Talk:Georgia O'Keeffe

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  • I feel that a real living form is the natural result of the individual's effort to create the living thing out of the adventure of his spirit into the unknown — where it has experienced something — felt something — it has not understood — and from that experience comes the desire to make the unknown — known ... I in some way feel that everyone is born with it ... but that with most of humanity it becomes way or another. -Letter to Sherwood Anderson, 1923
  • I have things in my head that are not like what anyone taught me — shapes and ideas so near to me, so natural to my way of being and thinking..
  • Mr. Stieglitz: If you remember for a week why you liked my charcoals that Anita Pollitzer showed you and what they said to you — I would like to know if you want to tell me. I don't mind asking — you can do as you please about answering. Of course I know you will do as you please. I make them just to express myself — things I feel and want to say — haven't words for. You probably know without my saying it that I ask because I wonder if I got over to anyone what I wanted to say.