Lost in a Harem

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Lost in a Harem is a 1944 American film about two bumbling magicians who help a Middle Eastern prince regain his rightful throne from his despotic uncle.

Directed by Charles Reisner. Written by John Grant, Harry Ruskin, and Harry Crane.
Music! Maidens! Merriment!  (taglines)

The Derelict



Harvey Garvey: Have you a reservation here?
Jailer and clerk: No.
Harvey Garvey: Then I have to take my business someplace else. [he starts to leave but is restrained by guards] I changed my mind. I'll take the room.
Jailer and clerk: What's your name?
Harvey Garvey: Harvey D. Garvey.
Jailer and clerk: Where born?
Harvey Garvey: Under a sink.
Jailer and clerk: How do you know?
Harvey Garvey: I heard the water runnin'.

The Derelict: Quiet! People will think you're crazy.
Harvey Garvey: Oh, and I suppose you're all right?
The Derelict: Of course!
Harvey Garvey: Of course?
The Derelict: I have a brother who is crazy - [screaming] but I'm all right!
Harvey Garvey: [gasping] Who told you?
The Derelict: My brother!
Harvey Garvey: That does it, brother!

The Derelict: Gentleman... He called me a gentleman! [to Pete] Thank you.
Peter Johnson: That's all right.
The Derelict: Those are the first kind words I've heard in years. You see I haven't always been a derelict... [pointing to Harvey] like you!
Harvey Garvey: Hey, now, don't call me those kind of bad names.
The Derelict: Would you like to hear my story?
Harvey Garvey: No.
The Derelict: Very well, then I'll tell it to you.

Peter Johnson: We've got to outsmart Uncle Nimativ. You go in and outwit him.
Harvey Garvey: Why should I go out with him? I'm afraid of that man!
Peter Johnson: Not to go out with him. Go in and outwit him.
Harvey Garvey: Why should I go in and go out with him? I mean, he don't appeal to me!

Peter Johnson: You love her? [laughs] Oh, come on, you wouldn't get to first base with a beautiful girl like that.
Harvey Garvey: Yes, I would.
Peter Johnson: Did you ever take a good look in the mirror?
Harvey Garvey: No.
Peter Johnson: Why not?
Harvey Garvey: Why should I hurt my own feelings?
Peter Johnson: Never mind!

Harvey Garvey: Do I have to especially go now?
Peter Johnson: You just split an infinitive!
Harvey Garvey: Well, I mean that... [feeling his own rear end] Does it show?

The Derelict: I know a secret passage that will take us out.
Harvey Garvey: Swell!
The Derelict: [to Harvey] Shhh!
Harvey Garvey: [to Pete] Shhh!
Peter Johnson: [whispering] Go ahead.
The Derelict: Follow me.
Peter Johnson: Go ahead - follow him.
Harvey Garvey: Okay.
Peter Johnson: [impatiently] Go ahead.
The Derelict: Where are you taking me?

Prince Ramo: [from inside his jail cell] Don't worry! I'll get you out!
Peter Johnson: [being locked up in a nearby cell] Who's gonna get YOU out?


  • A Show That Chases the Blues From Start to Finish!
  • Were You Ever In a Harem? WOW!
  • Music! Maidens! Merriment!


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