Talk:Don Henley

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  • People always claim that we seem to be "too perfect". That's a compliment. Perfection is by no means a flaw.
  • Someone once criticized the way in which we [The Eagles] move around the stage. We were marked as "loitering" What you have to remember is this isn't the 70's anymore, us guys are in our late 50's. You can't go prancing around the stage like a young buck, it's much more dignified to loiter.
  • Who's guitar is this? It's mine? Oh...I like my guitar.
  • When we get new leadership in our country [USA], we hope that it will be wiser.
    • Farewell I tour before playing Hole in the world.
  • Are you pukin'?
  • Why do men go to war? Because the women are watching.
    • Interview with Charlie Rose