Florence Ozor

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Florence Ozor in 2016

Florence Ozor (born 1980) is a businesswoman and Nigerian activist for women's rights, and one of the pioneers of the Bring Back Our Girls movement. She has been called a "resolute feminist".


  • Children who learnt bullying from home and their peers will eventually be shielded by their parents and where they cannot justify the actions of their wards, they will ferry them to safety.
    • [1] Florence reacting to the death of a student in Dowen College.
  • I would want to see women go actively into politics, and by politics, I do not mean by appointment alone. I will like to see women run for office so that they can be in a better position to effect more change as against just being appointed into political offices, which is good in itself.
    • [2] Florence Ozor’s Women’s Day message, she speaks on what she wants for Nigerian women.
  • All these terrorist groups are walking around with the same agenda. They may believe differently, but it’s the same agenda. They’re anti-all of us.
    • [3]Florence speaks about injustice.
  • I’m disgusted when I hear some of our current public officials excuse their non-performance on Sabotage.
    • [4] Florence speaks on public officials being unable to speak the truth
  • I laugh again not in humour at the seeming punishment of the staffs who participated in the padding of our 2016 budget.
    • [5] Florence talks about the injustice in Government
  • As a religious person, you are subject to the commandment of God and as a Nigerian, you are subject to the laws of the land whether you like it.
    • [6] Florence talks about indifference in judging people
  • They’re not girls who have social status. Their parents are not economically well off, she said. “But I can tell you, if any one of those girls belonged to a government official, they’d be found.
    • [7]Florence speaks about injustice based on female genders.
  • What got me really enraged was the fact our government hadn’t said a word because they didn’t believe the girls were taken,” she said. “They didn’t say anything until about 19 days after.
    • [8]Florence speaks about injustice.
  • What we fail to realize as humans is that our world may be large, but we’re all just in a small cup,” she said. “What affects one person affects every single one of us.
    • [9]Florence speaks about injustice.
  • Please do not push your luck in challenging the status quo or seeking to insist on your high ground, it is a proven means of soliciting for your middle name.
    • [10]Florence talks about a prostitute being a middle name on the street as a female.
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