Marek Żukow-Karczewski

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Marek Żukow-Karczewski in 2016

Marek Żukow-Karczewski (born May 6, 1961) - Polish author, historian, publicist and journalist, who specializes in the history of Poland, in the history of Kraków, in the history of architecture and in the environmental issues. He is the author over 500 publications and articles.


  • In the second half of the 18th century, first residences-museums were created in Poland. Old palaces were changed to adapt them for exhibitions purposes, or new buildings were erected with separate museum annexes. First such museums in Poland was established in 1802 by Stanisław Kostka Potocki at Wilanów. The museums at Nieborów, Nieśwież, Puławy, Rogalin, Gołuchów and Kórnik followed. At first these museums were established as a response to fashion, later national and patriotic issues became prevailing reasons.
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