Ghost of Tsushima

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Ghost of Tsushima is a 2020 American role-playing Playstation 4 video game that tells a story about Lord Jin Sakai who must liberate the island of Tsushima from the current Mongol invasion.


Lord Shimura: The Mongols are on the defensive. We should repair the bridge before they regroup and end this war tomorrow.
Jin Sakai: You sent our men to die.
Lord Shimura: They are soldiers.
Jin Sakai: And their blood is in our hands. I can find a way past the bridge, poison the enemy.
Lord Shimura: An act of terror.
Jin Sakai: I am trying to save our people.
Lord Shimura: By teaching them to fear us? If you continue down this path, you will be no better than the Mongols. I trained you to fight with honor.
Jin Sakai: Honor died on the beach. The Khan deserves to suffer.
Lord Shimura: You are ruled by your emotion.
Jin Sakai: I sacrificed everything I knew to save our people. I gave them hope you did nothing! [Lord Shimura suddenly turns around and slaps Jin, who stares at his uncle in a very upset matter]
Lord Shimura: Jin...
Jin Sakai: No. We're finished. [leaves the building]

[Jin Sakai enters the main keep of Castle Shimura where Ryuzo is]
Ryuzo: Jin.
Jin Sakai: Where's the Khan?
Ryuzo: He rode north, made me stay behind to collect the Ghost's head.
Jin Sakai: [unsheathes his katana] Then come claim it.
Ryuzo: No, I could've killed you earlier. Instead, I convinced the Khan to give you a chance.
Jin Sakai: He murdered Taka.
Ryuzo: And you slaughtered my men. I lost everything, except you. We can defeat the Mongols together.
Jin Sakai: [points the katana at Ryuzo's face] After EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE!!!
Ryuzo: Tell the people I was your spy, sent to gain the Khan's trust. They'll believe the Ghost...
Jin Sakai: Stop! You were my oldest friend, Ryuzo. Surrender and answer for your crimes, for both our sakes.
Ryuzo: I can't. [unsheathes his katana as well]

Voice cast

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