money and buy one.
Mary: You guys bought Matt a car. Why can't you buy me a car?
Annie: Matt was going to college. You, on the other hand, are not going to college. You are working, so you can buy your own car. How much money have you saved this summer?
Mary: Saved? On what I make? Please. You guys are forcing me to buy on credit. And you can stop talking about college because I'm not going to college until I figure out what I'm going to college for.
Eric: Well, maybe so you can earn a living and someday even have your own house, and your own car.
Mary: Well, maybe I don't want to have my own house. You don't own this home. This is the Church's home.
Eric: Yes, but this house is a benefit of my job, which I earned after five years of college and we do have a car. Two cars. Well, three if you count the one we bought for Matt, who's in college.

Annie: I've signed up for school today.
Eric: What school?
Annie: College, Crawford. I want to get my teaching credentials in early childhood education.
Eric: Now? You do know that we have 7 kids now.
Annie: We have the twins and Ruthie, but Simon starts high school tomorrow, Lucy graduates high school this year, Mary's out of high school and working and Matt is out on his own.
Eric: Matt is hardly out on his own. He sleeps out on his own. He's still a kid.
Annie: Oh, stop it. He and Heather are practically married.
Eric: No, they're not. That's just what we say to each other whenever we think those two might be shacking up. And Mary is going to college. She's going to go to college eventually... I hope as soon as she figures out that she doesn't enjoy minimum wage jobs.
Annie: Unfortunately, I think Mary is quite happy with her stint in the world of minimum wage.
Eric: Well, I'm not happy with it. With my luck, she'll probably decide to go to college when Lucy decides to go. And with Matt's, we'll have 3 tuitions to pay, oh, plus yours. And by the way, who says that Lucy won't have the kind of senior year that Mary had. And Simon is starting high school. Do you remember what it was like when Matt started high school? High school boys are, well... they're high school boys. And we shouldn't forget Ruthie, who is well on her way to being more difficult than all the other kids rolled into one. Oh, and bonus, the twins are entering the terrible twos. They are not entering. They are there.
Annie: So what are you saying? That the family is so dangerous that I can't take one or two hours away from them to take one course? I'm going back to school.
Eric: When were you going to tell me this, as you were backing out of the driveway tomorrow morning?
Annie: No, I planned to tell you just when I told you.
Eric: [sarcastically] Well, thank you, Mrs. Camden!

Mary: Yes, I'm starting a new job today.
Eric: You've had a new job every week this summer.
Mary: That's not true. I was a day camp counselor for almost three weeks.
Eric: [sarcastically] Oh, how could I forget three whole weeks?
Mary: You know, just because you're mad at Mom doesn't mean you have to take it out on me.
Eric: I'm not angry. The world is angry at your mom, and I'm not taking it out on anyone.

Eric: [to Mary] I'm angry at you for just giving up on college. And now, unfortunately, I'm even angrier at you because you bought a car, and that particular car. Did you know that I worked my way through college and I've worked for 20 years, and a sports car is my dream, and I can't afford one?
Mary: Yes, I know that, but can I help it if I can afford it?
Eric: [laughs to himself, counts to 10 to collect himself] You bought it, you pay for it. I'm gonna let you be responsible for you. And if you ever change your mind and decide you don't like working an endless string of jobs that have absolutely no meaning for you, then you're still going to have to pay for the car.
Mary: I know. Maybe I can even sell it.
Eric: Not for what you paid for it.
Mary: Well, great. If I can make money off of it, I'll put it toward my college tuition.

Help [5.02]

Professor: [to Matt's college class] Here's the good news. This was just a practice test to help you prepare for the midterm. It doesn't count. Here's the bad news. Half of you didn't pass. The other half barely passed. Oh, here's some more bad news. The midterm is in two weeks, so if you don't know the material by now, when are you going to learn it? What does this all mean? For those of you who are taking organic chemistry as a requirement for pre-med, you may want to double major in pre-law, because if you don't understand chemistry, you're going to be a doctor who's gonna need a lawyer. Just wanting to be a doctor isn't good enough. You have to study hard, you have to work hard, and you have to get through this class. Class is dismissed. For some of you, I think permanently!

Matt: I'm gonna study. I just couldn't this afternoon because every time I looked up from my book, I noticed how dirty the kitchen was.
John: Well, an unclean kitchen never bothered you before.
Matt: Well, it did today, and you know, I hate to mention it, but if you had cleaned your breakfast dishes from this morning, I wouldn't have wasted my entire afternoon taking care of that little chore for you.
John: [stunned] Are you trying to blame me for you not studying? So you failed your organic chemistry pre-test because of Heather, and you didn't study this afternoon because I didn't do the dishes, and you're not studying now because your mom didn't do your laundry? (Matt nods) I'm just curious. Now, if you don't pass your chemistry midterm and get kicked out of pre-med, who are you gonna blame? Me? Heather? Your mom? The Colonel? The man on the moon? Problems in the Middle East? Global warming? What?
Matt: I don't know what you're so upset about. I'm gonna do fine on my midterm.
John: But if you don't, it won't be your fault, right?
Matt: Look, you don't understand.
John: No, I think that you don't understand organic chemistry, among other things, and you're too pigheaded to admit it, and instead of just asking for help or saying "I need help," you're blaming everyone and everything, as long as it doesn't allow you to blame yourself.
Matt: You are totally out of line.
John: I don't think I am.
Matt: Do you get good grades?
John: [smiles proudly] Yes, I do.
Matt: And? [pauses, doesn't know what to say] That's because I do everything around here, and you do nothing! [storms out]

Eric: Actually, your principal called this morning, and you're not in any trouble. He thinks he may have found a way to get you out of Miss Riddle's class.
Ruthie: Thank God!
Eric: What did you say?
Ruthie: Thank God. You should thank God. I talked to God and told him how unhappy I was at school, and asked Him to help.
Eric: You prayed to get out of Miss Riddle's class?
Ruthie: If you don't ask, you don't get. I just thought you and Mom could use some help.

Ruthie: [to her parents as they are visiting Eleanor Roosevelt School] They have horses! Horses!
Mrs. McCool: The school offers both English and western style instruction.
Ruthie: And there's no homework!
Mrs. McCool: We feel the children work hard during the day. At night, they should be free to relax and be kids. After all, we do have them seven hours a day. Of course, if Ruthie would like to spend time at home studying any subject beyond the core curriculum, we'll set up an individual program for her.
Ruthie: I may want to do that, considering I don't have to be at school until TEN!
Mrs. McCool: [laughs] We have a flexible schedule. Students can start as late as ten, but then they go until five. Not every student does his or her best work early in the morning. Plus, we have a 14 to 1 student ratio and a whole list of after-school trips and projects. Last year, we took a group of students to the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. and met the President. I think that Ruthie would make a wonderful addition to our school. If you have any questions, please call.
Eric and Annie: Thank you. [they shake her hand]
Mrs. McCool: Bye, Ruthie. [leaves]
Ruthie: Boy, when God answers a prayer, he answers a prayer!
Annie: Does that mean you want to go to school here?
Ruthie: Oh, yeah!

Lucy: If you got into that school, you should be honored. You should go.
Ruthie: No. I will not go! You cannot make me! I'm just going to run away.
Lucy: If you run away, you'll still have to make all new friends.
Ruthie: No I won't. My friend Sarah will come with me and we'll join the circus, and when we're old enough we'll marry clowns!
Lucy: You have put way too much thought into this whole thing.
Ruthie: Why has God forsaken me? WHY?

Eric: [about Mary] Look, Annie and I aren't happy that she's not going to college, but she's working. She's earning a living, paying her bills.
Colonel: Who let her buy the car?
Eric: No one let her. She just went out and bought it. And as much as I think she shouldn't have, that car is a responsibility that she can't run away from. She has to work hard and and keep her job because she has to pay for that car.
Colonel: Son, to win a war you've got to fight. You got to get in there and get your hands dirty and make something happen, and you have to have a battle plan. What's your battle plan?
Eric: This isn't a war.
Colonel: Oh, it's a war, all right. And a stake is Mary's future.
Eric: As much as we would like to force Mary into doing what we know is best for her, we can't. She's an adult. She has to do this on her own.
Colonel: And what if she doesn't?
Eric: She will.

Colonel: All right. You need money? I can help you. I have a friend who owns a clothing goods store and could use your help. It doesn't sound like much, but there's room for growth. And if you do decide to go to college, they will work around your schedule.
Mary: So you'll talk to a friend who can get me a job, but you won't lend me the money yourself?
Colonel: Right.
Mary: I don't want to work at a clothing goods store.

Mary: Ah. I see. So you're going to help me, but only if I do exactly what you, Mom and Dad want me to do.
Colonel: Well, I'm not just going to give you money.
Mary: You're not giving it to me! It's a loan!
Colonel: No.

Colonel: Mary, if you ever change your mind and need help, you let me know.
Mary: I'm not going to change my mind. I don't need help, I need money. So thank you for nothing!

Mary: [on the phone with insurance people] I am begging you, please don't cancel my policy. I know, but I got fired, and you have to give me more than a couple of days to come up with the money.....I can't drive my car without insurance! Don't you get it? No car equals no job. I have to have insurance! Look, you can tell whomever you want that you're cancelling my insurance, but you can't stop me from driving my own car. Oh, yeah? Watch me! [slams phone down]

Losers [5.03]

Ruthie: Why is Mary's car in the driveway? Isn't she supposed to be at work, or did she get fired again?!
Lucy: Time for school!
Mary: What's up?
Eric: You tell us. Is this your day off?
Annie: Did you get fired?
Eric: Building burned down? Business close for an epidemic?
Mary: Uh-uh.
Ruthie: Quit?
Mary: I just got another job that's all. I'm working at Pete's Pizza. I just didn't like the pool hall. I kept getting the day shift, and, well, I like the night life, I like to boogie.
Ruthie: Is it me or is she starting to spin?

Mary: They want me to work the double shift today: 12:00 to 12:00.
Ruthie: Well, maybe we can do something then.
Mary: Yeah, maybe we could. Hey, I could bring a pizza home with me and I could wake you up, and we could have a midnight snack.
Ruthie: Yeah! Then you could sleep over in my room!
Mary: Okay. It's a date!

Guy: [to Mary, who is their waitress at a pizza place] Hey, you want to sit down and have a piece with us?
Mary: Um, no. I don't. Can I get you anything else?
Guy: Yeah. I'll have your phone number written on your underwear!

Guy: [in a taunting voice] Hey, Mary, we're saving a piece for ya!
Frankie: [walks over to the table] Do you know who you're talking to? Minister's daughter. Give her a break. Behave yourself.
Guy: And if we don't?
Frankie: Then you're all going to hell.
Everyone: [humored] Ooooooh!
Frankie: I mean it.

Johnny: [about the customers harassing Mary] Let my wife handle them. She's good with those types.
Mary: Frances is your wife?
Johnny: Not Frances. No one calls her Frances. It's Frankie. We've been married for a year.
Mary: But you look so young!
Johnny: We are young. Frankie's your age, and I'm 21.
Mary: Yeah, I thought about getting married once, too.
Johnny: What changed your mind?
Mary: I don't know. I guess I just wasn't ready.
Johnny: Yeah, well, neither were we, but the baby changed all that.

Frankie: I'm just gonna have a cigarette. You want one?
Mary: Oh, no, thanks, I don't smoke.
Frankie: Neither did I. Well, I stopped when I found out I was pregnant, but as soon as I popped Mercy out, I lit up again.
Mary: Mercy. What a great name.
Frankie: She's a great baby. She's real good, she never cries. Probably because my mother watches her most of the time. She's good with babies. It's teenagers she can't handle.

Eric: Hey. You going to bed already?
Ruthie: Soon. I have to get up at midnight. Mary's bringing home pizza, and we're having a sleepover! It's gonna be great!
Eric: Would you like me to set the clock alarm so you get up on time?
Ruthie: You're the best dad ever!
Eric: Gosh. You know...it seems like just yesterday Mary was your age.

[After Mary has been pulled over for being suspected of drinking and driving]
Officer: Look, don't ever be in such a hurry that you aren't careful. I want you to be able to have pizza with your sister for the rest of your life.
Mary: Yeah. So do I.

Mary: I love you, Ruthie.
Ruthie: If you loved me, you would have been home at midnight. [turns over and closes her eyes]

Busted [5.04]

Johnny: Fire's ready. [sits down with a beer]
Frankie: So, if the fire's ready...
Johnny: Do I have to do everything?
Frankie: Well, I did everything else!
Johnny: Fine, I'll cook the steaks! [storms out]
Frankie: [to Mary] Don't ever get married.
Mary: Marriage takes a lot of work.
Frankie: You have no idea.

Frankie: [on phone with Mary] Hey, what if you and I both decided to sign up for college together next semester?
Johnny: [smirks in the background] Be sure to apply for that scholarship!
Mary: Are you serious?
Frankie: Sure, I'm serious. I don't know what I want to do, either, but I know I don't want to wait tables for the rest of my life.

Mary: Is that... Is that pot?
Frankie: Yeah. I just need it to loosen up. This whole mother and wife gig really sucks.

Frankie: Why do you always have to act like this when somebody comes over?
Johnny: I don't act like this whenever someone comes over, I act like this all the time.
Frankie: Right. You do act like this all the time. So when are you going to grow up?
Johnny: Get off my case, will you?
Frankie: You could at least help me out a little around here. It's not like I ask you to do that much.
Johnny: You don't ask me to do that much? You asked me to marry you, didn't you?

Frankie: [about Johnny] He's not such a bad guy, you know. He wanted to go to college, too, major in English Lit, and be a writer.
Mary: Hey. We all still have plenty of time to be whatever it is we want to be, right?
Frankie: Right. [The baby starts crying from her crib] Whatever I'm going to be doesn't change who I already am: a mom.

Frankie: It just seems so unfair. You make one little mistake, you know?
Mary: Yeah, I know. I made a big mistake once, too. I got arrested last year for trashing the school gym.
Frankie: [laughs] Arrested? You?
Mary: Yeah. I'm still on probation.
Frankie: Oh, so that's why you don't drink or smoke or anything.
Mary: Yeah, kind of.....but also because I feel so out of control, anyway--like I couldn't get my life back on track even if I wanted to. Not that I want to--I mean, it's not so bad, but it's just...
Frankie: Existing. Just existing. I know what you mean. Every time I make an effort to do something, it just feels like there's so much resistance...and I give up before I even start trying.
Mary: Maybe we could help each other. Maybe we could make an effort together. Maybe we could go to college and see if anything changes. I brought the brochures--do you want to look at them?
Frankie: No, not right now, I'm too out of it. Maybe some other time.
Mary: [disappointed] Yeah. Maybe some other time. [stands up]
Frankie: No, don't say it like that. Don't give up on me. I need a friend.
Mary: Well, I need a friend too.

Frankie: [on phone with Mary] Hey, your dad got us out. Thanks so much for getting him to help us.
Mary: You know, I was kind of surprised you called him.
Frankie: Yeah, well, I didn't know who else to call. After I got pregnant, my mom told me never to call her again if I got into trouble. Of course, your dad made me promise to talk to her, and to a counselor, and whatever. But at least I didn't have to call her from jail, you know? (pause) You are really lucky to have parents who are always there for you.

Mary: Dad, please. They really are my friends. Frankie is my friend! She asked me to bring over those college brochures tonight so we could look over them, and make a plan to go back to school.
Eric: And did you?
Mary: [pause] No.
Eric: Because she was too stoned? Mary, who are you and what are you doing with these people?

Mary: [about Frankie and Johnny] They are good people. They're both working, and they're trying to raise this kid, and it's really hard...
Eric: So hard that they have to smoke pot?

Mary: [about Frankie and Johnny] If you're not going to help them, I'll help them.
Eric: How? You don't have a job, you don't have any money. You have to help yourself before you can help anyone else!
Eric: [stops Mary from leaving] You are NOT going down to the station and you are not gonna ever see these people, EVER!!!! But I will go and i will talk to them and do whatever i can other than give them money.

Blind [5.05]

Frankie: I came all this way to beg you in person. Please watch Mercy. Please. Be my friend, and do me this one favor. I just need an hour, and your sister said your aunt and uncle would be gone all day. [pauses] I think Johnny's cheating on me. I want to follow him, catch him in the act. And I can't do that unless you watch Mercy.
Mary: [hesitates] One hour, right?
Frankie: Two hours max.
Mary: Please don't blow this.
Frankie: I won't. I won't. I'll just go get Mercy.
Mary: You left her in the car?
Frankie: I rolled the window down. Man, you're the best friend ever. [leaves]
Mary: Yeah, or the stupidest friend ever.

Johnny: None of this is my fault. I didn't want a baby. I didn't want to get married.
Eric: But you did want sex, right? That you did want. You just didn't want the responsibility that comes with the sex.

Annie: What are you doing?
Frankie: What do you mean?
Annie: What are you doing with that man?
Frankie: Look, Johnny is a great husband and father.
Annie: He tried to hit you. He would have hit you if my husband hadn't stepped in.
Frankie: But I love him, okay?
Annie: Do you love Mercy?
Frankie: Of course I love her!
Annie: Then why do you keep putting her at risk? If Johnny had hit you, or if someone had called the police, you and Johnny would be in jail right now. If that happened, then what would happen to Mercy?

Frankie: Are you actually suggesting that I leave Johnny? I can't raise a kid on my own.
Annie: You can't stay with a man who hits you. You can't. Mercy will grow up thinking that's what women do: they get hit. Is that what you want to teach her?

Julie: This was a mistake. I'm never leaving Erica again, ever!
Mary: Please don't say that.
Hank: We come home, the house is a mess, the baby is a mess, there's another baby here we don't even know. You had guests over after we told you not to, and you were drinking. What is wrong with you?

Mary: The beer isn't mine, it's Frankie's. Frankie drank it.
Hank: That's your defense. "The beer belongs to my pot-smoking friend?" How stupid do you think we are?
Julie: Let's just forget the fact that I'm a recovering alcoholic, and that any trace of alcohol in my house doesn't exactly make me happy. Let's assume that you're telling the truth, it's not your beer. Let's talk about how you, my underage niece, happens to have be involved with an underage friend who has beer. What's happened to you? Who are you?

Julie: I don't know if I believe Mary.
Hank: I think we should tell Eric and Annie about her--about the beer, and that she's still hanging out with Frankie.
Julie: I hate to get her in trouble. If this were an isolated incident. She wasn't drunk. She could be telling the truth.
Hank: But if she is in trouble, and we don't say anything, how are we going to feel later? That we knew she was in trouble, and we did nothing.

Lucy: I'm sorry about tonight I was trying to watch everyone and I shouldn't have let Simon sneak out of the house.
Eric: It's not your fault you weren't in charge of Simon. Simon is in charge of Simon.

Simon: [about his earring] But if I take it out, the hole will close up!
Eric: Exactly!
Simon: That's not fair. Why can't I keep the earring?
Ruthie: Because you look like a girl!
Annie: You went out of the house tonight without our permission. You went to the house of someone we don't know and have never met. At that house you allowed that someone we don't know to pierce your ear.
Eric: Be grateful that the only thing we're doing is making you take out your earring out.
Simon: Fine!

Lucy: Why don't you girls go outside and play, and I'll set us up a picnic lunch?
Rachel: I don't like eating outside. It's a bug thing.
Lucy: Okay. Well, then, we'll have a picnic indoors.
Sarah: With orange soda?
Rachel: I don't like orange soda, and neither does Ruthie.
Sarah: Ruthie likes orange soda.
Lucy: Who wants a cookie?
Rachel: Ruthie's my best friend, and I think I know if she likes orange soda!
Sarah: She was my best friend first.
Rachel: But you obviously don't know her as well as I do!
Sarah: Yes, I do.
Rachel: NO, YOU DON'T!
Lucy: Really. Taste a cookie. They're still warm.
Rachel: What's Ruthie's favorite color?
Sarah: Purple.
Rachel: Blue! What does she want to be when she grows up?
Sarah: A vet.
Rachel: Queen Elizabeth! See, I told you that you didn't know her. I know her. She's my best friend!

Lucy: [to Sarah and Rachel] Okay, I have been listening to you two all day, and a couple of things are clear. You both like Ruthie, and you both have a different relationship with Ruthie--which happens. Different people see different things in you, and they bring out different qualities, and...
Rachel: No offense, but if I wanted an after-school special lecture, I'd turn on my TV.
Lucy:[to Rachel] Okay. You be quiet for a second and listen to me! [to Sarah] And you! well, you like adults. And I'm an adult, a very tired adult, who's tired of having to listen to you and Rachel fight. I need a time-out, an adult time-out, which can only happen if you both go home. Now. Right away. I will call your parents and tell them whatever you want me to tell them, but please just go home! I promise that Ruthie will have you both over again separately!

Broke [5.06]

Simon: [when Mary wants to borrow money] No, no, no!
Mary: I will drive you on dates or anywhere you want to go.
Simon: Your car seats two. Where's my date supposed to sit, in the trunk?

Simon: This isn't Mary. I'm her brother Simon.
Collector: Well, when Mary gets in, would you tell her that if she doesn't pay these bills immediately, we will involve the local authorities.
Simon: Wait, you mean the police?
Collector: Yes. You can't just charge for merchandise and not pay your bills; there are laws. And if we have to, we'll enforce those laws to recoup our losses.

Simon: What are we gonna do about this?
Lucy: We're gonna let Mary handle it. It's her problem, not ours.
Ruthie: Please don't let them put Mary in jail again.
Simon: You say to let Mary handle it, but she's not. We're the ones getting the calls, and sooner or later Mom and Dad are gonna find out. And deadbeat or not, she's still our sister.

Lucy: See the trick isn't getting the job, it's keeping the job.
Mary: Why are you so snotty?
Lucy: Considering I spent the day dodging creditors and breaking into piggy banks, I think I'm entitled to be a little snotty.

Matt: This is Bernie, Mary Camden's attorney.
Credit Card Collector: Mary Camden can't afford to pay a $50 bill but she has an attorney?

Mary: I'm sorry. I haven't been completely honest with you. But from now on no more lies. Yes, honesty is my new policy.
[The phone rings and Mary gets fired]
Lucy: Who was that?
Mary: Wrong number.

Eric:[about Mary] You know, she quit her job at the pool hall, she quit her job at Pete's Pizza. She doesn't have any friends. Well, not any good ones. She needs a job.
Annie: Yes, Mary needs a job, and money, and friends, good ones. But she has bills to pay. She also needs to take a job to pay those bills. And the job she takes probably won't be a job she loves or even likes. And then she'll see how important it is to have a job you love. And jobs people love usually involve training and/or education. That will force her to set goals and move forward
Eric: Are you just going to will her into this realization?
Annie: She's not on our schedule. We need to give her time. She'll realize it when she realizes it.
Eric: In the meantime, no job plus no money equals no car, right? I mean, if she can't pay for the car, she'll lose it.
Annie: So let her lose the car.
Eric: This isn't about losing Mary's car. This is about losing Mary!
Annie: You think I don't know that? You know, just because I'm not a minister or a therapist doesn't mean I don't know when she's in trouble. I'm her mother! And I think she needs to be the one to ask for help, and she's not ready yet!
Eric: Well, I'm her father, and I say she needs help now, whether she asks for it or not!
Annie: What you mean to say is that you're the expert, and what you say goes!

Bye [5.07]

Matt: [about Mary and her money problems] I don't have time for this.
Lucy: I don't have time for this, either! I have a paper to write!
Matt: You know, I don't even know why we're yelling at each other when we should really be yelling at Mary.
Lucy: We can't yell at Mary. We can't find her!

Annie: You stole $500 from your own brothers?! From babies?!
Ruthie: I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Punish me any way you like.
Matt: What's going on?
Eric: What do you think is going on? Your 10-year-old sister is lying about stealing money so the rest of you can cover for Mary.
Annie: Is that it? Is that the truth!?
Ruthie: No! You're wrong! I took it. I'm very bad. I'm a very bad girl.
Matt: No, Ruthie. I'm a very bad big brother for letting this happen.

Mary: [after her parents find a joint in her bedroom] I can't believe you searched my room! What are you, communists? I have rights, you know!
Annie: I guess I just can't explain this often enough. A right is something that can never be taken away from you. For example, you have the right to be indignant now, and I can't take that away, but privacy? Well, privacy is a privilege when you live with your parents, and privileges can be taken away. Now, we knew that you were in trouble, but we had no idea that you were this far down the road!

Eric: Have you ever tried smoking marijuana?
Mary: Well, even if I did, what is so wrong with experimenting? I mean, what's the harm in just trying it? Everybody's gonna try it sometime.
Eric: Well, first of all, not everyone. Not me, for example. And secondly, let me see if I can answer the "what's the harm" question. I suppose for some people, nothing ever comes from the fact that they tried smoking pot, but for other people, plenty comes from the fact that they tried smoking pot. Lifelong, illegal habits. The need to try other, harder drugs. Addiction to those drugs. Arrest. Conviction. Jail time. Those kinds of things. The question really is, to which people do you belong? There's no way of knowing. But "experimenting" to find out? That's quite a risk, don't you think? I think it is, especially for someone who's on probation.

Annie: You stole money from your own brothers?! From babies?! This is pathetic. Really pathetic. We had no idea that you were this far down the road.
Mary: I am not in trouble.
Eric: Life gets so complicated when you don't tell the truth.
Mary: So what's best for everyone is to ship me off to Siberia to live with old people?!
Annie: Yep, that's basically it. You will live with your grandparents, you will take a job working at a homeless shelter, with your first few checks going to Sam and David. And in January, you and Grandma will take a course.
Mary: What if I am not going to do this?
Annie: In my heart of hearts, I know this is the right thing. This is the right thing to do! I love you! Remember what you said, it's better to have an angry kid then a dead kid!

Matt: [to Mary] Look, I'm sorry I haven't been around much. You're important to me. What happens to you is important to me. What happens to you is important to everyone in the family, but I've been watching you, and I haven't really been interested in being a part of anything that's going on in your life, so I've basically avoided you, but maybe I should have cornered you and given you my take on what you're doing a lot sooner. I've seen so many young women who are losers, mostly in the emergency room or entering drug rehab at the hospital. I don't want you to be a loser. It's too easy to be the bad girl. You're better than that. I know I'm not perfect. I know I don't have all the answers, but I can tell you this. The most powerful thing I ever did for myself was make up my mind to become a responsible person, and I still haven't worked up to being responsible 24 hours a day, but I'm getting better at it. And I'm hoping that sharing this with you will help you make up your mind to become a responsible person! If you can't do it for yourself, then maybe you could consider the rest of us, and how much we need you to be responsible. Whatever you do affects us all. I know you know that, and yet you act like you don't care. All of us have to strive to be the best we can be, not because anything else is unacceptable, but because anything else is just plain misery. I can see you're miserable. You are. This is not the best you can do. You can do better, and I will do anything I can to help you do better. You just have to make up your mind that that's what you want to do, and I'm there for you. We all are.

Simon: [to Mary] I know I'm considered "The Bank of Simon", and you all laugh at that, but here's what I like about money. It tells you right who you are in numbers, not words that can hurt your feelings or make you mad. Numbers are undisputed facts, and the fact is, your numbers point to trouble. It's simple. You don't make as much as you spend, and you don't make enough to meet your obligations. You'd see that if you looked at the numbers, but I know you don't like to do that. I can help you set up a budget and a payment schedule if you want, but even if you don't want, take my advice. Don't spend anything else until you pay off your debt, and then don't get into debt again! And the first thing you have to pay off is your personal debt--the money you owe Sam and David. Now, I know that a lot of people would put that off to last, and maybe a professional finance guy would tell you to pay your institutional lenders first, but I'm your brother, and I'm telling you that morally, the right thing to do is to pay people first, especially relatives. And when you see that little column of debt marked "Sam and David" reach zero debt, that zero is going to tell you right who you are, just like I said. It's gonna say that you, Mary Camden, care more about your family than anyone else. It's gonna say that you care about keeping your promises to your family more than anything else. And when you see all those other little columns of debt go down, week after week, the page is gonna tell the facts of your debt recovery. It's a beautiful thing, and I want you to have a beautiful thing, because I love you.

Lucy:[to Mary] I love you, too. All right, this is hard. (trying not to cry) You're my big sister. And I look up to you. Or at least I did. You've always been better at school than I am, you've always been better at everything than I am. And that, at times, has made me feel inferior. Yet most of the time, it's given me something to work toward, because I wanted to be like you. But I don't want to be like you anymore.

Ruthie: [to Mary] I must be at the wrong meeting. I don't know where all this chummy advice and gushy stuff is coming from, because I thought we were all supposed to tell you how mad we are. I'm mad, really mad. You're selfish. You don't care anything about the rest of us, so I don't know why we're all supposed to care so much about you. You act like you're the center of the entire Camden universe! I'm tired of eating a cold dinner every night because we're all hoping you'll come home and eat with us. I'm tired of waking up every night when you clump up those stairs. I'm tired of Mom and Dad fighting about you. I'm tired of covering for you, and I'm not doing it anymore! You made me lie to Mom and Dad, you never came home to have pizza with me like you promised. All you care about is you!

Lucy: Please don't leave like this.
Mary: How did you think I was going to leave? I am being sent off to live with the Colonel and Grandma Ruth in Buffalo! You know what Buffalo is like, and you know what they are like! What made you think I was going to be happy, huh?! What?
Lucy: I didn't know anything about it, OK? And maybe Mom and Dad are more concerned with your safety than your happiness!
Mary: Get out!
Lucy: Is this how you're gonna say goodbye?
Mary: Yeah, yeah. This is how I'm gonna say goodbye. And you can tell the rest of them to stay out of here, because I don't want to talk to any of you!

Mary: [screams out angrily to Eric and Annie] I'll meet you in the car! [slams the door]
Annie: Mary wouldn't leave without saying good-bye to her brothers and sisters, would she?
Eric: Don't be surprised if she gets on the plane without even saying good-bye to us.
Annie: I hate this.

Gossip [5.08]

Man #1:[gossiping in Church as Eric gives his sermon] I heard they sent Mary off to rehab.
Woman #1: I heard she's pregnant.
Woman #2: She had to get married.
Woman #3: No, she's in prison!
Man #2: She just went crazy. They put her in an institution.
Woman #4: An institution? How could they have a daughter like that? The Camdens are such good people.
Man #3: I heard Mary ran away, and they don't know where she is.
Teenager #1: She's pregnant and she robbed Pete's Pizza.
Teenager #2: No way!
Teenager #1: It's all over town!
Mrs. Beeker: She stole money out of the register at the pool hall.
Woman #5: I heard she dropped a baby on its head.
Mrs. Beeker: Her baby, right?
Woman #5: I don't think so.
Man #4: I heard she has a drinking problem. That's how she got pregnant. The drinking!
Mrs. Beeker: She was drinking and driving.
Man #4: In the nude!
Mrs. Beeker: It's just another case of a good girl gone bad.
Eric:[unaware of the gossip going around] Amen.

Lucy: You told your principal that I have a learning disability, Simon doesn't talk, Matt lives in his car, Dad lost his job and Mom drinks? And how am I responsible for this?
Ruthie: Your friend Mike. He said that if people felt sorry for us, then they'd stop gossiping about Mary so that's what I did to make people feel sorry for us.
Lucy: Well, you made your principal feel sorry for us.
Ruthie: No, just like Mike said, I told someone in authority, someone people listen to. Mrs. McCool will tell other people. It'll work.
Lucy: I notice that you didn't tell your principal that you have any problems.
Ruthie: My problem is that I have you guys for a family!

Eric: We talked to Mrs. McCool.
Annie: Why would you make up stories about the family like that?
Ruthie: I thought that if I got people to feel sorry for us, they'd stop talking about Mary. I thought that if Mary knew everyone was talking about her, she wouldn't want to come home. I'm still mad at her for messing up, but I want her to come home.

Tunes [5.09]

Norton: [to Lucy] Mmm, look at you. You look like you need a man.
Ruthie: I think he just called you a bad word. A really, really, bad word.
Norton: Hey, look, the little one knows what I called her sister, but the sister don't know. Or she know what true?
Lucy: She know what true? Look, you arrogant little...what are you, a pimp? Get away from me.
[Norton slaps Lucy's bottom]
Lucy: [to the manager] Do something.
Manager: Like what?
Lucy: Like, get that guy out of here.
Manager: He didn't hurt you.
Lucy: He slapped me.
Manager: From the looks of you, it couldn't have hurt.

Ruthie: What's a pimp?
Lucy : It's a guy who hates woman.

Lucy: Simon, your friend called me a name and slapped me on the butt in the record store.
Simon: What, you mean Norton? No way, he was just kidding around. Believe me, he couldn't have been serious.
Lucy: Simon, he slapped me!
Simon: He didn't hurt you, did he?
Lucy: Yes, he hurt me! He humiliated me, and that hurt... a lot!
Simon: Well, what do you want me to do about it?
Lucy: I want you to understand that I am not a punching bag. I am not a trash can that guys can throw their filthy thoughts or words into. I'm a person, Simon. I'm your sister. Do something.

Norton [to Annie] So this is your mother? I see the resemblance and I like it. What you say, Mama?
Annie: I say you're all pathetic. Go home.
Norton: Why don't you go home? You don't belong on the streets 'cause you got no respect for me. For no man. Maybe I should teach you some respect.
Annie: You want a piece of this? I brought seven kids into this world. I can take one out.

[When Simon tackles Norton to the ground for harassing Heather]
Simon: You are going to go to my house and apologize to my mother and my sister for what you did, but not before you apologize to Heather. That's my brother's friend. She's deaf, man! How could you?
Norton: I didn't know she was deaf! Lighten up!
Simon: You knew she was a person, didn't you?

Surprise! [5.10]

Lucy: Do my parents know your here?
Robbie: Yeah. Your dad brought me home.

Eric: [after Lucy hugs him] What was that for?
Lucy: For being my dad

Home [5.11]

Annie: If you weren't available to baby-sit Sam and David, who do you think I could get to baby-sit?
Eric: Well Ruthie's not old enough, so Robbie?
Annie: NEVER!
Eric: Robbie, never?
Annie: And you know why? Robbie is just the border. You do not leave our children with the border. Not the children we created and I gave birth to. Responsible family members and qualified babysitters only. Robbie is neither. He is just a border
Annie: You need to find him a job so he can find a place to live.
Eric: I'm working on it. Even Robbie's working on it.
Annie: Well, work faster. Why do you like him so much?
Eric: Why do you like him so little?
Annie: If Mary finds out he's living here, there's going to be hell to pay. That's right, I said it. HELL! So get him out.

Matt: I have to move back home.
Annie: Have to?
Matt: I have to protect the women.
Annie: Congratulations. That is the most ridiculous excuse you've come up yet.

One Hundred [5.12]

Annie: Who would leave a baby on our doorstep?
Ruthie: God.
Annie: That's sweet, but I think God had a little help on this one.

Robbie: What's that pizza lady's baby doing here?
Annie: You've seen this baby?
Robbie: Yeah, at Pete's Pizza.
Annie: Frankie and Johnny.
Robbie: Yeah, that's her name. Frankie. She works at Pete's and brings the baby in with her sometimes.
Annie: Are you sure this is her?
Robbie: No offense, I know all babies are beautiful, but I'd recognize that head anywhere.

Eric: I still can't believe I forgot my birthday!
Ruthie: You're old. Old people forget stuff.

Eric: You were doing so well.
Mary: I still am doing well.
Eric: You know. I'm really happy to see you, but you're in a lot of trouble.
Mary: Trouble?
Eric: Running away from the Colonel and Ruth's to sneak off and see Robbie? Yeah, I think I'd qualify that as trouble.
Mary: What? Dad, I didn't come here to see Robbie. I came here to see you. It was supposed to be a surprise. I mean, Mom thought we could get Robbie here and back to pick me up without you ever noticing.
Eric: Wait a minute. Your MOTHER knew about this??
Mary: Everyone knew.

Lucy: [as Eric opens Lucy's acceptance letter to seminary school] Happy birthday, Dad. I know what I want to be. I'm going to study theology and become a minister. Just like you. Well, I hope I'll be as good as you--I'm gonna try. I found out a while ago, but I wanted to save it and give it to you for your birthday. It was either that or a tie.

Annie: So basically, this is about your pride. Pride is not a luxury that you can afford if you want to keep your baby. You have to talk to your parents.
Johnny: I can't. They said they would never forgive me. They won't talk to me.
Annie: Yes, they will. I spoke with them earlier on the phone. They want to talk with you, they want to help. So now, all you have left to do is swallow your pride, get up off that bench, and go and call them. We can go back to Pete's and call them.
Johnny: It's not going to be easy.
Annie: Being a parent never is. Let's go.

Lucy: Your mother spoke to me.
Mike: What? That's great! She spoke? That's unbelievable!
Lucy: She told me she wants you to put her in an institution. It's not great!
Mike: Why would my mom want that?
Lucy: I think the reason she hasn't been talking is because she thought that not talking to you would drive you away or make you put her away.
Mike: I don't understand.
Lucy: I think your mom blames herself for your suicide attempt and your father's death.
Mike: She said that?
Lucy: She didn't have to. A couple years ago, a friend of mine died in a car accident. She was on her way to pick me up, and the next thing I knew, she was dead, and her sister was in the hospital. I was convinced that the accident was all my fault. I was so sure that the accident was all my fault, I couldn't even bring myself to go to her funeral. I kept thinking that if she hadn't been on her way to pick me up, she'd still be alive. I felt so guilty. To be honest, even today, I still feel a little guilty.
Mike: What are you getting at?
Lucy: If my friend were alive, the one thing I would want her to hear from her is forgiveness. I would want her to tell me that it was not my fault. Maybe that's selfish, I don't know. And I know that my experience is nothing compared to what you and your mom have been through, but guilt is guilt, and guilt is a very powerful thing.

Mike: [to his mother] I need to talk to you, and I need for you to really hear me. I'm not putting you in a hospital. Not now, not ever. If you won't talk to me for the rest of my life, I still won't ever do that. I love you unconditionally, forever, and nothing you do will ever change that. [long pause] Mom, Dad did what Dad did. He killed himself. He did it. Not me, not you. He made the decision and just did it. It wasn't your fault. He had problems, and he chose death as a solution. It was a bad solution. Actually, it's no solution. Death solves nothing. It only leaves pain and torment for everyone you leave behind. Dad was selfish, and it was wrong. I know this because I was selfish. I was wrong. I tried death myself. I tried it. I tried to end my life. Me, not you. Me. I took the pills. I drank the vodka. I locked the door, and I waited to die. I gave up on life. Me. Not you! I failed. I, I, I! Not Dad, not you, not anyone. I thought giving up would be easier than getting over Dad. I was wrong, and it was not in your power to stop me. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. I have free will. I just exercised it in the wrong direction. I want to see you embrace life and stop feeling badly. You've done nothing but be a great mom. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
Mrs. Pierce:[long pause] So…you forgive me?
Mike: There's nothing to forgive. You didn't do anything but love me and Dad!

Kiss [5.13]

Lucy: I got all this fun senior stuff coming up: Valentine's, Senior Prom, Graduation. I want a guy for all that.
Eric: What are you going to do while you wait for the guy?
Lucy: Well, I got classes, friends, family, Habitat for Humanity...
Eric: Right. Luce, you got a life with or without a guy. When you do get a guy, he'll be the luckiest guy in the world because he's got you.
Lucy: Thanks.

Matt: What's wrong with you?
Annie: Nothing. My own children won't call me Mama.
Matt: Mama.
Annie: Did I mention they're calling Ruthie "Mama"? But Sam and David said "Mama" first. And now they won't say it to me. It was a gift and now they've taken it back. It's just not fair.

V-Day [5.14]

Annie: I wonder who Robbie could be going out with.
Ruthie: Whoever it is, it's not Mary.
Eric: But this is a good thing, right?
Simon: I think it was a good thing until we started liking him, now I'm not so sure.
Lucy: So what are we going to do?
Eric: There's nothing I think we can do.
Annie: There's plenty we can do. We're Camdens.

Matt: So who did you go with out with?
Robbie: Who do you think I went out with?
Matt: Cheryl? Really that's who it was?
Robbie: It's not going to work for us. But I thought I should give it a try.
Matt: Well, why didn't it work out?
Robbie: Because I'm hopelessly in love with your sister.

Robbie: I'm comfortable with you. I can be who I am with you.
Cheryl: And what about Mary? You're not comfortable with Mary because you have to be a better person to be with Mary? [Robbie lets out a deep sigh] Be a better person, Robbie. Be the person you want to be. Be the person I know you can be. I love you for who you are, but I can see that you're changing. And if Mary Camden keeps you changing for the better, then love her, not me because I want someone who feels about me the way you feel about Mary. So I understand, I really do. I don't want comfortable, I want thrilled. I deserve thrilled. And I'm going to get thrilled, just not this Valentine's Day.
Robbie: Thanks for dumping me again.
Cheryl: Anytime. Happy Valentine's Day, Robbie.

Sweeps [5.15]

Robbie: Hey Mary. Um...how's it going?
Mary: How's it going? How's it going!? What is wrong with you people? Isn't anyone happy to see me?
Robbie: Of course I am.
Mary: Then how about showing it?
Robbie: Okay. [kisses her cheek]
[An angry and frustrated Mary grabs Robbie and gives him a long kiss on the lips]
Mary: That says "happy to see you." And that is what I came home for!

Eric: Is this your wallet?
Simon: Yeah it's my wallet.
Eric: And just where did you get a condom?
Simon: I rather not say.
Robbie: Me. I gave it to him.
Eric: Simon, haven't we always talked about sex?
Simon: In the abstract.
Eric: Well that's why we talk about it in the abstract so that one day where it becomes personal, you'll feel free talking about it.
Simon: I know what you'd say. I knew you say I was too young.
Eric: Well, you are too young.
Simon: But Dad, being too young has nothing to do with this?
Eric: How's that?
Simon: The opportunity was there. Too young or not, it made me feel like a man just to have the opportunity. That's what men do. They have sex.
Eric: Well men say no to sex when they have the opportunity, but it's not the right thing to do.
Simon: Dad, I know. I said no.
Eric: Thank you for being responsible.

Robbie: I didn't have what you had growing up. I didn't have someone who set boundaries or showed me what is clearly right and what is clearly wrong. They thought I'd learn that from TV or something, but I didn't. My parents did the best they could for who they are, but who they are is two people who were no more capable of creating a functional family than their parents were. My mom always wanted to be my best friend. I didn't need a best friend. I needed a mother! And my father, he was never around, but when he was, he was a real jerk.
Mary: You and I are not your parents.
Robbie: We're not your parents, either. While you may have a shot at having the kind of relationship your parents have, I'm not so sure I do. It takes more than wanting. It takes doing and I've got a lot to do.

Parents [5.16]

Ed: You are not Robbie's father!
Eric: Neither are you.
Ed: Sticks and stones. Ouch.

Ashley: You wouldn't understand. You have a mother. A real mother. Sometimes, I wish I had a real mother, too, not someone who would rather be my friend than my mother. Friends, I have. People to go to parties and dances with, I have. A mother, I don't have and haven't had since my parents got divorced. That's when my mother decided that she didn't want to be a mother anymore.
Lucy: I had no idea you felt this way. I thought you liked having a mother who was hip and cool and un-motherlike.
Ashley: What's so hip and cool about being locked in some stranger's bathroom while your mother flirts and carries on with some guy who's too old for us and too young for her? Welcome to the dark side of having a hip and cool mom.

Serena: You know, just because you bake cookies and make lunches and drive a carpool does not make you better than me. It does not mean you're a better mother! I am a good mother, too!
Annie: This isn't about us! This is about you and your daughter. It's about you growing up and acting your age. This is about you being an adult so she can be a child. It's about parenthood and it has nothing to do with cookies, and everything to do with raising children! Helping them find their way, loving them and putting their needs first. How is your daughter supposed to learn how to be a mother if you won't be a mother to her?

Ashley: Mom, can you grow up and act your age for just once?
Serena: You cannot talk to me like that. I am your mother!
Ashley: My mother? I thought I was your best friend. Which one is it? Mother or best friend?
Serena: Can't I be both?
Ashley: No! Because I want a mother who tells me what to do. A mother who tells me to do my homework, to go to bed. I want a mother with her own life, her own friends. I don't want a mother who makes a fool of herself, flirting around with some guy who's half her age! I know it isn't all about me, but why does it have to be all about you?

Eric: I'm sorry.
Robbie: Sorry for what? For caring about me? For giving me the first real home I ever had? For being the dad I never had and always wanted? For forgiving me my past mistakes and being so supportive and kind? You have nothing to be sorry for.

Crazy [5.17]

Dr. Bennett: Enthusiasm is good for a good life.
Matt: Yeah, that's just what Doc said.

Apologize [5.18]

Mary: I think I have to tell you that I have a boyfriend.
Wilson: Here in Buffalo?
Mary: No, back home.
Wilson: In Glenoak?
Mary: Yeah... In Glenoak... At my home. Robbie lives with my family.
Wilson: Is he planning to move out here?
Mary: No.
Wilson: Are you planning to back there?
Mary: No.
Wilson: Long distance relationships don't usually work out.
Mary: I know.

Robbie: I think you should come home, Mary.
Mary: I'm sorry, Robbie, but I'm not ready to come home.

Virgin [5.19]

Matt: [to Simon and Ruthie] Why is such a terrible question, really. I mean every time you ask why, a because follows and everytime you say because, another why is asked.

Lucy: Why are you set against dad helping Serena?
Annie: I don't wanna talk about it.
Lucy: I know I am only 18 and still your child, but I would be grateful if you would treat me like a friend and a woman in this situation and honestly tell me what's going on.
Annie: I'd like to, but I can't.
Lucy: Why? Because you're wrong.
Annie: Well, helping people can be complicated. That's why your dad is always warning us to be harmless instead of helpful.
Lucy: I should pay attention to that. It's probably one of the lessons I have to learn over and over.
Annie: When you're older, you and I will be adult friends and we can talk about everything, but not yet.
Lucy: That's fine with me. Just please know I am always on your side.

Regrets [5.20]

Eric: I noticed your name is not on Ruthie's petition?
Robbie: No, I don't put my name on anything like that. I'm not even registered to vote.
Eric: That's criminal.
Robbie: In America?
Eric: In this house! Register to vote, today!
Robbie: It's not voting season.
Eric: Do you like living here?
Robbie: Yeah, I love living here. I just don't want to register to vote. I feel like it puts me on some government's list.
Eric: You are! You are on the governments list of registered voters.

Charles: [to Eric] Annie has a sister. [to Annie] I know this must change the way you look at me.
Annie: Yes, maybe it does. Maybe it's the first time I've looked at you as a person and not just my father. And I love you more than ever for always trying to do the right thing. Because really that's the only way to live without... regret.

Chances (1) [5.21]

Mary: Hey, Mom and Ruthie. I'm home.
Ruthie: Thank God. Give the phone lines a rest.
Annie: Oh, I didn't know you and Robbie were back. Welcome home.
Mary: Yeah, some welcome home, No one's here. Where is everyone?
Annie: Well, me and Ruthie have been working on the new room for you over garage. Everyone else is out they'll be home for dinner including Lucy's new boyfriend.
Mary: So you're building a room over the garage for me? So you and Dad can make sure that me and Robbie are as far apart as possible. Robbie told me not to, but I really need to talk to you and Dad. Where is he?
Ruthie: Probably with his new girlfriend.
Annie: You father's at the Church.
Ruthie: Yeah with his girlfriend.
Mary: Dad has a girlfriend?
Ruthie: Serena.
Annie: No, he doesn't. What's wrong?
Mary: It's about the rule that... never mind.

Mary: What are you doing here?
Wilson: I'm trying to stop you from making a huge mistake.
Mary: What we had in New York stays in New York and I'm leaving New York. End of story. I want to go home.
Wilson: Yes, but do you want to go home to Robbie?
Mary: Yeah. I love him.
Wilson: No, you love me. I know you do. Come on, how many people get a second chance? This is our second chance. Don't blow it.
Mary: I'm sorry, Wilson, I'm going home and that's what you should do. To just go home and forget about me. It's over.

Are (2) [5.22]

Eric: Engaged?
Lucy: Yes. I'm engaged. Jeremy and I are in love and we're gonna get married.
Eric: This isn't like you. You've smart. You're levelheaded.
Lucy: I am smart and levelheaded, so can't you trust that I'm making the right choice with my life? You and Mom weren't much older than I am when you got engaged and look how you guys turned out. And you didn't have a scholarship or any money when you moved back East. Everything I want to do is possible, and you know that. And that's what's killing you because you know I will make this work with Jeremy and you don't want me to. You want me to stay here at home until you're ready for me to leave. I'm sorry, but I'm ready to leave now. I love you and Mom, but I love Jeremy too.

Mary: You think you have to have a relationship with me so my family will let you stay here.
Robbie: It's not like being with you is a chore.
Mary: But it's not what you want. You don't want to date me. You wanna date my family.
Robbie: No, I want to marry your family.
Mary: Well, just so you know, win, lose or draw with us, you're still part of this family. My parents will never turn their back on you. You don't have to date me to stay here. You don't have to not date me to stay here.
Robbie: So it's over, isn't it?
Mary: Three strikes, we're out.
Robbie: I still love you.
Mary: I'll always love you.