Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (season 5)

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Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004–2009) is an American animated television series created by Craig McCracken for Cartoon Network. The series revolve around Mac and Bloo as they interact with other imaginary friends and house staff and live out their day-to-day adventures, often getting caught up in various predicaments.

Cheese A-Go-Go [5.01]

Frankie: [on the phone with Madame Foster while driving] Look, Grandma, I went to the post office, picked up Mac and Bloo at the movies, and picked up Ed and Coco at the dentist! I don't have anything else to take care of, so I'm on my way!

Frankie: [answering her grandma on the phone; angrily screaming] FOR THE LAST TIME, I AM ON THE WAY!
[Cut to a courthouse…]
Madame Foster: [on the phone] Don't you take that tone with me, missy! You'd better be here in two shakes of a lamp's tail! Got it?!

Jackie: She's a thief!
Madame Foster: That's a load of malarkey, Khones!
Judge: [banging his gavel] Madame Foster, please refrain from your outbursts.
Madame Foster: Oh, yes, certainly. Whatever you say, love.
Jackie: Your excellency, it was my stuff, and she took it.
Madame Foster: LIES! ALL LIES!
Judge: [banging his gavel again] Order! I will have order!
Madame Foster: Please, pardon my French, young man, but what he's saying is a bunch of baloney.
Jackie: No, tuna. It's half a tuna sandwich.
Madame Foster: That tuna sandwich was mine and you know it, Khones! I made it three weeks ago!
Judge: [banging his gavel again] Order! One more outburst and I will find you in contempt.
Madame Foster: Oopsie. [giggles] Pardon me.

Judge: Well, well, well. What? Did you steal some fries to go with your sandwich?
Madame Foster: Why you tyrannical-saurus sandwich-loving gun of a son!
Judge: [furious] THAT'S IT, YOU ARE IN COMTEMPT!
Madame Foster: Oh, don't you tempt me, law boy!

Frankie: [angrily] Oh, no he didn't!
Hobo: [standing behind her] Oh, yes he did! [snaps fingers]

Frankie: [lowering herself to Louise's eye level] Please...listen to me. And listen carefully. I have had a crazy day. Now I can forget all about the sandwiches, dentists, courthouses, the brain-sucking aliens from the outer who-knows-where–
Cheese: Gotta go gotta go!
Frankie: –as long as I can find out one teeny-tiny little thing. Louise, where, WHERE DOES CHEESE HAVE TO GO?!
Louise: I dunno. Sometimes he just likes to go. [Cheese darts out of the apartment]
Cheese: [running into the city] Gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go–
Louise: See? Look at him go.

Eduardo: [in tears] I can't believe all those people saw my tushy! Now everyone knows I'm fat! They all know now!
[Bloo and Mac are also being held in the same cell]
Bloo: I'm a hero, Mac. A hero! History will vindicate me!
Mac: [annoyed] You are such a doofus.
[The cell door opens, and Jackie Khones and Coco are let in by the officer who was previously getting sandwiches with them. The officer now has a black eye]
Coco: Coco coco co coco!
[The officer shuts the cell door on them.]
Jackie: I did give him a sandwich! A knuckle sandwich. I said, "let's get sandwiches," not "I'll buy you a sandwich, you freeloader." [Madame Foster smirks at him] Shut up.

[During the credits, Frankie is in Madame Foster's car, on the phone with her grandma, shouting indistinctly before getting ready to go on her way to pick up the gang from jail]
Frankie: Yeah, Grandma, I'm on my way. No, I'll be there, in like, 15 minutes. No, I didn't get donuts yet.
Cheese: [running down on the sidewalk] Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go…
Frankie: Cheese, no, wait! [realizes and talks to herself; calmly] No. When you gotta go, you gotta go. [drives off]

The Buck Swaps Here [5.02]


Say It Isn't Sew [5.03]


Something Old, Something Bloo [5.04]

Bloo: It's... It's... [Frankie smacks Bloo with a board] Ow!
Frankie: Bloo! I said it's time to go. Now get on the bus!
[Cut to Frankie and the others are trying to pull Bloo out]
Bloo: No! You can't make me! I'm meant to be in here! [Frankie and the others pull Bloo] It!
Bloo:...Heaven to me...

The Bloo Superdude and the Magic Potato of Power [5.05]

Slate: [to his Hispanic girlfriend] What was it you used to say? "Usted huele muy mal". And I was the fool who believed you.

Bloo: That all you got?
Mr. Herriman: No, there's one more.
[a carrot bot runs over to Bloo, then he smashes it]

Mr. Herriman: Oh, she's not imprisoned, she just says that so people will do her chores for her.
Frankie: So sue me.

Mac: 'Cause it's fun? Man, what a hypocrite!

Schlock Star [5.06]

Wilt: Wow, sorry. Was my singing that bad?

Fluffer Nutter: That's it! [throws drumsticks] There aren't going to be any shark uniforms, instrument changes, cats, or anything like that! We are "Pizza party!"
Bloo: Right right. We are Pizza Party. And...?
Fluffer Nutter: No, Bloo, we are! And Bloppy Pants is our singer!
Bloo: Bloppy Pants?!
Bloppy Pants: Um...yeah. I'm...I'm...I'm- I'm the singer. Sorry Bloo. [Walks away to the Pizza Party]
Bloo: What are you trying to say?
Bloppy Pants: You...Um...[whispering] not part of the um... uh-band.
Bloo: Whaaaat? But why?
Bloppy Pants: [talking normally] Well, i-i-it's just because... well...
Yogi Boo Boo: YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! [covers his mouth] Oops!
Bloo: Ruin everything?! Whaaaa!? but-
Fluffer Nutter: No butts, Bloo. We're sorry, but you are out.
Bloppy Pants: Actually, um... You never quite were even [clears throat] in.
Bloo: I- Well, that's the way you all feel?
Fluffer, Billy, and Yogi: YES!
Bloo: Fine! [knocks down the microphone on his way out] I didn't want to be in your crummy band anyway! [slams the door and sits outside]

Frankie: NEVER AGAIN! No more concerts… EVER!!!

The Bride to Beat [5.07]


Affair Weather Friends [5.08]

Mac: [angrily enters an ice cream shop and places a quarter on the counter] Give me a hot fudge sundae and make it a double…scoop.

Mac: [angry about Bloo, while on a sugar rush] That two-timing no-good times-twoer! I know what I'm gonna do! I'll confront him! Yeah, yeah! I'll totally be all "Hey, Bloo, you stink!" And then Bloo will be all "Oh yeah?! Well, tough beans - Barry doesn't think I stink, he thinks I smell awesome!" "How could you do this to me?! We were supposed to be best friends!" "Best friends come and go! And I'm tired of you, Barry's my best friend now!" "Oh yeah?! Well maybe I should just go over to that blankety-blankety Barry's house and show him a thing or two!" "Nah, don't bother! We're having too much fun with all the gazillions of super-awesome state-of-the-art toys! Plus, you probably couldn't find him in his ginormous mansion of expensive humongousness!" "But I trusted you!" "A leopard can't count its spots!" [losing steam] "A leopard can't change its spots, Bloo! A leopard can't change its spots..." "Yes, that's what I said..."

Mac: I won't let you hurt Bloo!
Berry: Who said anything about hurting Bloo?

Mac: [as Berry rolls him to the tracks while strapped to the giant rubber band ball] Uh, what are you doing, Berry?
Berry: Bloo and I have a date with destiny. And you have a date with… demise!

Ticket to Rod [5.09]

Bloo: [Angry at Boomer, while he has Bloo's tickets] You...Bono! Those are my tickets!
Boomer: It's Boomer. And now they're mine.
Bloo: You have to? So who are you taking please be me, please be me, please be me, please be me, please be me!
[Madame Foster had the keys to Boomer for a ride]
Madame Foster: Need a ride?
Boomer: Yeah, cool!
[Boomer runs along with Madame Foster to take a ride, Bloo stampers alone in the mansion]

Nightmare on Wilson Way [5.10]

Zombie Foster: Eduardo, come here and safe me. I am not a Zombie yet.
Eduardo: Paco?
Bloo: Oh, come on, he's not that-
[Eduardo disappears and Zombie Foster bites Eduardo's arm]

Better Of Ed [5.11]


The Little Peas [5.12]

Peas: [offscreen] Oh no. Not today!
Frankie: [She walks to Cheese] Cheese, how many times do I have to tell you? You don't live here! Go home!
Peas: [to Cheese] Yeah!
Cheese: [He just stands there with a short silence, inhales] Okay. [He walks away and Frankie and Peas watches him leave]

Let Your Hare Down [5.13]

Mr. Herriman: Blue Blazes!
[Mr Herriman is suprised and sees Bloo in his bed]
Bloo: And so it begins. [Bloo puts Mr. Herriman in a sack and kidnaps him]

Mr. Herriman: [after hanging out with Bloo at Tijuana at top of the rock] So Master Blooregard, are you ready to relent allow me return to Fosters' and my beloved binky back?
Bloo: No! I can break you... I know I can!
[Bloo faces Mr. Herriman]
Bloo: You will have fun even if it he kills me!
Mr. Herriman: Oh now you've gone too far, as much as I've disliked our extended excursion, I do not wish you to sacrifice yourself in order to please me.
Bloo: It is an expression geez! you take everything you do seriously! You take yourself way to seriously, you need to learn how to laugh at yourself.