Pack Up Your Troubles (1932 film)

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Pack Up Your Troubles is a 1932 film about two World War I veterans who try help a comrade's orphaned daughter.

Directed by George Marshall. Written by H. M. Walker.
April 1917 -- when the scratch of a pen on Capitol Hill caused crowns to rattle.  (taglines)


Oliver: Well, looks like we're in it. Gee, I wish I could go.
Stan: Go where?
Oliver: Why to war!
Stan: Why can't ya go?
Oliver: There you are, I knew you'd take that selfish attitude. I'd go in a minute if it wasn't for my flat feet.

Recruiting Sergeant: How about gettin' in one of these uniforms?
Oliver: I'm awfully sorry; but, we're incapacitated.
Recruiting Sergeant: Incapacitated?
Stan: Yes, sir. There's been a lot of it going around lately.

Oliver: [on KP Duty] Say, what are we supposed to do with this stuff?
George Marshall: Are you kidding me? What do you think you do with it? Take it to the General!
Stan: Now what do you suppose the General wants with this?
Oliver: There you go asking questions again! When will you learn to follow Army curriculum? OBEY ORDERS, WITH DISCIPLINE! If the General wants it, he can have it!

Charles Middleton: I'll swear out a warrant for your arrest! And I'll have that child in the orphanage tonight!
Oliver: How much will you charge me to haunt a house?

Oliver: Why didn't you tell me it was you?
Stan: It was so dark, I didn't think you would hear me.

Bank President: What is your business?
Oliver: We're in the restaurant business.
Bank President: Here in town?
Oliver: Oh, all over town. Here, there and thither.
Bank President: Chain business?
Stan: No, restaurant.

Stan: Now what are we gonna do?
Oliver: All we've got to do is find Mr. Smith.
Stan: You don't know where they live.
Oliver: Will you leave that to me. It's the simplest thing in the world.

Oliver: Pardon me, Officer. Would you happen to tell us where Mr. Smith lives?
Policeman: Smith?
Oliver: Yes, sir.
Policeman: Smith. Smith. Let me think. What Smith?
Stan: It's Eddie's father.
Policeman: Eddie who?
Oliver: Why the father of this child.
Policeman: What's his name?
Stan: Who?
Policeman: Why the father of this child. That's who you're looking for, isn't it?
Oliver: Ah no, sir.
Policeman: No?
Oliver: The man we're looking for is the father of the father of this child.
Policeman: Oh, now I understand you. It's the grandfather that's lost.
Oliver: Yes. Oh, no sir. He's not lost.
Policeman: No? Well, then what are you looking for him for?
Stan: We're not looking for him. We just tryin' to find him.

Oliver: Wasting your time like that! While I'm here slaving all day. Why don't you do something to help me?
Stan: Well, what can I do?
Oliver: Well, you can take care of the baby awhile. I've got my ironing to do!

Mr. Smith: [pointing out the window to the lunch wagon] And is that part of your business?
Oliver: Part of it? Why, that's all *of it.
Mr. Smith: [laughs uproariously] To lend you money on that, I'd have to be unconscious!


  • April 1917—when the scratch of a pen on Capitol Hill caused crowns to rattle.
  • STAN LAUREL - OLIVER HARDY open up their grandest bag of laughs!

