Hella Pick

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Hella Henrietta Pick CBE (24 April 1927 – 4 April 2024) was an Austrian-born British journalist.


  • [Willy Brandt] said: "Come back to my hotel room and we can talk." I went back and we sat down and he asked about my background and we talked and we talked and we talked. I didn't get out until three in the morning and everyone on the Guardian thought: "She must have gone to bed with him."
    Well, she didn't go to bed with him but she became completely reconciled to Germany because she had got to know Willy Brandt.
  • Many refugees who fled Austria before or during the Second World War still refuse to set foot there. But I, a Kindertransport survivor, have no compunction about visiting my native country and cannot recall being made to feel uncomfortable there.
  • More than 64,000 Austrian Jews perished in the Holocaust. The fortunate were able to emigrate, but only after all their possessions had been seized. Several thousand Jewish children were saved and put onto the Kindertransport to Britain.
  • The journey of my life has been the constant search for escape from the feelings of insecurity as a refugee, which has never gone away.

About Hella Pick

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