Hariram Vyas

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Hariram Vyas was a 16th-17th century spiritual poet, classical musician and saint belonging to the Radha-Vallabha denomination. Radhavallabha is a Vaishnava denomination which began with the Vaishnava theologian Hith Harivansh Mahaprabhu. Hariram Vyas together with Hith Harivansh Mahaprabhu and Swami Haridas are known as Haritraya (Trinity of Hari). He is considered to be an incarnation or descension of Vishakha Sakhi who is considered to be the foremost sakhi of Radharani. He is credited with a large body of devotional compositions, especially in the Dhrupad style. His work influenced both the classical music and the Bhakti movements of North India, especially those devoted to Krishna's consort Radha. As a poet he is credited for bringing development of Krshna-Bhakti literature to light in the pages of Indian history.


  • Hariram Vyas did not recommend open resistance to the Mughals, and instead counselled Madhukar Shah to bide his time as divine retribution was sure to come. In one poem he avowed that those “seated between the lion and lioness” (that is, Krishna and Radha) need not “fear the jackal” (Akbar?) .
    • (Pauwels 2009: 213-201) (Jackal possibly refers to Akbar) Hariram Vyas, in (Pauwels 2009: 213-201). Quoted from Jain, M. (2019). Flight of deities and rebirth of temples: Espisodes from Indian history.162
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