Sambhudhan Phonglo

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Sambhudhan Phonglo (16 March 1850 – 12 February 1883), also known as Veer Sengya Sambudhan Phonglo,[1] was an Indian independent freedom fighter who fought against British colonial power in Assam.


  • Sambhudhan Phonglo! Not many, except from the Dimasa tribe, have heard about him. We know how Subash Chandra Bose established the Azad Hind Fauz and raised a huge army of 60,000 plus soldiers in foreign lands. His objective was to involve in war against the British and free India. Sambhudhan Phonglo raised a huge army in the Dimasa territory of the Northeast for war against the British. He was driven by the same objective – drive out the British by involving in war.
    • Rawal M. S. & Rawal Y. S. (2019). Saffron swords. Garuda Prakashan.
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