Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

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Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (previously known as Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion), a sequel to the 2006 action role-playing video game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, was released September 15, 2009. The game was jointly developed by Vicarious Visions (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360), n-Space (Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, and Wii) and Savage Entertainment (PlayStation Portable), and is published by Activision.The game features characters from the Marvel Comics universe and follows elements of the Secret War and Civil War story arcs.


  • Wolverine: (mad at Iron Man after they used a fusion attack) That... hurt.
  • Iron Man: But it worked, No pain, no gain, my boy.
  • Wolverine: I ain't yer boy, Stark. (Fury comes in)
  • Nick Fury: All right, that should do it. Won't be any Latverian air support bothering us on our way to Castle Doom now. We'll take it on foot and bring in Bravo team once we hit checkpoint three.
  • Spider-Man: 'On foot'? You're kidding, right? Do you have any idea how little arch support I get in this outfit?
  • Nick Fury: Put a sock in it, web-head.
  • Jake: Yeah, socks make it worse, actually--
  • Nick Fury: All right, ladies... let's move, now!

  • Black Widow: (On Communicator) July 11, 0800 hours. We've determined there is a massive power source operating within the city. Potent, but unstable. If you can take it out, you may find your hike to checkpoint four a lot less troublesome.
  • Nick Fury: You heard the lady. Let's find that power source.

  • Nick Fury: Bravo team, come in. Come in. Bravo, do you copy?
  • Wolverine: Hmph. Nothin' new to me so far. How'd Fury get you to--
  • Iron Man: Same way he go you to. I expect. Everyone owes that warhorse favors, and he always calls them in, sooner or later. Could be much worse than this.
  • Captain America: I've known Fury a very long time. We wouldn't be doing this without a good reason.

  • Nick Fury: As you know, the link to a foreign power makes this, by definition, international terrorism. The evidence is right here, sir. We're under attack. Trust me... they've earned what's coming to 'em. They must be jamming our signal from somewhere. We're gonna have to keep goin' it solo for now. Let's move. Awright... after this elevator it's almost a straight shot right to von Bardas's front door. They know we're comin'. Could get a bit hairer from ere on out. Let's just say I got a message for their Prime minister. Somethin' ya just can't say over the phone. Let's quit the jibber-jabber and get his job done already. Time to move out, ladies. Goin' up... Head left. This wall leads to the castle gates. Knock out those turrets! Otherwise they'll just keep poundin' us. Nice work. Now shut off that energy grid master switch. More super-villain turrets, huh? Let's get' em! Wizard's shielded. Focus on Scorcher!

  • Nick Fury: Damn. These doors are actuated to Wizard's gauntlets, but he's out cold. Maybe we can power'em up manually with some repulsor fire... Lucia, we're home.
  • Captain America: Great, here we go again!
  • Wolverine: Fury, where's that Bravo team, you've been tryin' to reach?
  • Nick Fury: Communication's still jammed. Someone's gonna have to go round them up -- and you just volunteered.

  • (3rd cutscene, where Latverian soldiers are coming to attack Kotal and the heroes)
  • Sora: Great, here we go again!
  • Max Dickens: Hey Kotal, where's that Bravo team you've been tryin' to reach?
  • Kotal: (groans) Communication's still jammed. Someone's gonna have to go round them up -- and you just volunteered.
  • Max Dickens: What, and leave all the fun to you girls? Bite me, Kotal.
  • Kotal: No time to argue, Dickens! Take the others with you, locate Bravo team, and find another way into that castle! (runs away)
  • Wolverine: (to Spider-Man) You heard the man, web-head! Let's move!
  • Spider-Man: Yeah, yeah. Sheesh, no respect... (web-swings away with Wolverine)
  • Nick Fury: We're stuck out here, Bravo! Take down those shield projectors so we can get in!
  • Iron Man: They're bringing out the heavy hitters. Be careful up there.
  • Captain America: Good work, Bravo. That'll get us in.
  • Nick Fury: Bravo, we've located voice communications working but long-range is still jammed. We need Black Widow on the radio. Head to the security control room and get those jammers offline.

  • Nick Fury: Bravo, I still can't contact Widow. Head outside and disable those jammers manually. Hurry it up, Bravo! Remove the plating and break those jammers!
  • Iron Man: Getting a fix on Widow's signal now. Take out the other jammers and we can lock it in.
  • Black Widow: ...calling Fury. Black Widow calling-
  • Nick Fury: We read you, Widow. We're positioned to move on the throne room. Can you support Bravo? They've got a job to do.
  • Black Widow: (On Communicator) Roger that. Bravo, take that elevator down. I'll monitor you remotely.

  • Black Widow: Fury will handle Bardas, Head to the reactor room, it's time to bring this castle down

  • Black Widow': We've identified three heavy capacitors below you. Destroying their locks will allow us to set up a cascade explosion. We don't have all night. Break those capacitor locks! Good, you've primed the capacitors. Now head down to the reactor.

  • Black Widow: You should be at the reactor. Disengage the auxiliary shield batteries first.

  • Black Widow: Good work. That should allow you to break the reactor shield and gain direct access to the core.

  • Nick Fury: All units! Evacuate the castle now! Structural integrity is falling, and we're all about to get a whole lot flatter.
  • Black Widow: That did it! Now, RUN!
  • Iron Man: Welcome back to Stark Tower, our base of operations. As soon as you're ready, head over to the briefing station for our next mission. If you like, take a break to chat with your teammates.

  • Iron Man: Things have been pretty quiet around here lately. I suppose we should have known it was too good to last.
  • Captain America: Ms. Marvel has been investigating an international gun-running in the City.

  • Iron Man: Carol can definitely take care of herself, but we'll need to follow up on this, just in case. Let's start by investigating those tunnels.

  • Iron Man: Energy readings indicate force shielding in that area. Find and destroy its power supply to get through.

  • Iron Man: You're very close to a major power source. Take it offline.

  • Toothpick: How much more of this you think you can take, "hero"? Now don't keep tellin' me you came in here alone. Where are the others? Huh?!
  • Palutena: Right behind you.
  • Toothpick: Oh, c'mon, you really think-
  • Palutena: You going to let me down, or what? You won't get much further without me. Thanks. As you can probably tell, this op is a lot bigger than we thought. We need to figure out what these Latverians are up to. Appreciate the thought, but you have no idea where you're going. There's an old factory above these tunnels. If we destroy the weapons they've stockpiled there, it's bound to slow down their operation. Toothpix must be trying to slow us down. What;'s he keeping us away from? That should lead up to the factory. You go ahead... I'm going to finish exploring these tunnels to look for additional intel. If you need any help. I'll be ready. You can deal with Toothpick later. Trash the Lateverian weapons first.

  • Ms. Marvel: You're making progress. Keep it up.

  • Ms. Marvel: You're almost done. There's one more stockpile nearby.

  • Ms. Marvel: That'll put a wrench in the works. Now find those villains.

  • Palutena: Go after Mileena and Toothpick. We have to find out what they're planning. There must be some way to break that floor. Look around. I'm detecting activity beneath you. Can you work together to get down there? Good thinking. Destroying their tech might help disrupt their operation.

  • Lucia von Bardas: If only Nick Fury were with you to witness this firsthand.

  • Ms. Marvel: These cannons are hitting the city! Wreck them!

  • Captain America: You hear what they're saying about the mission in Latveria?
  • Iron Man: Given a choice between Fury and the government, who are you going to trust?

  • Iron Man: You got that right.

  • Iron Man: What a mess is turning out to be. When you're ready, we can plan our next move at the briefing station.

  • Iron Man: Our worst fears seem to be coming to pass. Congress is debating a new bill, the Superhuman Registration Act. It would require all heroes to register with the government, whatever they want to or not.
  • Captain America: Which would mean the politicians get to tell us who the bad guys are. We need to make sure this thing doesn't happen.
  • Iron Man: To that end, we're heading down to Washington. I've been offered a chance to testify before a Congressional Subcommittee.
  • Captain America: And I'm going to rally the people down there. We need to get a grassroots resistance movement going before the SRA can gain any momentum.
  • Iron Man: We want you to come along in case there's any trouble. We've got a Quinjet wanting to fly us down there. Let's go. We're coming up on D.C, team, but the situation has radically changed during our flight. And not for the better. The city came under attack by an unknown terrorist force. We're going to coordinate defense efforts with S.H.I.E.L.D. Buckle up and be ready for everything.
  • Lieutenant Farrell: This is S.H.I.E.L.D. Lieutenant Farrell. We've got some of the Senators prepped for evac, but the zone's too hit to lift off. Eliminate the enemy forces in the area so we can get those people out. Eliminate the terrorists! We need to get the Senators to safety! The zone's secure - we'll get the choppers out. You should proceed down the hill, head'em off before they can hit us again. Well, you sure took your sweet time getting down there. Now lemme guess... this whole thing another Latverian counterattack, like in New York? You "heroes" step in it again?

  • Lieutenant Farrell: Yeah, and starvin' man'll eat just about anything. Look, why don't you costumed clowns head over to the Mall, see if anyone else wants your help. Approaching landing zone, ETA- Incoming SAM! 2 o'clock! We're hit! Still got some lift -- trying to put her down. Hang on--! Farrell here. We made it -- unnnh! --- but we're under attack! Can you assist? Damn, what a mess. I shouldn't've jumped the gun like that. That rocket came from the southwest. We need to take out whoever fired it before we can bring anyone else in. Those must be the guys who shot down our chopper. Take them out, now!
  • (During the terrorist attack of Washington DC, a firefight is taking place between a terrorist and a SHIELD agent)
  • Terrorist: You like, American? Here, have some more...
  • (Deadpool teleports in and knocks him out)
  • Deadpool: You stupid, vaguely-foreign freaks! You ruined my vacation! (the text showing 'Deadpool' appears, introducing him to the game's plot, he teleports to the SHIELD agent that was under fire and knocks him out as well) And you! Dumb-as-nails S.H.I.E.L.D. clones! I saw what you did to those cherry blossoms back there! You think those things grows on trees?! (he then turns to look at the player and adresses them) and YOU!... You think it makes me less of a man if I came here for the cherry blossom festival? Huh? (Teleports away and still looks at the player) YOU'RE LAUGHING WITH YOUR EYES! I CAN SEE IT!!! Fine, time for a little BOSS BATTLE, SUCKERS!!! Ouch! I knew I should've sprung for the health meter enlargement I saw in that e-mail. You're probably trying to clear out these terrorists, huh? Can I join the party?

  • Deadpool: Ehh, they'll still be here next month.

  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: Finally! Some back-up!

  • Maria Hill: I'll take things from here. Titanium Man seems to behind all this. He just made off with some senators and took them underground. We'll cover the Capitol. You get down to the subway and pursue that tri-plated Russian and his pals. Sorry, I didn't have time to say "pretty please with sugar on top." Now will you get along?

  • Deadpool: C'mon, that way! The subway! Hey, when we see Titanium Man, let's try to get him to say "moose and squirrel"! If I were a super-sized Russian bad guy, I'd head for some American chow. This way - to the food court!
  • Subway Police: You think you're gonna get away with this on my watch? Awright, the cavalry! Now you're in for it. Thanks. That big guy dragged Senator Lieber and the others toward Union Station. Keep going this way.
  • Deadpool: Say what you want about Titanium Man. At least the trains are still running on time.
  • Titanium Man: Da. Americans. Your precious "representative" is safe... for now. Do you have the courage to save him?
  • Deadpool: Now he's gone too far. Nobody attacks American's food courts! Supervillains, huh? Always in the last place you took.

  • Deadpool: Ooh, can we stop for a cool, refreshing beverage? Cashing product placement checks works up a mean thirst. When in D.C. be sure to visit our scenic National Park... ing garage. He's trying to escape with our elected representatives! Get your own, buddy!

  • Zavok: Take your craven, corrupt leaders back! I have no use for them now. Follow me, heroes, if you dare!

  • Senator Lieber: Senator Lieber, from New York state. Good to meet you. You've done us a great service. You heroes are okay in my book. Maybe we should put this registration business on hold.
  • PhilTastic: We’re doing what we can to end this war Mr Senator.
  • Sora: Don’t you worry we’ll stop Zavok.
  • Senator Lieber: That’s what I like hear.

  • Senator Lieber: Well, best of luck trying to catch that maniac. Like our state motto says "Excelisor!"
  • Deadpool: Don't I know you somewhere?
  • Senator Lieber: You don't look like the voting type.
  • Deadpool: Yeah, whatever. Hey, guys, I'll take these pencil-pushers back to the Capitol. Give me a call if you want to hang out again!
  • Titanium Man: Americans! Your deaths await you... here! You are once again a nation divided... only this time you will fall.
  • Wolverine: With a little help, if necessary.
  • Titanium Man: Your democratic levels will be your undoing once your own people turn against you! Do you really think it would be that easy? Dasvidania...
  • Maria Hill: (On Communicator) He's cloaking field is down! Get him!
  • Titanium Man: These mini-sentry will give you something to think about! The Registration Act will be passed by your cowardly leaders! And you will be criminals! Swarm them, my comrades! They cannot harm what they cannot see! When this done, no one will ever trust you "heroes" again! My suit -- malfunctioning? No! You... you think you've won. But you haven't. You'll soon see... you've already lost everything...

(A House Divided cut-scene)

  • Tony Stark: ...and so to answer your question, Mr. Senator, in spite of these recent events... ...I don't believe forcing super heroes to register with the government is the answer. This law would split the hero community right down in the middle, with consequences I'm not sure any of us want to ponder. (Tony leaves and goes into the limo with Captain America)
  • Captain America: Was that really your best shot?
  • Tony Stark: Sneaking around doesn't become you, Steve.
  • Captain America: Maybe I'll need the practice. Maybe we all will.
  • Tony Stark: Don't be so melodramatic. This whole thing would affect you least at all. You've already deputized.
  • Captain America: You almost sound like you agree with them. The Registration Act would tear down everything you've done, destroy a century-old tradition of-
  • Tony Stark: I'm trying to save it, Steve. As much of it as I can, anyway. Don't you see where is headed? All it's going to take is one more slip-up, by anyone in a cape, we'll be lucky if registration is the worst they do. They could just turn us all into criminals, hunt us all down--
  • Captain America: No, they won't, Tony...
  • Tony Stark: Not in my country.
  • TV Annoucer: Now return to our special LIVE episode of THE NEW WARRIORS, coming to you straight from Stamford, Connecticut... ...where the Warriors have just spotted by their super-villain quarry. Looks like it's on!
  • Speedball: I've got Coldheart, you guys! Hey, somebody snag Nitro, he's rabbiting!
  • Narmorita: Don't worry, Speedball. I'm on him. (Nitro is running on the road trying to escape until Namorita rams him into a school bus and stops him) On your feet, Nitro. And don't bother trying any of your stupid exploding tricks.
  • Nitro: Oh, baby, don't you even know? (chuckles) You're playing with the big boys now... (Nitro unleashes his exploding trick and destroys Stamford, then a flying bus crashes into a camera forcing the show to go offline and Tony walks away with anger)
  • Reporter 1: Reports now coming in from Stamford. Connecticut indicate a massive explosion in a residential neighborhood...
  • Reporter 2: Just now 12 hours ago now, and preliminary casualties are said to be over 600. In Washington, rumblings on whether super hero reform should be brought to the table--
  • Reporter 3: Following last week's devastating explosion. Congress has rushed through passage of the Superhuman Registration Act. With the President expected to sign the Act into law...
  • (S.H.E.I.L.D. Helicarrier, above New York City)
  • Captain America: This is just completely insane, Hill. I won't do it.
  • Maria Hill: I'm sorry, was it not clear I was giving you an order?
  • Captain America: You're asking me to arrest people who risk their lives for this country every day.
  • Maria Hill: No, I'm ordering you to obey the will of the American people, Captain. Either you help us bring them or we'll bring you in.
  • Captain America: Weapons down, gentlemen or I--
  • Maria Hill: Tranq darts! NOW!!
  • Captain America: Keep us moving, son. If you want to stay conscious.
  • Maria Hill: You idiot. We were trying to save lives.
  • (back at Washington, the President looks at people that are in a mob)
  • The President: All of the people to go underground... Captain America? Now every super hero who disagrees with the Act suddenly has a leader. Maybe we should hold off until--
  • Iron Man: That won't be necessary, Mr. President. Registration can go forward as planned. We'll take care of Captain America.

  • Maria Hill: Either you help us to bring them in or we'll bring you in.

  • Reporter: And with the passage of the Superhuman Registration Act earlier this week, super heroes around the country are being forced to choose a side. Do they register with the government to uphold the law, or become part of an underground resistance movement? So far--
  • Patriot: Can you believe this is really goin' down? The Act kicks in at midnight, but word is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s gonna be here sooner than that, taking signatures... or prisoners. I wanna talk to Cage about it, but he's too busy arguing with Mr. Fantastic over there. Maybe you can break into their little pow-wow and get some sense out of'em.

  • Sol Badguy: Are you sure you can get us to Sora without leading them right to him?
  • TJ Combo: Got it covered. You just stick with me.
  • Lucky: But what about the rest? How can we convince-
  • TJ Combo: They're gonna have to make their own choice. Phil, Bentley and D.Va are obviously a lost cause. But maybe- Well, well... speak of the Devil. So, you folks made up your minds yet? From what I hear, they ain't gonna give you much more time to sit on the fence.

  • Dan Hibiki: I can see your point.
  • TJ Combo: Glad to hear it. We're gonna need some real heroes to get through this thing.
  • Dan Hibiki: How long do you really think a resistance could last?
  • TJ Combo: With Sora in charge? AS long as it takes.
  • Dan Hibiki: That simple, huh? Right.
  • TJ Combo: Simple, yeah. Easy? No. But I know Sora. He'll get us through. Anyway, think it over. But like I said, you better hurry up. Look, you got what you need to know. I got stuff to talk with over these guys.

  • Chrom: Hey. Have you come to a decision yet?

  • Bentley: --and so in a worst case scenario, we'd find ourselves in the equivalent of a super-powered Civil War.
  • D.Va: Heroes so busy fighting each other, the criminals get a free pass.
  • Bentley: Exactly. That's where you and the Danger Zoners would come in, Hana. We'd need you to help S.H.I.E.L.D. keep crime under control while we focus on- Oh, hello again. Hello, Coco. I'm glad to see you're not going off half-cooked like Tyler, Frederick and Zero over there seem to be. We need cooler hands to prevail at time like this.

  • Mr. Fantastic: Now, please... I'm surprised to see you're even considering joining those rebels. Stay with us. We... I need you.

  • Bentley: Hello, Oliver. I'm glad to see you're not going off half-cooked like Tyler, Fredrick and Zero over there seem to be. We need cooler hands to prevail at time like this.

  • Mully Song: Hey Hana, have you and Tani come to a decision?
  • Hana Song/D.Va: Well dad it seems Tani is joining Sora's troop.
  • Mully Song: Well at least your on pro's side. And honey you should know that even you and your sister are on different sides i still love you both.
  • Hana Song/D.Va: Thanks dad, I needed it.

  • Pheobe Dickens: Hey sweetie.
  • Rudyard Dickens/Kid Riddle: Mom, shouldn't we be on the same side?
  • Phoebe Dickens: I don't know honey, I'm not so sure about this.

  • Guybrush: I'm not in charge of that, of course, but that's what I'm hearing. Not a pleasant thought. I wish I could spend more time with you, but unfortunately there's a lot to do. Talk to you soon.

  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: All superhumans: Registration Act is in effect. You are now require to meet with Commander Hill and register your identity with S.H.I.E.L.D.

  • Maria Hill: I'm glad to see you're willing to meet with me on civil terms.

  • Maria Hill: So, what's it going to be, heroes?

  • (After choosing the Pro-registration)
  • Carmelita Fox: Congratulations on making the right choice, heroes. The only one you really had. I'll look forward to working with you. (Lucky breaks in with anger and shuns the heroes for choosing the Pro-registration)
  • Lucky: NO! How could you?! Tyler told me I should've left with him and Sol, but I didn't believe you'd do this! You damn traitors!
  • Carmelita: Well, looks like your first assignment just walked through the door! Either convince my son to register, or take him down! (walks away)
  • Tracer: Look, Lucky. I was on the fence for a while too. But, trust me, you'll look terrible in prison orange--
  • Scout: This ain't way ya fight this, kid. Settle down and--
  • Lucky: (angrily) Shut up! There's nothing you can say to make me join you! (they start fighting) This is for Sora!
  • Bentley: An unfortunate introduction to government service for you. I'm sorry it had to come to that. TJ and Sol refused to sign and escaped. And they're apparently not alone. I'm just glad you made the correct decision. Let's head back into the main area. We're going to have our hands full, I expect, and I'm sure Phil will want to thank you personally once he gets back from Washington.
  • Iron Man: I don't need to tell you that you've made the right choice. You're here, and that means you understand the reality of the situation. You know what we're up against. We simply can't restore the public's faith in us while Captain America and his recruits are still playing by the old rules.
  • Mr. Fantastic: S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to expanded authority to keep super-villain activity in check. That leaves us wit responsibility for dealing with the rogue heroes.
  • Iron Man: We need to act decisively to end this fast. We have a few leads and may be close to identifying one or more locations being used as hideouts by the rebels. Come back here later. By then, we should have something more solid.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: Man, these new suits itch something' fierce.
  • Iron Man: I hate that it's come to this, but we have a job to do. We'll reconvene at the briefing station when you're ready. Hello, Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Tony, I hope you don't blame this whole conflict on my psychohistory calculations.
  • Iron Man: Don't tell me there's a margin of error...! Your calculations showing where the country would end up if we didn't support the Registration Act were just a part of what went into my decision.
  • PhilTastic: Hello. What can I do for you?
  • Pit: You know what sounds like the worst idea ever? Picking a fight with Sora and pals.
  • PhilTastic: They've given us no choice. We've concerned the government enough as it is. If we all refused registration they'd take every one of us down. We'll do anything we can to avoid it. With any luck Sora will give up quickly, once we show him what he's up against. We'll do what we have to do to end this.
  • Bishop: Hi, Tony.
  • Iron Man: Hey, Bishop. Any promising leads on Anti-Reg force hideouts?
  • Bishop: Yeah, a few. You never know. For the time being, we're closely following some suspicious cargo into Jersey City. Maybe the fish will take the bait. Got it. Talk to you later. Hey, there.
  • Wolverine: So here we are, huh? Working with the government to hunt down people with special abilities. All we're missing are Sentinels.
  • Bishop: IF we don't police each other, the government will do it for us. Least this way we're on the inside. Course not. But we have to be willing to do whatever it'll take to avoid the kind of future I grew up in... where mutants are branded from birth and thrown into concentration camps. Yeah, I know... paved with good intentions and all that. It's a cute phrase, but you can't let it stop you from doing what you think is best.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hello, Tony.
  • Iron Man: Reed, the government's still making noises about wanting a more secure containment facility for heroes who refuse to register.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Can't they handle that? We've got our hands full, wouldn't you say? Well, I appreciate that. And sleep is overacted, anyway. Are they still insisting they want something offshore, outside Geneva Convention influence? We'll have to keep a close watch on S.H.I.E.L.D., then. I'll build that into the design.
  • Maria Hill: What can I do for you, Stark?
  • Iron Man: I'm surprised to see you here. What do you want?
  • Maria Hill: I'm here to check on your progress in tracking down Captain America and his rebel friends. I don't know yet. And until you prove it. I'll be right behind you. I can see this is going to be a beautiful friendship. Yes? Can I help you?
  • Wolverine: People are responsible for their own actions. Cap's a big boy, and he made his choice. The wrong one. I might say the same to you. After Fury went into hiding, the government wanted someone with no personal connection to him to lead S.H.I.E.L.D. - a fresh start. My qualifications are none of your business. Let's just work together to finish the way quickly. I have work to do now. Good-bye.
  • Iron Man: Captain America's people are equipping themselves for a war. We need to cut off their supply lines before they can fortifly. We've been tracking some suspicious cargo entering the Jersey City shipywards... we believe it's headed for a hideout being set up by unregistered heroes.
  • Genji: Our original hope was to catch Sora himself, but my money says Hanzo is behind this op. He must be establishing this facility to support Captain America wherever he's hiding. Expect strong resistance. Sora managed to turn a number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to his cause... apparently they call themselves the White Star. In his honor. And I'm sure he's sent some of unregistered heroes in for support.
  • PhilTastic: Chrom and Genji will be running this show on the ground. If we can shut down this operation, we'll send a powerful message to Sora and his followers.
  • White Star Gunner: Move it! We've gotta get this cargo inside.
  • White Star Guerrilla: S.H.I.E.L.D. could be here any minute. Look sharp.
  • Chrom: Ok, we're all here -- now listen up. Carmelita's going to scout ahead and locate the rebel hideout. Meanwhile, we'll provide a distraction by destroying this shipment before they can unload it. We'll do that we have to do. These are good people we're going up against, but they're breaking the law. Now let's get a move on before they realize we're here.
  • White Star Gunner: It's a raid! Get to your positions!
  • Chrom: Get on the freighter and destroy that cargo! You see those robot parts? The White Star is hijacking S.H.I.E.L.D.'s combat units to boost their numbers.
  • White Star Guerrilla: They're after the cargo! Stop those government lackeys!
  • Genji: Keep it up. Just a couple more. Good. Let's keep moving and meet up with Carmelita. Heh. Sounds like Carmelita left a little surprise for 'em. She must be nearby. Push forward. Carmelita will be around here somewhere.
  • ‘Carmelita': Ah, there you are. Just in time to create the diversion I need. Their base is somewhere nearby. If you distract the guards, I'll find a way to get you in. Watch for me... I'll get you that entry point. See you on the other side.
  • Chrom: Heads up! They've got grenades!
  • Lissa: Everyone, get inside! I'll close off the base!
  • Carmelita: Pursue Lissa! I'll make sure she doesn't lock you out.
  • White Star Guerrilla: They're trapped! Get 'em! You're good! Go, go, go!
  • Lissa: I've sealed the base. The only way through that door is through us. We don't need to beat you. Just delay you, to buy our friends some time. We're not backing down. If you go down this road, you're going to have to take on all of us.
  • White Star Guerrilla: Lissa needs back up! Get 'em off her!
  • Genji: That should hold her. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents can take Lissa in, but the base is still sealed.
  • Carmelita: Your entry point, as promised. This is an old Snake terrorist base. I recognize the layout. You can get around the blast door through here, but there will be another sealed door inside. You can try to break though if you want. But it'll take major firepower to destroy the inner barrier. I will bring Lissa to the detention center. You head inside and find a way through that second blast door. Get inside! The rebels are fortifying their position while you waste time here.
  • Lissa: I don't care what you do to me. I did the right thing. I expected more from you. They turned you into superhuman thugs with badges. I've got nothing to say to you.
  • White Star Robot: It ends here, lackeys!
  • Chrom: There must be a switch somewhere for that door. Where'd that gunner go? That did it. Door should be open now. Stay together, keep 'em off-balance! We're getting close. Looks like there's a power station near here we can use to turn off that force field. You'll need to use those terminals to toggle the panels. Light up all four panels to reroute the power. Good work. Shield's coming down. Rockets from below! Watch out! Hold your ground! Don't let 'em swarm us! Destroy the power cells on the door frame. I think I know how we can get through. Break the power cells to the left and right on the door. Now the other side! Mmf... gonna feel that in the morning. All right, let's keep moving.
  • Carmelita: (On Communicator) Team, they're sending out a high-speed data stream. Get to the command center and shut it down. I've hacked some of their security. Break left! I've disabled the barrier there.
  • Hanzo: They're past to the blockade -- get those robots prepped, double-time!
  • Carmelita: There! I've opened a path to central command. Now if I could just link us into their comm channel...
  • Hanzo: Yes, Sanchez. I know your men are getting hit hard. But you've got to buy some more time!
  • Bishop: I knew Cable was running this show. Damn fool doesn't we can hear every word he says.
  • Cable: Hutchens, they're headed your way. Break out the big guns and slow'em down.
  • Bishop: Must be some way to open that door. Look for a switch. Those don't look like any factory options I've ever seen. This is as far as I go. I've got to keep the door open from here so you can't get through. Cable's uploading a lot of data. You have to reach him before he finishes transmitting that intel! Stay focused on our objective. Stop that upload, at any cost. Now get a move on! I'll be in touch via radio.
  • Cable: They just keep coming! Hold them off, I need more time to get this data sent to Cap!
  • Bishop: Huh? Cable's getting nervous. Push forward and shut him down!
  • Cable: What the--? One of the doors is jammed open! Damn HYDRA junk! I can't block them! Cycle the gas vents. Let's see if that chokes 'em up. They walked right into it -- now swarm 'em!
  • Bishop: Blocked? Hm, there should be a security switch in that area. Nice work, team. You should be able to access the rest of the base now. "Victor", they're headed your way. Don't let them get past you!
  • Hercules: Tny betrayal will be met with flame! Traitors! You shall not pass!
  • Bishop: Almost there, now! Be ready for anything!
  • Cable: Here they come! Get into position! Hold them back! Captain America needs his data! Captain, we're overrun here. I'm uploading everything I can. Now you thugs are gonna pay!
  • Bishop: Cable's shielded! Take out the wall turrets!
  • Cable: I was trying not to hurt you, buy you're giving me no choice.
  • Bishop: Quick! Get to Cable's computer console before the rest of the intel is transferred!
  • Captain America: (Hologram) Cable warned me we'd need to retreat this conflict like a war. You've certainly proved him right. Come on. You've invaded our space... you picked this fight. Maybe you think you're still heroes, but you aren't... not any more. And I won't forget what you did here today.
  • PhilTastic: Your capture of Hanzo, Knuckles and Lissa a few weeks back seems to have put a serious crimp in Sora's plans. Thanks to all our hard work, more unregistered heroes and super-powered criminals are being rounded up every day. Of course, it's one thing to capture them, and quite another to make sure they stay that way.
  • Bentley: As you may have heard our massive new holding facility in the Negative Zone is now up and running. Codenamed Prison 42. It's a clean, safe and totally secure detention center for unregistered superhumans. Access is possible only though a network of strictly-trans-dimensional portals, the first of which is situated deep in the Ryder's island prison.
  • Iron Man: We're still hoping this conflict can be resolved quickly, but in case that's not possible. Prison 42 will serve our cause well. We've built in multiple fallsafes to ensure that it's completely incapable. It should give unregistered heroes good reason to reconsider their position. So far so good, there's still plenty left to do. We'll meet at the briefing station when you want to get moving. Hello, Reed, what's up?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Tony, I believe we're ready our nanite villain field test, as long as you still feel strongly about pursing it.
  • Iron Man: Of course I do. Cap's getting more and more followers every day, while we're flat. We need to shore up our numbers. Now, sounds like you could use a break. Why don't you take Susan out to see a movie or something? I didn't mean that at all, Reed. But you've been working hard. Take a break when you get a chance, okay? If Reed's calculations are correct, there is virtually no chance of anyone breaking out of that place. Ever.
  • Minerva Victor: Hi, Phil, what's up?
  • PhilTastic: Minerva, I think your decision to defend Robbie Baldwin in court shows very poor judgement. We don't want to be associated with Speedball.
  • Minerva Victor: I realize sometimes it's hard for people who aren't lawyers to understand that we can separate our cases and our personal feelings. Then I guess that's why we have the court system.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: I'm thinkin' of transferring to CIA. Think I should?
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 2: No way, Bayonetta is definitely hotter. You're crazy...
  • Lisa Hamilton: Hello, Gerry.
  • Dr Harding: I may always have doubts about supporting registration, but seeing you here sure makes them a lot quieter.
  • Lisa Hamilton: Very flatting, my love. But I'm surprised to hear you'd have any doubts. The law is the law, right? I admit I'm usually tasked with operating outside the law. When you think about it, my job has traditionally been to help governments maintain stability. This isn't all that different. Ever the public's defender, Gerry? I'll always love you for that. Hello, Vanellope. What can I do for you?
  • Vanellope: I wanted to know if you had undercovered any evidence of Kotal helping the Ant-Reg forces.
  • Lisa Hamilton: There's no indication of that so far. But with Fury, that might not mean much. I understand. But dealing wit big unknowns goes hand-in-hand with running a war. The bottom line, however, is that if Fury decides to help Captain America and his White Star allies, I doubt there's much he could offer them apart from strategic advice. I can see your point, We'll keep an eye out of anything that has Fury's fingerprints on it.
  • D'Va: Yes?
  • Rudyard Dickens: Hana, the rest of the Danger Zoners are almost finished with the...procedure.
  • D'Va: That's fine. I recommend you talk to my dad first... this will probably be hardest on him. Frankly I don't care what happens to most of the Danger Zoners. This isn't the team I used to lead. How kind of you to remind me. You "heroes" are always so warm and compassionate.
  • Iron Man: Despite our recent victories, the Anti-Registration movement continues to grow. S.H.I.E.L.D. is too busy dealing with opportunistic super-villains to help us. So we've decided to bolster our ranks with some allies you might find... surprising. These are dozens of super-powered criminals now being held in Prison 42. Collectively, they represent a fromation fighting force. Our goal is to harness that potential to help us win this war. Reed?
  • Mr. Fantastic: We recovered some highly advanced nanotech from the Latverian attack on New York, and have found a way to use it to control the behavior of higher mammals including humans. We've injected nanites into the bloodstreams of the incarcerated super-felons. The nanites -- tiny machines as small as red blood cell -- situate themselves in the host's system. This forms an electric network that we can wirelessly tap into, allowing us to remotely monitor and control these unpredictable but powerful new allies.
  • Iron Man: In addition to the behavior control system, there is also a fallsafe. Using it, we can remotely render the host unconscious at any time.
  • Mr. Fantastic: The system has passed all preliminary trails, but now it's time for a field test under real-world conditions.
  • Iron Man: That's where you come in. A number of unregistered heroes are about to be transferred to their new homes in Prison 42. You will protect their convoy. And, once we feel the time right, we'll deploy one of our nanite-controlled agent to assist you. If he gets out of line... we'll take care of it. Delivering these prisoners and providing out the nanite control system are two important steps to ending this war once and for all.
  • White Star Gunner: Here they come! Take positions!
  • Black Orchid: Strike Team Delta, take out the the rooftop fire teams and destroy their munitions so the convoy can advance.
  • White Star Gunner: Heads up! S.H.I.E.L.D. sent in their goon squad!
  • Convoy: We gotta get convoy morning, Orchid, are we clear to proceed?
  • Black Orchid: Negative. Transport Alpha. Hostiles are still on the rooftops.
  • Arakune: What are you starring at? You act like you nev-- hhggkk.
  • Striker: Whoops. Sorry about that, Phil. Guess I forgot to lock down Arakune’s vocals. Anyway, my "buddy" and I are here to help. Orchid figured we could give you folks a hand. We do, sir. I'll have him follow your lead.
  • Black Orchid: Sorry to interrupt, Phil, but we've got more White Star inbound across the street. We need you to deal with them. Delta, there are more munitions in that area. Destroy them.
  • Captain Falcon: Well, look who's here! The "real" heroes. You know, like I used to be? Until I refused to sign a piece of paper? I mean, look at you! Do you even see yourselves? You're standing there with Arakune, and you're the good guys? You've lost it. I can't believe I used to respect you.
  • Black Orchid: So much for the racer. Now head toward the High Lane. There are a few more White Star troops making trouble for the convoy.
  • Striker: So far, so good. Just one more test -- this'll be fun. Stand back... we're going to check the failsafe system. Shutdown signal worked like a charm... he's in perfect stasis. Okay, I'm gonna bring him back online. PhilTastic, Coco is requesting that we bring Arakune back to HQ. Everything's nominal, but he's detecting some unexpected signal traffic. Probably nothing.
  • PhilTastic: So, what's going on? What did Harry see? What's happening with the nanite-controlled agents?
  • Striker: I'm sure he did, sir. It's just some side-signals we didn't expect to see. We'll be back once they give the all-clear. Admit it, you'll miss having this pretty face around.
  • Black Orchid: Delta, we still need you on the High Line. Use that cane to-- look out! Rough landing there, huh? No matter, you ended up in the right place. We need you to clear the High Line of all enemy forces before the convoy can pass through the intersection. Hurry up and clear the High Line! We can't risk this delay much longer. Convoy, this is Orchid. The High Line is clear. Move out. Blast it, how did White Star get through? Delta Team, hit the street! We'll take care of their chopper. Those heavy 'bots are hitting the transports! Destroy them! Damn. Patriot managed to escape containment. Tough little kid... Good. That's one for the junk heap. Air support will be delayed -- we're talking about rooftop fire! Keep it up, Delta. They must be running out of 'bots. One more 'bot in your vicinity, Delta.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: Incoming! Orchid, as long as their bird is airborne, they'll keep dropping in.
  • Black Orchid: Roger that. I've almost got him in my sights... Direct hit on the gunship! He's going down -- uh oh -- he's going to hit that transport! Oh, for - heads up, Delta Team... looks like Pitoo is on the loose. Take him down before he swarm us! Okay, looks clear from up here. See if you can get that empty transport out of our path.
  • Captain Quark: What the Sam Hell you think you're doing, Soldier 76? Besides tearing my home turf! "Peacefully", huh? So much for that! Nothin' good can some of all this, Jack, and what's happening here just proves it. Smart choice. So where do -
  • Black Orchid: Heads up, Delta!
  • Captain Quark: That's it! These bums just bought themselves a Grade-A cobberin' from Yours Truly!
  • Black Orchid: More Reaper duplicates! Transports are prepped, Delta. We're good to go once you clear the area.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: Roger that, just loading them in the new transport now.
  • Convoy: 10-4 Alternate route Charlie now cleared through 40th street. Good to go.
  • Captain Quark: Sheesh. You were right about them White Star guys, Jack... seems like they'll stop at nothin'. All I know is, they sure ain't like heroes. So, I guess you can count on me. I'm gonna stay here and make sure the clean-up goes nice an' smooth. Call me later if you need my help.
  • Black Orchid: Okay, Delta Team, back up to the rooftops to continue your sweeps. We may not be out of the woods yet.
  • Thing: When did everything get so dad-blamed complicated?
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: What's the deal with the second transport?
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 2: Got me.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: Black Widow, are you in contact with Transport Beta? We got some unusual behavior here.
  • Black Widow: Negative, they're not responding to our signal. We've got a visual -- wait! We have prisoners escaping from Transport Beta! Repeat, prisoners escaping on foot! Looks like Cap himself broke them out. All units, close in! They're headed up to the rooftops! Delta Team, you're in position to cut them off! Move, move! Swanson, we need support! Can you deploy a nanite operative?
  • Striker: Bentley just gave us all-clear, Orchid. I'll try to get Cinder into position.
  • Black Orchid: They're crossing the sky bridge... heading right toward you. Cut them off!
  • Sora: Did you honestly think we'd let you waltz right through midtown with our people locked up? Sorry, but you were wrong. In a very big way.
  • Black Orchid: Don't let them get away--!
  • Goliath: Better worry about yourselves first.
  • Black Widow: What the -- Goliath?! You have to take him out! The other transports will never get past him. Attack quickly when you can. Stay clear of his hands! That building's not stable. Duck into that door! Swanson, what's that support?
  • Officer Swanson: Coming up, Widow. Need a light?
  • Goliath: Like shooting fish in a barrel. Ha! You guys like little action figures down there.
  • Black Widow: Wear him down before you try a heavy attack.
  • Officer Swanson: You know what they say: the bigger they are -
  • Black Widow: That's quite enough, Swanson. Well done, Delta Team. All transports, you're clear to proceed. We lost some prisoners, but Captain America lost Goliath. I'd say that's fair trade.
  • Iron Man: The nanite-controlled criminals we enlisted have made a huge difference in our struggle to both fight crime and deal with the unregistered heroes. We now have dozens of these agents in Prison 42, ready to support us at a moment's notice. The tide may be turning in our favor, but the longer this conflict drags on, the greater the chance of devastating repercussions. We intend to find a way to end this thing as quickly and clearly as possible. Giben what you've done for our side so far, we know you'll a big part of that solution. We're working on a plan to bring the Ant-Reg forces to us. Come to the briefing station when you're prepared to join in.
  • Ratchet: Hello, Tal. Something you wanted to talk about?
  • Talwyn: Ratchy, this system you invented to control those criminals... are you sure it's a good idea?
  • Ratchet: I know it's a bit... unsavory. But nothing is more important than ending this conflict quickly. Any interesting to put it. I'll keep it in mind...
  • Iron Man: Hello. Something you wanted to talk about? I wish Although we've had a string of successes, there are still plenty of renegade heroes out there, including Cap. And time on their side. Huh? Oh. I'm sorry. We don't have time for cheerleading. According to Reed's calculations, the longer this war drags on, the closer the world moves toward disaster.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: They expect us to fight these kinds of criminals, we need bigger guns.
  • Iron Man: The super-powered Civil War has gone on for too long. It's time to finish it. And with any luck, we can do it without firing a shot. We're going to lure the Anti-Reg forces to an underpopulated location by faking a major disaster. Once they arrive, we'll cut off any and avenues of escape. Then we'll be in a position to offer them one last chance to lay down their arms and register. If they refuse, we'll still have them trapped with nowhere to run. You'll help guard the perimeter. If thins get ugly, make sure Cap and his crew don't escape.
  • Sora: How many trapped workers did the radio say?
  • Hanzo: Over three hundred -- but something's weird. I'm not getting anything with my info-net. No panic signals, nothing...
  • TJ Combo: What's wrong, Hanzo?
  • Hanzo: Cyrax, get us out of here! It's a trap!
  • PhilTastic: Of course It's a trap. How else were we going to get you all in one place? Skybird One, is the area fully cordoned?
  • Carmelita Fox: Roger, perimeter, sealed. No one's leaving the zone without our say-so.
  • PhilTastic: Copy that. Stand by.
  • Sora: "Stand by?" You and S.H.I.E.L.D. going soft, Phil?
  • PhilTastic: We didn't come to arrest you, Sora. I talked S.H.I.E.L.D. into offering all of you a chance at amnesty.
  • Sora: You mean surrender? Thanks, but I think I'd rather take my chances.
  • PhilTastic: Sora, please... you know how hard I tried to fight this... but that was before Stamford. The public doesn't want secret identities anymore. Registration is the only way to make them feel safe when we're around. Just give me a chance to tell you our plans for my twenty-first century overhaul.
  • Sora: You've got five minutes.
  • PhilTastic: That's all I need. What the hell?
  • Carmelita: Delta Squad, we need you to apprehend some of Sora's people. We've got agents pursuing Reaper in the vicinity. Move forward and assist them. What the --?! We're seeing White Star troops all over the place! No idea how they got into the zone. Watch yourselves, people! You're approaching Reapers position, Delta. Make sure we get ALL of him this time. That's one rebel down, more or less. We've sighted others moving your way. Push forward and cut them off. Wade, check your fire! Delta, break right. You'll have to open a path to proceed. Delta. Phils people report those values are sealed. You'll have to tear them open to drain the tank.
  • Zero: You like ambushes, huh? Then you're gonna love this!
  • Carmelita: Good job handling those kids, Delta. You've got more unregistered combatants ahead. We'll send a nanite agent to support you.
  • Striker: Shadar's free and clear. Sending him and support Delta.
  • Carmelita: Ralph Vanellope, we might have a visual on Sora. Sending coordinates. Please investigate. Delta, we've spotted two more insurgents on top of a mixing tower near you. Head up there and deal with them.
  • Brigitte: Papa! They're here!
  • Torbjorn: So... we show up to help people in trouble -but you come to haul us to your Negative Zone Gulag. Fine. You've chosen your battlefield. But you won't be choosing the result.
  • Carmelita: Excellent work, Delta. Now sit tight while I check in with Ralph and Vanellope. R & V, Delta Squad is ready to assist you in taking down, Sora.
  • Vanellope: Roger that. We're pursuing him now.
  • Carmelita: (On Radio) Delta, get a move on, I want that Key-swinging-traitor's head on a plate!
  • Ralph: I'm down! Sora got me with one those damn joy buzzers.
  • PhilTastic: Lay down and perform a clean recovery, Ralph. I should be back up in a couple minutes.
  • Carmelita: Looks like you're on point, Delta. Pursue Sora!
  • Sora: Think you've got us trapped? Think again! This is the part were you wish you hadn't caught me. Everything ready?
  • TJ Combo: All set, Sora. We've prepped your exit. Let's take this outside.
  • PhilTastic: My suit is parasitically functional, Delta. I'm moving to your location. Keep him busy.
  • TJ Combo: Hey, catch!
  • Sora: Combo, stay up there for now. Back me up, Sol. This shouldn't take long.
  • Carmelita Fox: Sol is the primary target! He can use his powers to heal Sora.
  • Sora: Combo! Turn up the heat! Combo, get that door open now!
  • TJ Combo: You got it!
  • PhilTastic: There we go. Can't keep a good suit of armor down. Don't, Sora. Just stay where you are.
  • Vanellope: We'll get you and TJ some medical attention.
  • Sora: How generous of you. You'll make a just and fair - what? S.H.I.E.L.D. Commanders? Presidents?
  • Ralph: You must be kidding. You think that's what this is all about?
  • Sora: Oh, wait, that's right. They don't elect drunks to the White House.
  • PhilTastic: Don't go there.
  • Sora: Maybe you'll able to settle for just being drunk with power. Huh, Phil?
  • PhilTastic: Dammit! Skybird One, this is PhilTastic. Sora got away again. I'm going after him.
  • Carmelita Fox: Roger. Delta Team backing you up?
  • PhilTastic: Negative. I'm doing this alone.
  • Maria Hill: Okay, Delta. The nanite agents' control grid apparently just spiked off the scale for a second. They're telling me it's fine, but why don't you go make sure.
  • Nick Fury: You there! I need yer help! Something big's going down. Those villains Stark's been controlling have gone off the leash. They've set up a trap on the core tanks that could blow everyone here to kingdom come.
  • Wolverine: Fine, let's see it, Fury. Cap got to you, huh?
  • Nick Fury: I was trying to keep people safe. If you still care about that, follow me and see for yourself. C'mon, we need to head to the central facility of the plant. I'll stabilize the bombs and toss 'em to you, then you dispose of 'em. Oh, and keep those two bust, would ya?
  • Wolverine: Lead the way, Fury. But if you're screwin' us over again, there'll be hell to pay.
  • Nick Fury: Look, they're up to somethin'. We'll have to sort out the details later. Goblin's headed your way. I can get at the bombs now. Use that vent to get rid of the bombs! Heads up! Grab the thing and get rid of it! Toes that bomb into the central vent! It'll be safe enough. Come on! Stupid thing. Here's another one! Number three's almost clear! Got it! It's all yours. Break through that webbing! It's blocking the vent! Damn - this one's tricky.
  • Wolverine: Leavin? I got a bad feeling about this...
  • Nick Fury: Well, well, well... look who's back in the land of the livin'.

  • Nick Fury: You're in a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base that only I know about. Hm, well, I guess now you know about it, too. You guys did a good job of buyin' me time to defuse those bombs. I got most of 'em... ...but not all. Neither side is gettin' too specific, but a good number of those heroes got pretty badly hurt in the explosions. No one saw that those mind-controlled freaks were tryin' to do, or that we tried to stop 'em. So it was up to me to save you. While you healed up, I tried to warn Stark about what had really happened. --ah, c'mon, Tony. I'm telling you, those "mind-controlled" criminals of yours were completely out of control. They're the ones who rigged the explosions. I tried to-
  • Iron Man: (Hologram) And I'm telling you it's impossible. Our records show the villains were accounted for the entire time-
  • Nick Fury: Someone hijacked'em. I saw it myself.
  • Iron Man: (Hologram) I don't know what your angle is this time, old man, and frankly I don't care. I've got a war to win. Either help me do that, or get out of the way. (Calls off)
  • Nick Fury: Things didn't go much better with ol' wingtips, either.
  • Captain America: (Hologram) Sorry, Fury. You've got no evidence, and I need more than your word these days. Besides, if Stark's attack dogs really are turning on him and S.H.I.E.L.D., so much the better. Serves them right. (Calls off)
  • Nick Fury: They can deny it all they want, but something big is goin' down. Maybe even bigger tan this 'Civil War' you're all havin so much fun with. Someone out there is tryin' to take advantage of the situation. Maybe by now I could've figured out who, if I hadn't been too busy playin' nursemaid to you grunts. You owe me. And since you're all presumed dead by both sides, you're the perfect little group to check out this war - at least for a bit - to help me figure this thing out. You with me?
  • Wolverine: Awright, Fury. We're in.
  • Nick Fury: Remember, we've the only ones ready to figure out who's behind this. Meet me at the briefing station when you're ready for action.
  • Murray: Hey there, Gunster.
  • Yuki Black: I hope we're doing the right thing trusting Fury again.
  • Murray: If Genji and his pal, Phil weren't bein' so stubborn, we wouldn't have to.
  • Yuki Black: Do you hear that it could be Turbo who's hijacking the nanite villains? Genji can only go by the data.
  • Murray: He ain't himself. I can see that too. He ain't thinkin' straight. I mean, you set up a system to control people's minds, and where can that lead? Nowhere good, Yuki.
  • Yuki Black: I wish we could just be the plain old Gaurdians again.
  • Murray: Whoa! Better him than me! Yo, flamebrain. What's up?
  • Sean Mutsuda: Can you believe we're stuck trusting Kotal again?
  • Murray: If Genji and his pal, Phil weren't bein' so stubborn, we wouldn't have to. Yeah, or any of them other world domination freaks. Who knows? And that's my whole problem with Genji right now. I mean, you set up a system to control people's minds, and where can that lead? Nowhere good, matchstick.
  • Human Torch: I wish we could be the plain old Fantastic Four again.
  • Thing: You an' me both, kid. Hey, how's it goin'?
  • Juggernaut: Pretty funny how you skipped out on your friends. Still sure you did the right thing?
  • Thing: Sure, I'm sure. I didn't want no part of it to start with. I eventually got roped into choosin' a side, but I shoulda stuck with my gut. I ain't sayin' that. But fightin' other heroes, and old friends? I hope that stuff is gonna stay in the rearview mirror. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I know the guy can be a bit shady, but his heart's always in the right place. He, he didn't have no super powers. Guy'd probably be dead a hundred times over without them things. Awright, I'm all talked out. See ya later.
  • Nick Fury: Hey, there. What's up?
  • Juggernaut: So do you have secret plan to crack this?
  • Nick Fury: I got connections. Or maybe you didn't notice our old pal the Tinkerer hangin' around here? You got it. Plus he invented the nanotech that Stark and Richards modified for their use. If the Tinkerer can't help us solve this, no one can.
  • Juggernaut: So do you have secret plan to crack this? Any idea what Rogers and Stark are up to now?
  • Nick Fury: Probably lickin' their wounds and getting' ready for Round Two... and Round Three, and Four. Not sure what it would take to get their minds off this Civil War.
  • Juggernaut: You think you can make 'em listen?
  • Nick Fury: Depends on what we find. If it's some two-bit hacker operation, we can shut 'em down ourselves. But I think it's a big-name bad guy, and if so, we might need some support. Gotta run. Talk to ya later.
  • Tinkerer: What do you want? I'm busy.
  • Wolverine: Explain how I'm supposed to trust your wrinkled hide. So which of your criminal buddies you think is behind this?
  • Tinkerer: You can't apart from knowing that your friend Colonel Fury can be very... persuasive. I am at your disposal until this mystery is solved. Ah, threats. The ideal way to motivate a great mind, eh? Assuming it's not an inside job, our primary suspects include Mr. Sinister, Baron Zemo and Dr. Doom.
  • Wolverine: Zemo? He doesn't have the chops for this.
  • Tinkerer: He is a scientific genius and is incredibly resourceful. His quest for power could take him in any number of directions. Now please... I must return to my work. Good-bye.
  • Nick Fury: Aright, listen up, Tinkerer here's been tryin' to figure out who might be pullin' the stings of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s nanite criminals when no one's lookin'.
  • Tinkerer: Since I had some... involvement... in the original nanotechnology S.H.I.E.L.D. has converted for their use, I was optimistic that I could puzzle out the situation with the data already available. However, that has not proven to be the case. I have nothing more than conjecture at this point. In order to determine what's really happening, I will need to view the networking logs for S.H.I.E.L.D.'s nanite control grid. Unfortunately their signal is highly encrypted. It could take years to break their code and directly their servers.
  • Nick Fury: We don't have time for that, obviously. The shorter and quicker route is to physically transmit that data directly from their servers, which we've discovered are located in Ryker's Island penitentiary. So that's where you're headed. Now don't worry, I know tryin' to burst into that place on your own would be near impossible, since it also contains the portal to Stark's Negative Zone prison. But we got information that Captain America and his forces are about to stage a prison break to release their buddies from the Negative Zone. They'll have to smash through Ryker's to get there. We'll take advantage by having you piggybank on their incurison. While they're driving toward the portal, you'll follow in their wake and get that data sent to us. Then we can figure out who the hell's grabbing control of these psychos, and why. S.H.I.E.L.D. should have their hands full, but I'll patch you into their comm channel so you won't get any nasty surprises. Now get to the portal room and upload those network logs.
  • Maria Hill: Attention S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel -- this is Commander Hill. Any superhumans not accompained by Iron Man should be detained, by any means necessary.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: More capes? You heard Hill's order - take 'em down!
  • Maria Hill: S.H.I.E.L.D. forces, we've got rogue superheroes running loose in the west cellblock. Contain them!
  • Nick Fury: Cap's strike team has already crossed into the Negative Zone. That means you're the only targets Hill's got left on this side.
  • Maria Hill: Stand down, 'heroes'. You might have helped us down before, but I can't be sure who you're working for now. No can do. Bring them down! Iron Man has secured the Negative Zone portal. Fall back to the courtyard!
  • Iron Man: Penance, stay here and guard this door. No one gets through, understand? And keep an eye on these nanite-controlled prisoners.
  • Penance: Okay.
  • Nick Fury: The computer with the data we need is in that holding chamber, but the area's sealed. You'll have to get the access card from Hill.
  • Maria Hill: Whether you're with White Star or not, you're breaking the law, and will be dealt with accordingly. Dammit, they're like fish in a barrel! Cut them down!
  • Nick Fury: The force field is powered by the towers. Target those turrets!
  • Maria Hill: Reinforcements en route. Don't let them break the last force field! Keep them away from the force field generators! Stay on them!
  • Nick Fury: She's goin' for her chopper!
  • Maria Hill: Fine, take the key. Go help Captain America or whatever you think you need to do. But there's an army on the other side of that portal waiting to stop you. I'll enjoy interrogating you when this is all over.
  • Nick Fury: Ain't she a sweetheart? Now go get that data.
  • Maria Hill: Anyone who's standing get to the portal! Rogue supers just stole my access key. Cut them off!
  • Penance: Don't worry, Hill. I'll stop 'em.
  • Computer Voice: S.H.I.E.L.D. level Ten clearance accepted. Security, teleport-scrambling and monitoring disabled.
  • Penance: Not so fast. I've got my orders. Now here's one for you get the hell out! Ypu won't get past me... you WON'T! Oh, man, they're all loose!
  • Nick Fury: Use that networking monitor station to send their logs to us for analysis. We got the transmission, and Tinkerer's done a quick analysis on the data. Doesn't look good.
  • Tinkerer: We were concerned that an unknown megalomaniac might be overriding S.H.I.E.L.D.'s nanite control signals, with intentions unknown. However, the truth is much stranger, and potentially much more troubling. There is no secret mastermind pulling the strings of these criminals. The network that links their minds has become large and complex enough to emerge as its own intelligence: a neural net whose intellect grows each time they inject another host with the nanites.
  • Nick Fury: The only reason this thing hasn't already spread like wildfire is because S.H.I.E.L.D. lets just a few of 'em out at a time.
  • Tinkerer: Correct. If the entire group were released from lockdown, they could escape Prison 42 and quickly spread across the Earth like a techno-plague. Everyone would eventually become part of its collective consciousness.
  • Nick Fury: We already saw that they could override S.H.I.E.L.D. control Wouldn't there be any way to stop 'em?
  • Tinkerer: To determine that, I would need a pure, untainted sample of the nanite material... one that hasn't yet been injected into a host.
  • Nick Fury: Okay. They must have some of that in their Negative Zone jailhouse. And we won't get a better chance to had in there and grab some of that stuff than right now, while the heroes are still beatin' the crap out of each other. I'm gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way. Sit tight till I arrive to help you out. Ugh. Teleporting makes my skin crawl. But you'll need my help, and I can't send a decoy into the Negative Zone. Signal won't cross over. I expect Cap and Iron Man will still be butting heads in there. Let's move while they're distracted. This is the best shot we're gonna get to break into that person... we gotta take it. Otherwise nobody'll be sitting on an antidote that could save humanity from this thing.
  • Penance: Hnnh. And I thought everyone was too busy fighting each other to watch out for innocents. Let me help. I can activate the portal for you.
  • Nick Fury: Thanks, Robbie.
  • Penance: Go on through. I'll be ready to help you anytime.
  • Nick Fury: It's a lot easier gettin' into this place than gettin' out. I'll head to the portal control room to make sure this gate's open for us when it's time to book. The nanite labs are a few levels below us. Head down and grab us that pure sample. I'll meet you back here. Yeah, and I was kickin' butt back when your mama was wipin' yours. I can handle myself. I'll let you know when I reach the control room. Form there I should be ale to help clear your way. Now get going.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: What the hell -- ? Stark said the portal was secure!
  • Officer Swanson: Lab personnel, this is Nanite Control. Detain those rogue heroes! We're going to bring another nanite agent online to assist you.
  • Nick Fury: Sounds like they're prepping everyone for nanite injection.Try to stop 'em before they use up that sample we're after. Awright, I'm in portal control. Security's pretty light up here... everyone must be focused on the main fight. Lemme see if I can open a path for ya. There, got it. Hurry up and get that sample.
  • Officer Swanson: I don't care if he hasn't been fully prepped. We need Equinox online to defend the labs. Start the procedure! Stay back... I'm gonna skip the startup protocol and take direct control ASAP. Should have this freak on the leash any second. Done! I never liked working with these "heroes" anyway. Time to put 'em on ice!
  • Nick Fury: Damn. He's been injected with the pure sample. I'll find you another one. Found it. Head to the other side of the labs. You can grab a pure sample there.
  • Officer Swanson: Now! Overload the decontamination field!
  • Nick Fury: I can't disable that thing remotely. Find a way around, see if you can shut it off. That cleared your way. You can head for the sample now.
  • Nick Fury: You'll have to stop those capes yourselves! We can't get another nanite agent online in time! Finally. Grab the pure sample from that machine. Good work, team You should be clear to head back to the portal. No one's gonna stop ya... they're all too busy partyin' it up in the cell blocks...
  • TJ Combo: We'll never reach the jail cells at the rate!
  • Sora: Are those the conduits we saw the schematics?
  • TJ Combo: Yeah -- the only exposed power cables for both the main systems and the back-ups.
  • Sora: Those get out, and the cells open up? Including S.W.O.R.D's remote control super criminals?
  • TJ Combo: You got it. But the released prisoners might give S.W.O.R.D more than they can handle - least for a few minutes. Could help cover our escape.
  • PhilTastic: Never thought the cavalry would look quite like that... but I'll take it. Nanite Control, watch what you're doing with those prisoners! They just-- Dammit, Tails! Get those prisoners attack the right targets!
  • Tails: We're trying, but they're not responding. The inhibitor transmissions aren't any effect!
  • PhilTastic: Then spike their nanochains! Shut them down, NOW!
  • Tails: No effect, Phil! The villains are completely out of control!
  • Arakune: You don't say.
  • Sora: Looks like Kotal was right about your nanite-injected slaves.
  • PhilTastic: We had it under control until you busted in here and release them all.
  • Winston: Gentlemen, I suggest we focus on getting our people out of here alive.
  • Nick Fury: Dammit, this is exactly what we were worried about. The nanite agents are free, and they're showin' give mind behavior. Great... looks like the power surge knocked out of the portal. We'll need to get our people outta here. Take that lift and rendezvous with Cap and Iron Man. You explain the situation to them while I try ta figure a way to jump-start that portal.
  • Iron Man: Where did you-?! It doesn't matter. We need your help. Something's gone terribly wrong with the nanite control systems. Base on what? The rantings of a manipulative-
  • Captain America: Tony, there is no time to fight about this. We've got to work together to get everyone out of here.
  • Iron Man: You're right - but this portal's offline. We're going to need to fight through the escaped inmates to get power flowing it again.
  • Captain America: It won't be easy. Their link to make them nearly invulnerable.
  • Iron Man: You have? Okay, then... sounds like a plan. Get power flowing to this portal.
  • Captain America: Head to the top of the cellblocks to reach the power conducts. Tony and I can hold this portal as a rally point. Send any heroes you run into back here.
  • Iron Man: Sorry about what I said before. You and Fury kept your eyes on the ball while the rest of us were fighting over who was right. I only hope it's not too late.
  • Nick Fury: Sounds like those two have come to their senses. 'Bout time! Guess I'll switch us over to their radio frequency.
  • Iron Man: Fury? Is that you?
  • Nick Fury: In the flesh, Stark. And that ain't a figure of speech.
  • Iron Man: I hate to say it, old man, but you're right. We should've listened.
  • Captain America: We're just lucky you and your team saw this coming, Nick. The nanite link is letting them share powers somehow. Be careful out there.
  • Nick Fury: Stark, any idea how we can deal with this power sharing?
  • Iron Man: Target the ones in orange. They're the high power level superheroes. Beyond that - I have no idea what we're seeing.
  • Captain America: These linked powers are no joke. We need the portal online so we can get our people out of here.
  • Nick Fury: I can't disable those things from here. Should be some panels you can trigger to help clear your way.
  • Luke Cage: Cage here. Area's clear. I'm heading to the portal. Almost there. Ran into some trouble on the third floor, but I think I can - ungh!
  • Captain America: Luke? Luke! He's not responding! Get to his location!
  • Luke Cage: Thanks. Those freaks meant business. I'm gonna go help Cap at the portal.
  • Nick Fury: Get that pure nanite sample they left. Never hurts to have a spare.
  • Captain America: Fury, the prisoners are taking our people alive. Any idea what they're trying to do?
  • Nick Fury: There share one mind, they want to add more and more people to their group - and they'll kill anyone who stands in their way.
  • Iron Man: And if they get back to Earth...?
  • Nick Fury: We can't let that happen, Stark. No matter what. Oh, great. Now the prison 'bots come back online. Sit tight. I'll open an exit. Damn stubborn piece of... there! Fields should be down now.
  • Firestar: Get me out of here! They're trying to turn me into one of them! I can't get out of this thing while it's energized!
  • Captain America: Good job getting Firestar out. Send her our way.
  • Nick Fury: You'll have to get down to the tower level to restore power. There's a lift nearby.
  • Iron Man: A few energy cores were... displaced earlier. If you move them back into position. Fury should be able to restore power.
  • Nick Fury: Great. One more should do it. That did it! Energizing the portal now!
  • Captain America: These nanite villains just keep coming! Is there no way to shut them down?
  • Nick Fury: We're going to have to do something decisive - and fast. I can't bring those turrets down. You'll have to fight past 'em. They're reviving each other somehow. Not good.
  • Captain America: Toe-to-toe, we can't win this fight. We need another option.
  • Iron Man: Well, there is a self-destruct protocol for the prison. But Reed and I never -
  • Captain America: We can't! Some good people are still unaccounted for.
  • Nick Fury: Cap, it's our only chance to keep this from spreading to Earth. Send me the codes, Tony. I can trigger the destruction sequence from here, then meet you at the portal. This is Nick Fury to all friendly forces. We're gonna blow this place to kingdom come. Get yer butts to the portal, double-time!
  • Iron Man: If we clear area. Fury can trigger the destruct sequence and follow us out.
  • Captain America: Resistance is thinning out a bit here, Fury. Is that the self-destruct set?
  • Nick Fury: Hey. I didn't design this thing, awright?! Just hang in there.
  • Iron Man: It looks like they've backed off the moment, Fury. Can you trigger the destruct sequence or not?
  • Nick Fury: Close enough! Head through the portal and make sure the only the good guys come through. Get going. I'll be right behind you.
  • Iron Man: See you on the other side, Fury.
  • TJ Combo: You made it!
  • Menat: Was my father behind you?
  • Bentley: Hmm, closed off from the other side.
  • Sora: What do you think it means? Did Kotal detonate--?
  • Carmelita: Step to one side, Sora. You and your friends are under arrest.
  • Sora: For God's sake, Carmelita... these people need medical attention!
  • PhilTastic: He's right. Lower your weapons and call in the medics--
  • Carmelita: No, Phil. I'm under direct orders from the President. The SRA dictates that these unregistered--
  • PhilTastic: We're giving everyone temporary amnesty, on my authority, at least until we figure out what just happened. If you have a problem with that, Inspector Fox, you're going to have to keep it up with all of us.
  • Fresh: Please Carmelita they need help.
  • Phoebe Dickens: Do not shoot.
  • Lucky: Mom, Don’t make this something you’ll regret.
  • Carl Clover: We don’t need another civil war.
  • Carmelita: Get the medics down here.
  • Priest: many lives apparently lost. And yet, lost so that many more lives might be saved. We may not know the true fate of General Kotal, but we do know he showed his willingness to sacrifice himself on behalf of us all. For him -- and for me the rest of the missing and presumed deceased -- we ask Almighty God to watch over their souls. Amen.
  • Iron Man: I've got to hand to Fury. I'm not sure we ever would've found this place if you hadn't lead us here.
  • Deadpool: Hey, at least some of us were smart enough to believe him. If the rest of you had, who knows? Maybe he wouldn't be pushin' up desires right now.
  • Thor: The Colonel entrusted us with its location because he knew the fate of Midgard was imperiled. 'Tis shameful he had to lay down his life are you took his dire warnings to heart,
  • Captain America: You're right, but... I'm not ready to buy that Fury and the others are dead. Not yet. We found no bodies, no detected no explosion... how can we be sure what really happened?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Tony and I have already been over this a dozen times. We can't be sure... not without a working portal to the Negative Zone. And that will take us weeks to bring online.
  • Luke Cage: Great. So in the meantime, it just goes down as a mystery?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Yes. But we do have some evidence of Fury's success. I've been monitoring, and there's no sign of the nanite collective's signals here on Earth. It's a shame the Tinkerer seems to have escaped. I was hoping his research would corroborate my own. Still, I believe I can use this scanner to confirm that the nanites haven't - oh no.
  • Captain America: What is it?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Nanite control signals. Hundreds... maybe thousands of them.
  • Luke Cage: Fury failed?
  • Captain America: We all failed. We lost our way.
  • Iron Man: And now the world pays the price. We're facing what looks like a full-scale invasion. Let's meet at the briefing station ASAP.
  • Captain America: Hi, Tony.
  • Iron Man: So Fury contacted you too about the nanite threat? After the chemical plant incident?
  • Captain America: Yes. I realize I should've listened, but at the time... well, let's just say I figured it was another scam. Fury's laspe in judgement and subsequent actions turned him into the "boy who cried wolf" at the worst possible time. That's a sobering thought, But I can't imagine Fury's mind ever being enslaved by anyone or anything. Hello, Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Steve, I haven't had a chance to apologize for... well, for a lot of things.
  • Captain America: Maybe you should pick your favorite. There's no time for dwell on that. We need to focus on this new threat now. I don't know enough about this thing to give you solid advice on that. Maybe check with Tony.
  • Iron Man: Hi, Steve.
  • Captain America: I wanted to say I'm sorry how this all turned out. I wasn't thinking clearly when I released all the inmates in Prison 42.
  • Iron Man: It wouldn't have been an issue if we hadn't started this whole nanite control program in the first place. What were we doing? If we get the chance. The fact is, I didn't like who that war was turning me into. And now I worry what our mistakes might end up turning us all into. I know. I just hope we can use our knowledge of their network against them. Hi, Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Tony, I just apologize for what's happened. I should have realized there was an infinitesimal possibility that the control network could evolve into a collective consciousness.
  • Iron Man: This isn't the time for looking back in regret, Reed. We have to concentrate on the problem at hand. We have to do both. Every one of them we cure is another ally for us. I'm more concerned about your state of mind, actually. Are you going to be able to give this your all? Was that a joke? Hm, now I'm really worried about you.
  • She Hulk: Hello, Cap.
  • Captain America: Things aren't good, Jennifer. We might need you and a few others to stay here while the rest of us deal with the nanite incursions.
  • She Hulk: Not a problem. By the way, it's good to be on the same team again, Steve. We did some things I'm not proud of. But that's in the past. At this point, there's nothing more important than shutting down the nanite collective. I hate to even think about that. Robbie... how are you doing?
  • Penance: I'm okay. I thought I should say hello.
  • She Hulk: It's... it's good to see you I'm glad you got out of prison all right. It does matter, Robbie. You can't forget that. I arranged the plea bargain for you, but I didn't know you'd turn into... this. You need to talk with Doc Samson when this is all over, okay? My God... what have we done to you?
  • Firestar: Robbie? Is that... really you?
  • Penance: It depends on how you look at it. How are you doing, Angelica?
  • Firestar: How do you think I'm doing? Vance is still missing. But now I'm almost as worried about you, Robbie... what's happened to you? You didn't kill anyone, Robbie. Don't let them tell you you did. I know what happened was horrible. But it wasn't your fault, at least not entirely. You can't take this on. I know someday you'll get over this, Robbie. And when that day comes, I want to be there to welcome you back.
  • Captain America: In the span of just a few hours, the world has gone insane. The nanite collective's agents are swarming all over the globe. Infecting key victims in an apparent bid to eliminate all serious resistance to their expansion.
  • Iron Man: Their movements seem methodical and well-coordinated. They must have used Prison 42's portal system to move this fast. Worse time is on their side. If we can't stamp this out quickly, it will grow to encompass all of humanity.
  • Captain America: In the face of this new threat, the Registration Act has been temporarily suspended to allow us to work together.
  • Iron Man: We're deploying teams around the world, but the most explosive situation right now is in the African nation of Wakanda, which has reported a massive incursion into their capital city. Ruled by our friend T'Challa, also known as the Black Panther, Wakanda is a highly-advanced country blessed wit the world's only deposits of vibranium.
  • Captain America: Your knowledge of the nanite collective makes you the best team to send into this combat zone. Do whatever it takes to help Black Panther defeat these invaders and regain control of his country.
  • Evan: Thank goodness you're here, my friends! Not the time for pleasantries, though. The enemy have our city surrounded, and they are firing on us with siege cannons! Please take out guns - we can't hold out against them much longer!
  • Wakandan Guard: You will never take Wakanda, invaders! Thank you, heroes! Your help is most welcome. The nanites are spreading - the escaped inmates have infected hordes or mercenaries. And now they have come for us. We must stop assault before they take the city. The cannons are our primary target.
  • Cable: Thanks for the intel. We'll take it from here.
  • Wakandan Guard: And I should leave Wakanda's defense to foreigners? Ha! Not a chance. Come, they have more artillery ahead. I will open the security fields for you. They have enough cannon near here. We must find it. Excellent! We should ascent he mountain now. This ancient lock was built to secure the path - but I'm sure you'll be able to open it. Sometimes the old ways are not the best... at least when it comes to security systems. They are using their powers to shield the cannons! Stop them! Let us go on to defend the city.
  • Storm: Havok? Alexander, what are you doing here?
  • Jean Grey: Havok? Alex, what are you doing?
  • Black Panther: You have done well, but the enemy is inside the city. Please, hurry.
  • Wakandan Guard: King T'Challa needs your help. I will secure Havok, then follow you to the city. Go!
  • Black Panther: They have taken our defenses offline, leaving us vulnerable to airbone assault! Head to the towers at the top of the city to restore the defenses. Breaking those is a fine idea. I do not want their teleporter pods in my city. Head to the towers at the top of the city to restore the defenses. Beware! Incoming aircraft! You are near the defense towers. Please, get their power cores back to the sockets. Good. There is another tower is repair nearby.
  • Wakandan Guard: You have aided us greatly, heroes, but there is more to be done. We must activate one last tower. Let us descend. I shall open the way for you. Come along. We must travel down to the marketplace.
  • Black Panther: It is done! Our city is safe.
  • Wakandan Guard: We must travel to the Panther's place through here. It remains undefended.
  • Black Panther: Focus on Justice! His powers are shielding A-Bomb!
  • Wakandan Guard: Our homes are safe. I shall post guards with these two while we go secure the palace.
  • Black Panther: Your help in the city is much appreciated, but the palace defenses are still offline. I must ask for your help once again. Use the lift to reach the palace grounds. There are two towers in the palace defense network. Restore them, and I will open the way to the palace.
  • Wakandan Guard: The final power core must be still placed into the large tower.
  • Prince Evan: It appears we are safe, thanks to you. But it seems things are going badly back in Scotland. I will patch you in...
  • Grimm: ...priority one distress call from GK base to all friendly forces. We are under attack. Invading force is compromised of nanite-controlled criminals as well as infected super heroes, including - unhhh!
  • Dig Dug: Anna, look out! I will deal with -- arrrgh!!
  • Otacon: Dug!
  • Grimm: Fall-back! Fall b--
  • Prince Evan: Grimm! GK base, respond! Please join me inside. I will continue trying to contact our allies. Prince Evan calling GK base, Grimm, do you read?
  • Menat: Daddy...? You survived?
  • Fold Kotal: Surviving and thriving darling. I’m Better than ever.
  • Menat: Wait... daddy what are you saying?
  • Fold Kotal: I'm sayin' what you should already know. I'm in the Fold now.
  • Menat: "The Fold"? What are you talking about?
  • Fold Kotal: I'm talking about the end of war. I'm talking about sharing what's left of this God-forsaken world. Everyone... together.
  • Menat: You are... not yourself. You are one of them, now.

  • Prince Evan: They've broken through our defenses! How...? No! My people, taken! This has gone too far! Black! Arakune as well?! How many foes will Kotal throw at us? Thank you. Without your aid. I shudder to think what would have become of my homeland. Now... what should we do with these two?
  • Captain America: The fall of Stark Tower was just the beginning. Over the past few weeks, the Fold aggressively ramped up its campaign to take over all of humanity. Many of our closest friends and allies remain uncounted for. We have to assume they've been taken over the Fold.
  • Iron Man: It's no coincidence, either. The Fold's primary targets are clearly superhumans, and thanks to the acquisition of Fury and his decades of intel, they've been able to make serious inroads in expanding the colelctive's power base. Fortunately, Fury's knowledge of Wakanda isn't comprehensive, which is why we've been using Black Panther's Palace as our temporary base of operations.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Fold forces were unable to retrieve Venom and Green Goblin you defeated them. Using the pure samples your team obtained from Prison 42, we've been able to cure these two criminals of their infection.
  • Iron Man: Venom and Goblin both clam a strong desire to help us to sop the Fold. They're not the trustworthy of allies, but frankly we can't afford to turn them away. With the Fold growing exponentially -- infecting entire populations as a time -- it's becoming obvious we can't win a war of attrition against them. Their network seems to be the key... if we could only find a way to disrupt it. Unfortunately, they've clearly been taking steps to make that all but impossible.
  • Captain America: Our best minds are working hard to devise a strategy to defeat the Fold before it becomes unstoppable. We'll left you know if and when we come up with anything solid.
  • Black Panther: My home is yours, friends... everything here is at your disposal. Let us meet at the briefing station when you're ready to act.
  • Erron Black: Oh, it's you.
  • Yuki Black: Heya, Pops. How's it feel to be on the good guys' side for a change?
  • Erron Black: That's a relative therm. But I'm happy to finally to be uncollared, with my mind clear at last. I may need to work with you, but I don't have to enjoy it. If you know what's good for you, you'll give me a wide berth. Arrgh! Nothing can be worth this!
  • Soldier 76: Hello, Michelle.
  • Michelle Aubert: Dad, I hope you didn't worry too much while we were off helping Kotal get to the bottom of this thing.
  • Soldier 76: I can't say I wasn't concerned, but now I understand why you did it. At this point my full attention is devoted to studying how the Fold's control network is evolving.
  • Michelle Aubert: How is it evolving? Do you think you'll solve it in time to do us any good?
  • Soldier 76: I'm cautiously optimistic. If we can find a weak link in their security, we'll have a chance to destroy the Fold in one fell swoop. I can't help feel like this is all my fault. I have to solve this, Michelle, or I'll die knowing I doomed inhumanity to becoming a race of mental slaves. Agreed. On both counts.
  • Lisa Hamilton: Hello, Maurice.
  • King/Maurice Hamilton: Hey, Mom. Hope you didn't fret too much while we were off helpin' Kotal get to the bottom of this thing.
  • Lisa Hamilton: I can't say I wasn't concerned honey, but now I understand why you did it. At this point my full attention is devoted to studying how the Fold's control network is evolving.
  • King/Maurice Hamilton: Great, but how do we turn that into a weapon?
  • Lisa Hamilton: The network is the key to the Fold's existence. With it, they're almost unstoppable. Without it, Fold wouldn't even exist. It's the latter possibility we're exploring sweetie. I can't help feel like this is all my fault. I have to solve this, Maurice, or I'll die knowing I doomed inhumanity to becoming a race of mental slaves. Thanks, darling, I hope you're right.
  • PhilTastic:Hello, Ralph.
  • Ralph: Hey, Phil. Hope you didn't worry too much while we were off helping Kotal get to the bottom of this thing.
  • PhilTastic: I can't say I wasn't concerned, but now I understand why you did it. At this point my full attention is devoted to studying how the Fold's control network is evolving. In addition, to their network encryption becoming even more robust, there are indications they are experimenting with trying to share special abilities beyond just their local groups. We have to hope they don't succeed in that. I can't help feel like this is all my fault. I have to solve this, Ralph, or I'll die knowing I doomed inhumanity to becoming a race of mental slaves. (Chuckles) Ah, I see. Very amusing. Thanks, Ralph. I needed that. Oh, hello. What can I do for you?
  • Spider-Man: So what science-y shenanigans have you been up to?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hank and I have been studying the tech recovered after we liberated Wakanda City. It's given us some insight in how the Fold's network configuration is evolving. I'm cautiously optimistic. If we can find a weak link in their security, we'll have a chance to destroy the Fold in one feel swoop. There's no way to really know. Based on the converation with Nick Fury. I'd say their own personalities are intact, but their desires have all been converted into those of the group mind. The simulators are significant, I agree. But in this case, the brainwashing occurs almost instantaneously after the victim is injected with nanites. I'm sorry, I must return to my work now.
  • Green Goblin: What do you want? I'm sure I will be, once this is all over. But for now, you need my help against the Fold. Long as you keep me away from that spider-freak, yes.
  • Vass Montenegro: Great. The Cage wants to talk.
  • Johnny Cage: They say the clothes make the man, Vass. But in your case, even with the symbiote, you still only add up to half a man.
  • Vass Montenegro: It may be a hand-me-down, Cage, but least I had the good sense not to throw it away. Not as much as the ladies do. Seriously, thorough, Cage, - if they get me again - turn me on of them... promise me you'd kill me. Don't get used to it. What do you want? Hey, I didn't have control over my actions. What isn't to say I feel bad about 'em. Oooh, this is gonna be fun. Let's just say it's good to be back down to just two voices in my head. Yeah, whatever. Just point me in those zombies' direction and I'll tear'em apart. So, let's do this again soon. Or, hey, better yet, let's not.
  • Bishop: Hey. How's it going? I don't know what to think anymore. But if the Fold takes over, the future I knew will took almost appealing in some ways. Okay, I've got to run. Take care.
  • Jules: Hi, I'm pretty busy right now, but I guess I can chat for a moment.
  • Jake: So did you solve this yet? We need a heckuva job here, Jules.
  • Jules: We're doing our best. They're extending their influence much fater than we would have ever envisioned. We do believe the network is the key. Shut that down, and there's no more collective. Unfortunately, we'll never break the encryption. The bottom line is we don't have much time. We project all metahumans could be absorbed within three weeks. The rest of the population would fall several months later. I don't have time to try to convince you. Now if you'll excuse me...
  • Black Panther: Hello, my friend. What can I do for you? Reasonably sure, thanks to your timely intervention. Now that we know how the Fold operates, we can be ready. Our people have been hard at work on that very subject. I'm sure, Dr. Pym could tell you more.
  • Spider-Man: What happened to our friends who didn't get out of Stark Tower in time?
  • Black Panther: A few escaped... but most did not. The Fold's abilities are formidable. And they continue to row every day. I will have to bid you good-bye for now.
  • Iron Man: Analysis of Fold technology retrieved after the liberation of Wakanda has revealed details about the collective and how it's spreading. We are aware of massive "repeater towers" being erected at secret locations around the globe at an astonishing rate.
  • Mr. Fantastic: These heavily-defended towers are clearly being built to extend the reach of their network. Like the internet, their grid is adaptive and seems highly resistant to being completely shut down. So, trying to destroy the towers would be an inefficient use of our time resources.
  • Iron Man: However, we might still have an ace in the hole. Our nanite stasis signal should still function, if we could only broadcast it on their network. Their encryption makes that impossible to do from the outside, but if we were able to take control of one of their repeater towers and send the signal from there, it just might work.
  • Mr. Fantastic: We've identified only one tower that is central enough to reach the entire Fold before they could react.
  • Iron Man: If we were able to infiltrate this enemy base and send the shutdown signal, all members of the Fold would be paralyzed, allowing us to round them up and cure them of the nanite infection.
  • Captain America: It sounds simple, but it won't be easy. Iceland was one of the first countries to be completely overtaken by the collective. However, this may by our only shot at defeating the Fold. If we fail here, we'll have revealed our only trump card. And they won't give us another chance, once they figure out what we're up to. We'll get as close to the tower as we can without attracting their attention. From there, we'll have to fight through their defenses, make our way into the base, and send out that signal.
  • Black Panther: That's as close as we can get you. You must find a way inside so you can send out the stasis signal. Dr. Pym, are those devices anything like the recovered nanite tech you've been studying?
  • Yellowjacket: Yes, T'Challa. Team, this is Hank Pym. Those amplifiers allow them to teleport in. I'd recommend destroying as many of them as you can. It seems like the Fold is using a lot of their teleportation tech here, too. They must have adapted it from the Negative Zone portal design.
  • Black Panther: What is the delay? Smash your way out!
  • Yellowjacket: T'Challa, what's that noise?
  • Black Panther: Long-range proximity warning. We may have company before long, Dr. Pym. Defense stations, everyone!
  • Yellowjacket: If you block the side vents, I believe the central part will be forced open. Looks like you got their attention! I'd say "try not to hurt them", but there's no time for sublety. Take them down!
  • Black Panther: We have multiple intruder alerts here. We may not be able to stay in contact much longer. Hurry to the inner base to get tat stasis signal transmitted! The tower base control station is straight ahead of you, but the pad is inactive. Try blocking the other paths first! Use that object to block the teleporter. It will reroute their system and let you access other areas. Team, you must find a way to move forward! Things here are getting worse. I -- Hercules! Look out!
  • Yellowjacket: The main path is still blocked? Dammit!
  • Black Panther: We are under attack! They're throwing everything they have at us. You need to -- UNNH! What has been done to people you're fighting? What is the Fold trying to create?
  • Don Palo: Hurry! Get him out of here! What a waste. You should have accepted Kotals offer, Menat.
  • Menat: Hey, if my dad had offered to throw in a lifetime supply of stain remover, I would've been right there. As it is, looks like we gotta fight.
  • Don Palo: We know what you're plotting. It won't work. Very, well. You could have selected this painless option. Instead you chose... this.
  • Black Panther: Hurry! Send the signal! We cannot hold much longer! (Radio) Good work! The signal is commencing! Wait, something is wrong -- the upload has stopped! Dr. Pym, the Tinkerer must have locked them out of somehow!
  • Yellowjacket: (On Radio) Dammit! All right, uh...let me think... Okay, you should be able to override him if you can get to the top of the repeater tower itself. There should be a console up there that you can--
  • Black Panther: They got Bishop! Do whatever you have to - just get that signal out! Tinkerer will be ready for you. Do not let him stand in your way!
  • Yellowjacket: Get the Tinkerer away from that console! Hurry!
  • Black Panther: The upload is starting again! Hold your position. We cannot let anyone stop the signal this time! What are you waiting for?! Send out the stasis signal! Use the control console! Halfway there! Are you all right? Seventy-five percent complete! Hold fast, my friends! Almost there!
  • Yellowjacket: They're all paralyzed!
  • Black Panther: Reports coming in now, from all over the globe. It looks like the entire collective is down. Great work! We'll need to mobilize S.H.I.E.L.D. to begin rounding up and curing the nanite-infected population. Until then - what the...?
  • Yellowjacket: Something's channeling strange energy signatures back through the network, converging in your vicinity. Can you investigate? I think --
  • Nanite Kotal: Cure trick... but you did really think we wouldn't see that coming?
  • PhilTastic: It's over, Kotal. You're alone, you can't possibly--
  • Nanite Kotal: Oh, I'm not alone. You may have frozen the Fold but you haven't eliminated it. And with these new nanites I can draw on the entire collective's power. I won't need more than a fraction of it to kill you. Then I'll shut down that annoying signal of yours for good. In another minute, it'll all be so clear. I contain multitudes. You damn throwbacks are like bacteria compared to us! We offered you everything! Can you see that?! You really think the world is better off the way we found it?
  • Black Panther: -block his projectiles! Reflect his attacks back-
  • Nanite Kotal: Aargh!

PS2/Wii Version

  • Wolverine: That hurt.
  • Iron Man: But it worked. No pain, no game, my boy.
  • Wolverine: I ain't your boy, Stark.
  • Nick Fury: Alright. That should do it. Hope any Laterveria Air Support won't bothering us on our way to Castle's doom now. We'll take it on foot. Bringing Bravo Team, once we check point three.
  • Spider-Man: "On foot"? You're kidding, right? Do you have any idea how little arch support I get in this outfit?
  • Nick Fury: Put it a sock in it, webhead.
  • Spider-Man: Socks made it worse, actually--
  • Wolverine: He meant shut yer hole.
  • Nick Fury: Coming up fast on Doomsdalt folks. We're going to see more resistance before we see less, so get ready to fight. Looks like the sneaking around part of this party is over. Incoming! Ya can't take these guys alone! Combine your powers to fight em! We take out the statue, and these Doombots should lay off. I'm moving ahead to scout out Bravo Team's landing area. I'll meet back up with you lot later. Landing zone's clear, but communication's out. Let's push on, and I'll get in contact with Bravo later. Quit screw'n around, Cap! Take out those snipers with your shield! Bravo team, come in. Come in. (Sighs) Bravo, do you copy?
  • Wolverine: Huh. Nothing need a mace so far. That black ops aren't really asop for you, boys, are they? How Fury get you-
  • Iron Man: The same way he got you two I suspect. Everyone owes that world wars favors. And he always calls them in as sooner or later. Could be much worse than this.
  • Nick Fury: Come in.
  • Spider-Man: Yeah, but don't you guys wonder I, I mean invading a foreign country. Like were soldiers of foreign of something?
  • Captain America: I've known Nick Fury a very long time, Spider-Man. We wouldn't be doing this for without a good reason.
  • Nick Fury: Aww, bringing a little hands over a poor Laterians, huh? You think they do the same for you?
  • (Flashback started)
  • The President: Colonel Fury, what do you have for us?
  • Nick Fury: Mr. President, one our going investigations into super-villains' recently into your break. We've always been aware that many of these criminals who run around high-tech armor getting materials from underground figure. Phineas Mason aka the Tinkerer. And what we didn't realize until reasonly. It's that the Tinkerer himself is being supported by someone outside the country. Psychically, Lucia von Bardas elected prime minister of Latveria. As you know the late to inform the late powers to make this by definition. International terrorism. (Shows The President the evidence) The evidence is right here, sir. We're under attack.
  • (Flashback ended)
  • Nick Fury: Trust me. They've earned what's coming to them. Keep going. We're almost to Doom's castle. We need to bring this bridge down. Shellhead, you fly to the top of that tower and activate the bridge controls.
  • Iron Man: Let's move out, team!
  • Nick Fury: Goin up the main road's a suicide run. Let's move up the side path here and avoid here some unnecessary dyin'.
  • Scorcher: Spider-Man?! Here?!
  • Wolverine: You know this punk?
  • Spider-Man: I've fought a lot of memorable bad guys, so, no this particularly...
  • Scorcher: Don't pretend you don't remember me! With von Bardas new technology, I will finally shear the flesh from your bones!
  • Nick Fury: Scorcher certainly don't exceed his reputation... but good work team. Let's move on to the Castle.
  • Captain America: Great. Here we go again.
  • Wolverine: Hey, Fury. Where's that Bravo Team you've been trying to reach?
  • Nick Fury: Argh! Communications still jammed! Someone's have to go round them up. And you just volunteered
  • Wolverine: What? And leave all the fun to you, girls? Bite me, Fury.
  • Nick Fury: No time to argue short. Take Web with you. Locate Bravo Team and find another way into that castle.
  • Wolverine: You heard the man, webhead. Let's move.
  • Spider-Man: Yeah, yeah. Sheesh. No respect.
  • (Wolverine and Spider-Man runs away)
  • Nick Fury: Slight problem, team. The castle's locked down by an energy shield. Nothing gets in or out as long as that shield is functional. Your priority is to find and destroy the shield generators, pronto. Team, you might want to take out those turrets as you pass. Up to you. You've nailed the last of the generators. Good work. Rendezvous in the courtyard, pronto. We're gonna eaten alive! Man those turrets! Unleash hell! Alright, no time for celebratin'. Move inside the castle. I'll be in contact soon. Alright. I'm taking my team after von Bardas. You lot are gonna find the castle's power generators and shut them down.
  • Hulk: This door won't open. We should look for another way through. That statue looks awfully familiar... There was one just like it beside the locked door.
  • Nick Fury: Von Bardas, you're finished!
  • Lucia Von Bardas: Me? Why, Fury, you are the one acting without UN approval. It is you who are in my country illegally.
  • Iron Man: What's she talking about?
  • Nick Fury: She's talking about distracting us from the fact that she's upgrading super-villains' suits so she can wreak a little worldwide havoc. Don't worry your pretty little heads over von Bardas. She's mine. Just go take care of the power generators like I told ya to.
  • Electro: Well, well, well... look at the costumed pansies. Come to play? Let's play!
  • Hulk: Those capacitors along the wall... I think they're helping to shield the generators.
  • Electro: Grrr... need more power. I'll show ya what I'm made of! What?! NOOOOOOOO! Not possible!
  • Nick Fury: All units! Evacuate the castle now! Structural integrity is failing, and we're all about to get a whole lot flatter.
  • Spider-Man: Look around -- there has to be a way out. Run! Watch out for the falling rubble! Run faster! This whole place is coming down!
  • Nick Fury: Get ready to mobilize. Lucia von Bardas is attacking Manhattan.
  • Iron Man: Von Bardas... Isn't she dead?
  • Nick Fury: Not as dead as she used to be. Looks like somebody wired what was left of her into a cyborg body and now she's causing trouble in Time's Square. I want people on the ground, saving civilians, and finding out how it is dead woman is attacking our country.
  • Iron Man: Let's do this.
  • Girl: Get away from me!
  • Luke Cage: You're going to pay for that. Get that man out from under there!
  • Latervian Sergeant: Heh. Fools. You will not be passing us.
  • Guy: Who are these guys!?
  • Latervian Sergeant: Assume combat formation! Prepare to engage!
  • Ms. Marvel: You're safe now.
  • Woman: Oh, thank goodness!
  • Guy: You saved my life!
  • Guy 2: Thank you so much!
  • Deadpool: That's everyone! Let's move further downtown.
  • Guy: Help! HELP ME!
  • Luke Cage: Can't fight somebody for our own size?
  • Lucia von Bardas: You attack my country unprovked?! You destroy my ancestral home?! You leave me for dead?! For these crimes, you and your nation will pay!
  • Lucia von Bardas: Nick Fury! Can you hear me? Can you hear my voice? A bomb is set to detonate within Times Square, and there is nothing you can do to stop it!
  • Nick Fury: I know. I know. Those robot buddies of hers are a pain, but von Bardas and her bomb are your priority! Stop her at any cost!
  • Lucia von Bardas: Your nation shall fall before me! First I will destroy New York! Then every major city from coast to coast! America shall pay for her aggressions against Lateveria!! Nick Fury! My only regret is that the world's eyes cannot witness what is about to happen to you and your heroes!
  • Nick Fury: Crazy robot lady's got generators linked up... looks like they're creating a forcefield around the bomb. And it looks like she's controlling the generators... let's see how well they work when she's distracted. Hit her hard, heroes!
  • Lucia von Bardas: Keep the generators safe!
  • Nick Fury: Alright, forcefields aren't down long enough to do any real damage... So you need to keep taking down generators until we've made the bomb vulnerable.
  • Lucia von Bardas: Do not near them the generators!
  • Nick Fury: Get at the bomb now!
  • Lucia von Bardas: Ahh! Protect the generators!
  • Nick Fury: Attack the bomb now!
  • Lucia von Bardas: Latveria... I have failed you...
  • Nick Fury: Good work! Von Bardas is down, the bomb is offline, and the city's in the clear. Now get with the cleanup effeot.
  • Reporter: Manhattan continues to real after tonight's devastating terror attack. Inside sources indicating that the terrorist may have been from Latveria. Further more they claim last nights attack was in direct retaliationed for the secret unsaction S.H.I.E.L.D. assault on Castle Doom in exactly one year ago. S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nicholas Fury, now-wanted for questioning in connection, with the Latberians' claim; has disappeared. In his absence, Commander Maria Hill has been named Acting Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., superheroes potionaly linked to the Laterverian mission have refuse to comment. Leaving the rest of us wonder. Why this horrible tragedy have to happen.
  • Captain America: You hear what they've saying about that mission in Latveria?
  • Iron Man: Color me shocked, Steve. I half-suspected we weren't sanctioned at the time. What else should we have expected from Fury?
  • Captain America: You half-suspected... Nice of you to say so at the time.
  • Iron Man: Given a choice between Fury and the government, who are you going to trust?
  • Nick Fury: Mm, tough call. That's why I didn't even ask you to make it.
  • Captain America: So, thanks to you, all this is on our hands.
  • Nick Fury: No. Not on yours.
  • (Flashback started)
  • Nick Fury: (Shows The President a evidence)The evidence is right here, sir. We're under attack.
  • The President: Colonel Fury, since Dr. Doom's death. Lucia von Bardas has spend over backwards to men the ties between America and Latveria. We got her elected. This year alone, we let her country 72 millions dollars in aid.
  • Nick Fury: Yes, sir. And it hurts to imagine what she's done to the money.
  • The President: Thank you, Colonel.
  • Nick Fury: I have recommend response scenario for the--
  • The President: That won't be necessary.
  • Nick Fury: Sir, if I may. This situation sure to escalate. I can--
  • The President: We have a pleasant relationship with Lucia. We'll handle things. Diplomatically. Thank you for your report.
  • (Flashback ended)
  • Nick Fury: I kept you in the dark, so that, if somethin' like this ever happened, your consciences would be clear. It's on me, and I'm takin' the fall for this one.
  • Iron Man: You got that right.
  • Nick Fury: Dammit, Stark... You'll think these things grow on trees?
  • Iron Man: I'm sure you've got plenty of back-ups, old man. You always do.
  • Captain America: Enjoy your exile, Fury. Wherever you are. We'll just stay here and keep picking up the pieces.
  • Maria Hill: As of 0-900 this morning. I, Maria Hill, have been promoted to Acting Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Some things are going to change around here, starting now. There will be no reckless cowboy nonsense under my watch. Whatever the hell it is Nick Fury got up to last year-- he's going to answer for it. For those of you just arriving to the party, the Latverians seem to think Fury led an legal strike team onto their sovereign soil. For what reason, I can only imagine. But even if Fury is innocent the fact remains the Latverians attacked us here. This will NOT happen again so as long as I have my hand on the wheel. Am I understood?
  • Tony Stark: ...and so to answer your question, Mr. Senator, in spite of these recent events... ...I don't believe forcing super heroes to register with the government is the answer. The law would split the hero community right down the middle, with consequences I'm not sure any of us want to ponder.
  • Captain America: Was that really your best shot?
  • Tony Stark: Sneaking around doesn't become you, Steve.
  • Captain America: Maybe I'll need the practice. Maybe we all will.
  • Tony Stark: Don't be so melodramatic. This whole thing would affect you least of all. You're already deputized.
  • Captain America: You almost sound like you agree with them. This Registration Act would tear down, everything we've done, destroy a century-old tradition of--

Tony Stark: I'm trying to save it, Steve. As much of it as I can, anyway. Don't you see where this is headed? All it's going to take is one more slip-up, by anyone in a cape, and we'll be lucky if registration is the worst they do. They could turn us all into criminals, hunt us down--

  • Captain Amerrica: No, they won't Tony... ...not in my country.
  • (Three Days Later...)
  • TV Announcer: --now return to our special LIVE episode of THE NEW WARRIORS, coming to you straight from Stamford, Conneticut... ...where the Warriors have just been spotted by their super-villain quarry. Looks like it's on!
  • Speedball: I've got Coldheart, you guys! Hey, somebody snag Nitro, he's rabbitting!
  • Namorita: Don't worry, Speedball. I'm on him. On your feet, Nitro. And don't bother trying any of your stupid exploding tricks.
  • Nitro: Oh, baby, don't you even know? You're playing with the big boys now...
  • Reporter: --reports now coming in from Stamford., Connecticut indicate a massive explosion in a residential neighborhood...
  • Reporter 2: --just over 12 hours ago now, and preliminary causalities are said to be over 600.
  • Reporter 3: --following last week's devasting explosion, Congress has rushed through passage of the Superhuman Registration Act. With the President expected to sign the Act into law concerns have been raised as to how the country's super heroes might react.
  • Captain America: This is just completely insane, Hill. I won't do it.
  • Maria Hill: I'm sorry, was it not clear I was giving you an order?
  • Captain America: You're asking me to arrest people who risk their lives for this country every day.
  • Maria Hill: No, I'm ordering you to obey the will of the American people, Captain. Either you help us bring them in, or we'll bring you in.
  • Captain America: Weapons, down, gentlemen, or--
  • Maria Hill: Tranq darts! NOW!!
  • Captain America: Keep this moving, son. If you wanna stay conscious.
  • Maria Hill: You idiot. Trying to save lifes.
  • The President In all the people to go underground. Captain America? Now every super hero who disagrees with the Act suddenly has a leader. Maybe we should hold off until--
  • Iron Man: That won't be necessary, Mr. President. Registration can go forward as planned. We'll take care of Captain America.
  • Captain America: I've never doubt it you for a instant.
  • Hercules: Ho! Tis you again!
  • Daredevil: I thought you were sitting this out. Waiting for the madness pass.
  • Hercules: Nay, my friend. The time for waiting has passed. Now it is time to act!
  • Daredevil: It's good to have you on our side, Hercules.
  • Dagger: You're here too?
  • Daredevil: Yes. I had to... I can't support the registration.
  • Dagger: Me either. I was happy to hear Cloak felt the same way.
  • Daredevil: It's good to see you both here.
  • Spider-Woman: So here we are.
  • Daredevil: Here we are.
  • Spider-Woman: I'm behind Cap one hundred percent, but I hope he knows what he's doing.
  • Daredevil: Of course he does. He's Captain America.
  • Cloak: I see you chose to join Captain America.
  • Daredevil: You as well.
  • Cloak: Indeed... I hope it was the right choice.
  • Cloak: Of course it was! We can't let this insanity stand. We have to fight for what's right!
  • Goliath: Good to see you.
  • Daredevil: You too, Goliath.
  • Goliath: I think Cap has a few words he wants to say. Come talk to me afterwards.
  • Daredevil: Will do.
  • Captain America: Glad to have you here.
  • Daredevil: Glad to be here, Cap.
  • Captain America: Get everyone together. We'll start the briefing soon.
  • Daredevil: Understood.
  • Captain America: Thank you for making the right choice and joining with me. It's not easy to square off against friends--but what we are standing up for is right, and we must never forget that. But enough pleasantries. We just received word from Cable that he needs assistance. Tony and his people are attacking one of our bases, and Cable needs any help we can offer. Let me know when you are ready. All right soldiers! Move out!
  • Goliath: There are a few heroes that haven't picked a side yet.
  • Daredevil: How is that possible?
  • Goliath: Hey. I don't know. I don't care. All I want is for them to pick our side. Tip the balance in our favor.
  • Daredevil: Who can I talk to?
  • Goliath: Both Cyclops and Jean Grey are the undecided camp. The X-Men have declared themselves neutral, but with a little nudge. I think Scott or Jean would join us.
  • Daredevil: Attempt recruitment.
  • Nick Fury: Jean Grey! I need your help, little lady. We've got injured civvies in Times Square, but the paramedics can't get to 'em. Use your telekinesis to fling Kamikaze Bots at the vehicles blocking the road. That'll clear out the mess and let the ambulances though. Beautiful! That takes care of that!
  • Cyclops: Good to see you! I could use the backup. Help me defend these civilians. Good! There is another group up ahead that needs our help. Come on! We're making headway, but we're not done yet. Keep moving!
  • Scorcher: More fuel for the fire!
  • Cyclops: Thanks, everyone! I couldn't done it without you.
  • Cable: Stark's forces are inside our base. Cloak and Dagger are securing the base. Your team needs to hurry and secure the locations I'm currently uploading to your map. Activate that console, and the security measures will come online. Just be ready for anything until the system is operational. Good work. There are two more traps to bring online, so get a move on.
  • Hercules: Fear not allies. I shall protect this portal!
  • Cable: It's active? Good. Move quickly to back up Cloak and Dagger. They're losing their fight. Cloak is in the armory and he needs your help as soon as possible. Be aware that our own security systems may well be compromised. Ms. Marvel is in the base, and she is hacking through our security protocols.
  • Ms. Marvel: Stand down now, or face the consequences. Dammit...
  • Cable: She's down? Good. But it might be too little too late. Before you got there, Ms. Marvel locked down our computer systems. Your team needs to bypass her hack and set things straight. Good work. They brought the defense turrets online, but the bots aren't responding... So stay alert as you move to help Dagger.
  • Black Widow: I told you were coming, She-Hulk.
  • She-Hulk: This is your last chance to surrender, guys. Really, there was no reason why we can't work this out.
  • Black Widow: Enough talk. Attack!
  • Cable: Good work. We've secured the base. Now fall back to the sewers and help defend the entrance. Heads up, team. Several blips have shown up on the scans. I suspect our friends are regrouping for another attack. Hit them and fast before they have the chance to recover. This isn't right... there's too many enemy signatures...
  • Multiple Man: Hi ya. The others sent me up here to let you know... There aren't nearly as many of you as there are of us. Knock out as many of us as you want. There's more where we came from.
  • Cable: All's clear and the base is secure. Captain America has asked you all to return to his location ASAP.
  • Goliath: No time to talk. I need to get everyone's attention. There's something ba going down.
  • Captain America: Good work pulling Cable's fat out of the fire. I appreciate it.
  • Goliath: Cap, you're never going to believe this. S.H.I.E.L.D. has some form of nanite they're injecting too super-villains. Using them like puppets.
  • Captain America: Good lord, Tony. How could you sink so low?
  • Goliath: More bad news -- Perjure chemical plant over by the Hudson. Three of four hundred trapped inside.
  • Captain America: An accident in the chemical plant on our own backyard? I'm blind and I see the trap. We can't risk them their might be innocent people in danger. Assemble the team and move out!
  • Dagger: I just hope everyone comes back in one piece.
  • Multiple Man: Thanks for beating some sense into me down in the sewer!
  • Captain America: ...?
  • Multiple Man: I'm just kidding! You were actually up against one of my dupes that broke away a few years ago. He joined S.H.I.E.L.D. as an enforcer and went along with that.
  • Captain America: So, you're on our side now?
  • Multiple Man: You didn't listen to a word I said, did you?
  • Captain America: Who?
  • Multiple Man: Me. Come on stay focused here. Can't have everyone losing their minds.
  • Cable: Gambit, it's Cable. I could use a favor. We were forced to flee the sewers, and dunning our retreat several data discs went missing. These discs are full of information that can be used against us. I need you to find them all as quickly as possible -- but watch out. There are still pro-registration forces in the area. Excellent, Cable! Destroy those discs and head out!
  • Bishop: We cleared out the rebels, Gambit. During their retreat, a great deal of data about their operations was left behind on accident. Cable's people been using a stranded style of data disc, so scour the area, and see what you can find. Great job, Gambit. We should find plenty of uses for that information!
  • Cable: Ben, S.H.I.E.L.D. units are entering the sewers. I'd love a little backup if you could offer it. Also, keep an eye out for Lizard. There's chatter on the S.H.I.E.L.D. com channels claiming he's been spotted in the area. Great, Ben! But there's no time to celebrate. We have more problems deeper in the base. If you could help out, I would be in your debt!
  • Captain America: How many trapped workers did the radio say?
  • Cable: Over three hundred -- but something's weird. I'm not getting anything with my info-net. No panic signals, nothing...
  • Luke Cage: What's wrong, Cable?
  • Cable: Cloak, get us out of here! It's a trap!
  • Iron Man: Of course It's a trap. How else were we going to get you all in one place? Skybird One, is the area fully cordoned?
  • Maria Hill: Roger, perimeter, sealed. No one's leaving the zone without our say-so.
  • Iron Man: Copy that. Stand by.
  • Captain America: "Stand by?" You and S.H.I.E.L.D. going soft, Tony?
  • Iron Man: We didn't come to arrest you, Cap. I talked S.H.I.E.L.D. into offering all of you a chance at amnesty.
  • Captain America: You mean surrender? Thanks, but I think I'd rather take my chances.
  • Iron Man: Cap, please... you know how hard I tried to fight this... but that was before Stamford. The public doesn't want secret identities anymore. Registration is the only way to make them feel safe when we're around. Just give me a chance to tell you our plans for my twenty-first century overhaul.
  • Captain America: You've got five minutes.
  • Iron Man: That's all I need. What the hell?
  • Captain America: Everyone, keep alert. We're likely to meet with resistance and I don't have to tell you what happens if we fail here.
  • Wonder Man: I see you've let Captain America lead you astray. That is a damn shame is what that is. You'll see! Captain America is leading you to your doom!
  • Mr. Fantastic: This is foolish. The level of energy and manpower being wasted in what is essentially an ideological difference... it's stupefying. There must be some way we can agree... even if only to disagree.
  • Captain America: Goliath, we're going to need your help. Now more than ever.
  • Goliath: They've got Pym in the field, don't they?
  • Captain America: They do, soldier. And you're the only one who can take him on.
  • Goliath: I've always wondered which of us was the bigger man...
  • Yellowjacket: Enough of this! Look at yourselves! A law was passed. A LAW! You don't take to the streets in armed conflict to oppose a law. You protest. You hire lawyers. You do NOT.
  • Storm: I believe you have let your head get too big, Mister Pym. Perhaps my friends and I should bring you down to size.
  • Yellowjacket: How...?
  • Captain America: So far so good, people. But, stay alert. Iron Man is in the area, and he is a formidable opponent.
  • Iron Man: I have fought alongside all of you as Avengers... and as friends. You are each the best of heroes. But now you have turned your backs on what is right and just. I'm surprised to see Steve isn't with you. Very unlike him to leave lambs to the slaughter. Enough of this! There are more important things to do than argue with insolent children. You will be dealt with in time. All of you!
  • Captain America: You beat him down pretty bad, team. I'd like to give chase and finish the fight, but there are more pressing matters at hand. Move out!
  • Nick Fury: Okay. Here's the story. Some of the pet super-villains have gone AWOL and are planting bombs. I'm going to handle defusing them, but you need to keep green Goblin busy while I'm doing it. Well, look who's back in the land of the livin'. You're in one of my little safe houses. An out of service S.H.I.E.L.D. facility I kept on hand for an occasion just like this. You guys did a good job of buyin' me time to defuse those bombs! I Got most of 'em... But, not all... ...but not all. Neither side is gettin' too specific, but a good number of those heroes got pretty badly hurt in the explosions. No one saw that those mind-controlled freaks were tryin' to do, or that we tried to stop 'em. So it was up to me to save you. Now look! Something big is goin' down. Somehow or other, somebody hijacked the nanites that were supposed to be controlling the bad guys. Maybe by now I could've figured out who, if I hadn't been too busy playin' nursemaid to you grunts. You owe me. And since you're all presumed dead by both sides, you're the perfect little group to check out of this war -- at least for a bit - to help me figure this thing out. You with me? Good.
  • Thor: Lo, mortals! The Mighty Thor is amongst you now! Surrender, or face the power of mighty Mjolnir!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Is that Thor?! Get him out of there! Now!
  • Nick Fury: Team, Storm has been MIA since the incident at the plant. She's got to still in there somewhere. Do what you can to find her quickly.
  • Jean Grey: Will do.
  • Dark Thor: Halt, false Goddess! Your command of the skies is an abomination I shall cleanse from the Earth!
  • Storm: No, Thor! Stop this madness! We shall not fight with one anoth--
  • Dark Thor: For Asgard!
  • Storm: Thank you, my friends. My command of the elements is strong, but Thor is a god... I am unsure I would have been able to defeat him without your help.
  • Jean Grey: Happy to help, Storm.
  • Nick Fury: The nanotechnology mumbo jumbo is just a few feet above the head of Mama Fury's boy. Lucky for me though, I know someone who can make sense of it all -- the fella what built the little buggers in the first place. Team, meet the Tinkerer.
  • Tinkerer: I do not build the nanites, but I did the research that.
  • Nick Fury: Okay, okay. Cut to the chase. Tell them what you told me. Better yet, tell them fast enough they don't get a bad taste in their mouths having to deal with you.
  • Tinkerer: There is no one in control of the super-villains. The nanotech has become a self-aware nerual network, manipulating its host in the interest of extending its control.
  • Nick Fury: What's he saying is the little bugs he made me are in control now and we need to find a way to stop them.
  • Tinkerer: If I could work with a sample of the finished product-- pure, pre-activation nanites, I might determine a way to counteract the nanites in the super-villain hosts.
  • Nick Fury: The only folks with a pure sample are the sawbones working at the Negative Zone Prison. Now, I have it on pretty good authority the Anti-Registration forces are planning a jailbreak to get their people out. So I figure we hit the prison at the same time, using the jailbreak as a cover for what we're up to. Sound like a fun way to spend an afternoon to you? Good. I knew it would.
  • Tinkerer: I knew the nanotech was a bad idea.
  • She-Hulk: Nanites. Crazy people. Super Villains Life was a easier when I was a lawyer.
  • Bishop: I can't believe it's come to this.
  • Spider-Man: I f S.H.I.E.L.D. hadn't started--
  • Bishop: We can lay blame later, okay? Right now, let's just concentrate on finding a way to solve this problem.
  • Nick Fury: Either the boys in charge of Ryker's Island have developed some interesting new ideas on how to secure a prison... ...or Captain America's already been here.
  • Guy: Thanks for saving me!
  • Iron Man: Every single leader of the anti-registration movement just ran headlong through a hole into another dimension. All of you stay here to prevent escape. Once I'm through the portal, seal this end up. Time to finish this.
  • Nick Fury: You lot jump down there and secure the area. I'll get this portal operational again.
  • Penance: Why is this happening? Why is any of this happening? If I could take it all back... Stamford... The New Warriors... if I could undo all of it, I would. But all of you... you're just making it worse!
  • Nick Fury: Good news, soldiers. The portal's open. Now let's go! Aw, for the luva... nothing ever works right. You lot go find the main research lab. I'm gonna go hunt down a way to get this portal propped open again.
  • Negative Zone Guard: Halt! Nobody gets past here, least of all you! we have orders to detain you.
  • Mr. Fantastic: And you're certainly welcome to try.
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Seriously now-- everything we test on him works. The subject absorbs the properties of anything he touches!
  • Negative Zone Scientist 2: You sound surprised by this.
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Ray tried marshmallows last night. I thought he was crazy, but it worked.
  • Negative Zone Scientist 2: You let Ray turn the subject into a giant marshmallow?
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Just for a second.
  • Negative Zone Scientist 2: Don't... don't do that again. Okay? Don't let Ray do that.
  • Spider-Man: What's happening here? What is this device you're using?
  • Negative Zone Scientist: It's an inhibitor beam. It keeps the subject from using his powers.
  • Spider-Man: Sounds useful.
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Indeed. We're preparing to inject the subject with a pure nanite sample.
  • Spider-Man: And what will that do?
  • Negative Zone Scientist: The science is a little complicated, but the results should be...provoactive.
  • Negative Zone Guard: Hostiles incoming! Throw the switch on the force field!
  • Absorbing Man: Hahahaha! Must be Christmas mornin', see'n as how I got me so many new toys to play with. I'm gonna have fun cruch'n all a yas.
  • Nick Fury: You're not getting far unless you activate the Nullifier ray. There's a console there with all the controls you'll need. Creel's down, folks. Grab that nanite sample and beat feet the hell out of there!
  • Luke Cage: We'll never reach the jail cells at the rate!
  • Captain America: Are those the conduits we saw the schematics?
  • Luke Cage: Yeah -- the only exposed power cables for both the main systems and the back-ups.
  • Captain America: Those get out, and the cells open up? Including S.H.I.E.L.D's remote control super criminals?
  • Luke Cage: You got it. But the released prisoners might give S.W.O.R.D more than they can handle - least for a few minutes. Could help cover our escape.
  • Iron Man: Never thought the cavalry would look quite like that... but I'll take it. Nanite Control, watch what you're doing with those prisoners! They just-- Dammit, Swanson! Get those prisoners attack the right targets!
  • Officer Swanson: We're trying, but they're not responding. The inhibitor transmissions aren't any effect!
  • Iron Man: Then spike their nanochains! Shut them down, NOW!
  • Captain America: Looks like Fury was right about your nanite-injected slaves.
  • Iron Man: We had it under control until you busted in here and release them all.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Gentlemen, I suggest we focus on getting our people out of here alive.
  • Nick Fury: Like screaming into a hurricane, but we've gotta do something! Save as many folks as you can and then meet up the rendezvous point.
  • Venom: Eat your brains! We're hungry!
  • Diamondback: Ya'll think you're something special, don't ya? Well, let's see if you're special enough to deal with this! I'll fry the whole mess of ya. Don't you doubt it for a minute. Ain't no way ya'll beat me... bi way...
  • Bishop: Freeze, Lady Deathstrike!
  • Lady Deathstrike: Look. Bullsye! Target practice.
  • Bullseye: Practice? I don't need practice, babe.
  • Black Widow: Bishop! Look out!
  • Nick Fury: Head's up, people. The bad guys are rounding up whoever they can get their hands on and are showing them into cells. Looks like they're planning a little nanite slumber. Get in there and free anybody you find before the bad guys have their way.
  • Luke Cage: There is a portal at the end of the hall. Secure it until Fury can bring it back online.
  • Nick Fury: There you go. In that cell right there you've got a non-infected prisoner. Find a way to get them out.
  • Ms. Marvel: It's too dangerous for you here now. Get to the portal!
  • Songbird: Look, Moonstone, playthings.
  • Moonstone: Oh, very nice, Songbird. Which one shall we break first?
  • Nick Fury: No lollygagging here, soldiers! There are still folks in need of rescuing. Let's get a move on.
  • Cloak: We are free?
  • Ms. Marvel: You're out of your cell, which is a start.
  • Dagger: What's happening?
  • Ms. Marvel: S.H.I.E.L.D. has lost control of their pet super-villains. We're trying to get everyone that we can out of here.
  • Dagger: We'll help you--
  • Ms. Marvel: No, we have the situation under control. You should get to safety.
  • Cloak: Good luck to you.
  • Ms. Marvel: You as well.
  • Hercules: Hail, friends!
  • Luke Cage: Hercules, we're getting everyone out of here.
  • Hercules: A most wonderful idea. A cage is no place for the Lion of Olympics!
  • Luke Cage: Fall back to the portal. We'll all be out of here shortly.
  • Scorpion: Look, Norman. Heroes.
  • Scorpion: You'll have to excuse my friend. That's all he ever says.
  • Human Torch: It looks like he dropped a keycard. Maybe we can use that to free to reminding prisoners.
  • Wonder Man: Thank goodness. I was on patrol in the prison when I got overwhelmed.
  • Luke Cage: But you're okay now?
  • Wonder Man: Yes.
  • Luke Cage: Good. We're gathering everyone at the portal. Go see if they need any help.
  • Nick Fury: Nice work. That's everyone that was trapped in this area. Let's move on.
  • Blade: If we're going to open that door, we'll need to get power to it. Let's find a way to activate the terminals.
  • Nick Fury: Do a sweep of the area. Pull anybody else out that you find and then meet up at the portal.
  • Spider-Woman: What are you guys doing here?
  • Hulk: Are you okay?
  • Spider-Woman: As can be expected. What's happening?
  • Hulk: We're all getting out of here, that's what. Run to the portal. We'll be there as soon as we can.
  • Nick Fury: Nice work team. That was the last hero registered in the maximum security book. Now get to the portal and make sure everyone gets out of there.
  • Iron Man: Steve...
  • Captain America: Tony, we can't resolve this by punching each other's lights out.
  • Iron Man: So you've changed tactics then?
  • Captain America: That's cheap. Tony... and you've never been one for cheap shots.
  • Iron Man: You're right. We have to stand together.
  • Captain America: I'm willing if you are, old friend.
  • Iron Man: Of course.
  • Nick Fury: Hold them off while I bring the portal online, otherwise nobody's goin' anywhere!
  • Captain America: Fury, are you close? There's too many of them!
  • Nick Fury: I've almost got it! Portal activated. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. I'm settin' the self-destruct sequence now. Sonuva! Where'd you guys come from?!
  • Captain America: Fury? Are you okay?
  • Nick Fury: Get through the portal, Cap, before there ain't no portal to get through!
  • Captain America: Not without you...
  • Nick Fury: Dammit, get through the portal now, soldier!
  • Luke Cage: You made it! Was Merlin behind you?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hmm, closed off from the other side.
  • Captain America: What do you think it means? Did Merlin detonate--?
  • Maria Hill: Step to one side, Captain. You and your friends are under arrest.
  • Captain America: For Pete's sake, Carmelita... these people need medical attention!
  • Iron Man: He's right. Lower your weapons and call in the medics--
  • Maria Hill: No, Stark. I'm under direct orders from the President. The SRA dictates that these unregistered--
  • Iron Man: We're giving everyone temporary amnesty, on my authority, at least until we figure out what just happened. If you have a problem with that, Inspector Fox, you're going to have to keep it up with all of us.
  • Maria Hill: Get the medics down here.
  • Priest: many lives apparently lost. And yet, lost so that many more lives might be saved. We may not know the true fate of Nicolas Fury, but we do know he showed his willingness to sacrifice himself on behalf of us all. For him -- and for me the rest of the missing and presumed deceased -- we ask Almighty God to watch over their souls. Amen.
  • Bishop: Makes me nervous having both sides together like this.
  • Iron Man: If it was a trap, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have sprung it by now.
  • Bishop: Agreed. But it worries me... how bad mut things be if we're meeting like this?
  • Spider-Woman: Well... this is interesting.
  • Iron Man: Everyone together in one piece.
  • Spider-Woman: Nobody attacking anyone else.
  • Iron Man: Can't wait to see how this plays out. I know you didn't need help , but we could use yours. These nanites are out of control--
  • Venom: We don't care about nanites-- but we do enjoy knocking heads together...
  • Nick Fury: Goblin! You don't like me, and I detest you -- but the nanites must be stopped at all costs! Please, help me place the charges to destroy this place.
  • Green Goblin: You-- You want me to blow it up? I can do that!
  • Nick Fury: Nice work, Norman. If you're going to continue helping out, the rest of my team is just up ahead holding the portal four our allies to escape. I'll let them know you're coming.
  • Songbird: This is insane... I need to find out what's going on. But a little back up wouldn't hurt. Maybe I'll find someone to help me in the high security cells. Let's get out of here! The heroes can deal with this mess!
  • Penance: I repent my actions in the eyes of my enemies and pledge to make their foes my own!
  • Iron Man: Umm... that's great? Just help us!
  • Songbird: We've done enough, Peneance. Let's get out of here!
  • Penance: Very I well. Lead the way.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I know we believed Fury's gambit successful... But I've been monitoring the situation, and while there has previously been no sign of the nanite collective's signals been here on Earth, that's changed.
  • Captain America: Changed? How?
  • Mr. Fantastic: New transmissions. New movement here in Wakanda.
  • Captain America: The nanites are using the super-villains to attack African nation in Wakanda? Why?
  • Mr. Fantastic: I would've imagined they'd wrap the Wakanda's resources namely vibranium. But, it's too what purpose.
  • Captain America: What's important to know is that the nanites are spreading. Tony, are you hearing anything from Wakanda? Any non-nanite transmissions?
  • Iron Man: Yes, the villains have infected the local Gorilla Cult, lead by M'Baku AKA the Man-Ape.
  • Captain America: We start by securing the royal palace and ensuring the safety of Wakanda's leader, Black Panther. After that, we'll worry about the vibranium.
  • Black Widow: So... you join the side of the right and lawful again.
  • Captain America: I joined the side of the right and lawful again.
  • Black Panther: I would say welcome to Wakanda, but things are here are not very welcoming at the moment. The infection has spread amongst my people. Only I have managed to stay uninfected. We are currently barricaded inside the royal palace, but I am not sure how long I can't hold out.
  • Radioactive Man: And just what do you think you will be doing here, hrm? Come to save the king from his subjects? I think not, silly American heroes. I think not. Glory to the people! I will melt you all! Not possible... the Americans... not possible.
  • Black Panther: My guards are infected, and I am locked in here with them. I require assistance. Now! You can override the door lock by triggering the pressure plates located around the palace. That's it! You did it! Now, make your way to me as quickly as possible! One moment. There is an incoming transmission.
  • She-Hulk: Priority one distress call from Stark Tower to all friendly forces. We are under attack!
  • Black Panther: She-Hulk! What is happening there?
  • She-Hulk: Tower defenses taken down by remote using backdoor access codes. Invading forces compromised of nanite controlled criminals, as well as, infected super heroes - including...
  • Black Panther: She Hulk!
  • She Hulk: Fall back! Fall ba--
  • Black Panther: She Hulk! Stark Tower Respond! She Hulk!
  • Nanite Nick Fury: Hello.
  • Black Panther: Fury?
  • Nanite Nick Fury: Indeed.
  • Black Panther: How did you survive? Unless...
  • Nanite Nick Fury: I have been welcomed. I am part of the Fold.
  • Black Panther: The Fold?
  • Nanite Nick Fury: The end of war. The end of stifle. The end of all the plagues of humanity.
  • Black Panther: And how would that be accomplished? By taking over by force?
  • Nanite Nick Fury: There will be no show of force. Everyone will come into the Fold peacefully, or not at all.
  • Black Panther: You will understand if I do not see the kindness of your offer.
  • Nanite Nick Fury: Here is kindness. We stop the attack on Stark Tower right now, if you and your people will join the Fold.
  • Black Panther: I do not pretend to know what you have become... and I will negotiate no surrender to you.
  • Nanite Nick Fury: All right. We gave you the chance. Remember that.
  • Black Panther: I understand your desire to return to Stark Tower, but there is more to do here today. The war will be won or lost here. The villains are intent on stealing vibranium. On the far side of the palace there is an entrance to the mines. I will take you there now. This is another if your plots, Man-Ape?
  • Man-Ape: Indeed, Black Panther. Today, finally, the nation of Wakanda is MINE!
  • Black Panther: Not so long as I draw breath.
  • Man-Ape: Bow down before me! You will not stand between me and my destiny! No. I am Wakanda's true leader.
  • Black Panther: You are nothing but a man in a foolish costume, M'Baku. Man-Ape is defeated, but we are too late. The vibranium is gone. With Stark Tower compromised, we should alert everyone to meet here so we can discuss our next course of action. Is it working?
  • Iron Man: Reed says it is.
  • Mr. Fantastic: It is.
  • Black Panther: A cure.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Yes.
  • Captain America: I've got a location on where the Fold's taken the vibranium. Iceland.
  • Iron Man: Iceland. What the hell is in Iceland?
  • Captain America: A tower. Looks like it's being used for comminications.
  • Mr. Fantastic: A tower that large... made of vibranium...Tony!
  • Iron Man: A repeater. With the power to broadcast around the globe.
  • Mr. Fantastic: They're going to create a global network...
  • Black Panther: A world-wide army.
  • Captain America: They'd be unstoppable.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Not if we get there first. Use the tower against them.
  • Iron Man: You're thinking stasis program...
  • Black Panther: The original program that was supposed to keep the villains in check.
  • Mr. Fantastic: They'll have adapted to it by now. But I should be able to modify the code enough...
  • Captain America: We have a way to stop them.
  • Iron Man: If we hurry.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I have developed a modified version of the Fold's stasis signal. If we can get it uploaded into the repeater, then we should be able to put the entire Fold to sleep until the cure can be administered globally. It appears there is relatively simple recall sequence to the lights. These nanite units have been enhanced. Everyone stay extra alert as you proceed.
  • Magneto: So you came here to join us? To help us bring humanity to the next stage of evolution!
  • Quicksilver: No, father, I think they have come to stop us.
  • Magneto: That would be a shame, Pietro. What say you, heroes? It is not too late to join us. Become one with the Fold. Then so be it.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Quickly! Give Magneto the cure before the Fold gets control again!
  • Magneto: What has... where am I?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Mr. Lehnsherr, I'm Reed Richards of--
  • Magneto: I know who you are, fool.
  • Mr. Fantastic: You were taken over by the Fold, but we managed to cure you.
  • Magneto: Unacceptable, The Collective must pay for this affront. I will aid you the only way I know how. The brave are the very first to die...
  • Mr. Fantastic: Look there! The Tinkerer! The computer he's infecting with is the same terminal we need to upload the stasis program. Take him down quickly!
  • The Tinkerer: You're too late, heroes! The tower is active! The Earth belongs to the Fold! Now join us, you were always meant to! You have accomplished ... nothing! Become one with the Fold! Ahh No! NO! NOOOOO! The Fold... Earth... This world belongs to... usssssss...
  • Mr. Fantastic: Upload the program! Now! I had hoped Tinkerer had the security offline since he was using the system. Quickly, hack through and upload the stasis program!
  • Yellowjacket: We did it. They're all paralyzed!
  • Black Panther: Reports coming in now, from all over the globe. It looks like the entire collective is down. Great work, team!
  • Nanite Nick Fury: It's a shame you feel you need to fight. Time for fighting is over...
  • Mr. Fantastic: No! Fury's trying to infect you! Get that tether off NOW! Break that tether! We can't afford to lose anyone else!
  • Nanite Nick Fury: You can't stop us! You're wasting your time! Impossible! We cannot... we... no... not we... I... I... Thank you.
  • Nick Fury: Awright, awright, it's working, honey. Enough, already. 'Swear, it's like having an entire staff of mother hens around here.
  • Tony Stark: Doesn't look so bad to me.
  • Steve Rogers: So how are you feeling?
  • Nick Fury: Like I've had nanites crawling in, around, and through every cell in my body.
  • Tony Stark: No surprise there... you did. Everyone else who was infected is pretty much recovered, but the stuff the Tinkerer put in yours was ten times--
  • Nick Fury: I know. Believe me, I know. Look, guys... I just wanted to... uh... to apologize... for... you know -- not leveling with you both back in Lateveria. A lot of this might not have happened if--
  • Steve Rogers: You can stop there, Nick, There's plenty of blame to go around, on all sides.
  • Tony Stark: And plenty of cleaning up yet to do.
  • Nick Fury: Yeah, there's that. I know you'll put it right... get things back to where they used to be.
  • Tony Stark: I'm not sure things will ever be quite the same as they used to be.
  • Steve Rogers: No. But that doesn't mean they can't be good again.
  • Reporter: --and so with the global battle against the Fold now won, thanks in large part of the combined efforts of the world's super heroes, Congress this week voted to append the Superhuman Registration Act. An editionly all members of the Anti-Registration movement have been granted full amensty by the President. Does this mean the country super heroes can get back doing what they do best? Captain America former leader of the Anti-Regi moevment since he hope so.
  • Iron Man: It's too easy to think of super heroes as weapons, things to be controlled and developed like an arm of the military. But that's not what they are. They're people. People with special abilities who want to help others. We can't let these recent events erase all that good work. And we won't. Because heroes represent hope... hope that there's someone looking out for us... ready to help us when we need it most. And because our children need to know there are heroes out there... ...and they need to have someone to look up to. At the end of the day, that's what really matters.

DS Version

  • (Doomstadt, Latveria. One Year Ago)
  • Nick Fury: Good work team. Recon is jamming all transmissions in your area and it should be a clear shot up to the castle. Proceed on foot to checkpoint three for chopper pickup. They'll take you to the castle parapets while my team storms the main gate.
  • Spider-Man: "On foot"? You're kidding, right? Do you have any idea how little arch support I get in this outfit?
  • Nick Fury: Put it a sock in it, webhead.
  • Spider-Man: Socks made it worse, actually--
  • Wolverine: He meant shut yer hole.
  • Spider-Man: Hey, don't even get me started on this costume and holes.
  • Nick Fury: Let's move. Now.
  • Iron Man: Bravo team is in place. Let's move out, people!
  • Nick Fury: Slight problem team. The castle's locked down by an energy shield. Nothing gets in or out as that shield is functional. Your priority is to find and destroy the shield generators, pronto. The lot of us are gonna get eaten alive! Man those turrets! Unleash hell! Alright. I'm taking my team after von Bardas. You lot are gonna find the castle's power generators and shut them down.
  • She-Hulk: That door's made of reinforced vibranium! We're gonna have to find a way to open it.
  • Nick Fury: Von Bardas, you're finished!
  • Lucia Von Bardas: Me? Why, Fury, you are the one acting without UN approval. It is you who are in my country illegally.
  • Iron Man: What's she talking about?
  • Nick Fury: She's talking about distracting us from the fact that she's upgrading super-villains' suits so she can wreak a little worldwide havoc. Don't worry your pretty little heads over von Bardas. She's mine. Just go take care of the power generators.
  • Invisible Woman: Electro! It looks like he's feeding off the generators here. Let's see if we can cause some damage when he's distracted.
  • Electro: Well, well, well... look at the costumed pansies. Come to play? Let's play!
  • Nick Fury: All units! Evacuate the castle now! Structural integrity is failing, and we're all about to get a whole lot flatter.
  • (Present Day)
  • Cable: What do you need?
  • Ms. Marvel: What do you know about von Bardas?
  • Cable: Not much, really. Never had to deal with her myself.
  • Captain America: Soldier, you need to get in the field, pronto.
  • Ms. Marvel: Cap, you ever get nervous before a battle?
  • Captain America: Every time. But that's okay. If you aren't nervous, you're cocky. And cockiness can get you killed. You'll do fine.
  • Ms. Marvel: Thanks, Cap.
  • Nick Fury: What're you still doing here?
  • Ms. Marvel: How is von Bardas in New York? I thought she was dead!
  • Nick Fury: Let me tell you a secret about the bad guys -- They got a real nasty habit of not stay'n dead. Get ready to mobilize. Lucia von Bardas is attacking Manhattan.
  • Iron Man: Von Bardas... Isn't she dead?
  • Nick Fury: Not as dead as she used to be. Looks like somebody wired what was left of her into a cyborg body and now she's causing trouble in Time's Square. I want people on the ground, saving civilians, and finding out how it is dead woman is attacking our country.
  • Iron Man: You heard the man. Report back once you are ready. Alright people, let's get out there and make the world a safer place.
  • Ms. Marvel: Reports say that Lucia von Bardas is back ... Geez! Stupid taxi almost wiped us out! Anyways ... Lucia is causing chaos in the city and we need to stop her.
  • Thing: You think you're so tough? Try doing that to me! Get that man out from under there! There you go.
  • Lucia von Bardas: Well, now. More "heroes."
  • Luke Cage: You lose, von Bardas!
  • Lucia von Bardas: Oh? Is the fight over? I was under the impression it was just beginning! Your nation shall fall before me! First, I will destroy New York! Then, every major city from coast to coast! American shall pay for her aggressions against Latveria! I've linked all my power generators to the bomb. Each generator protects the bomb...I'm unstoppable!
  • Nick Fury: Crazy robot lady's got generators linked up... looks like they're creating a forcefield around the bomb. And it looks like she's controlling the generators... let's see how well they work when she's distracted. Hit her hard, heroes!
  • Lucia von Bardas: Even if you knock out the force fields, the bomb will only be vulnerable for a little while. Then I'll just use the other generators to protect it!
  • Nick Fury: Alright, forcefields aren't down long enough to do any real damage... So you need to keep taking down generators until we've made the bomb vulnerable. We've got our plan, we've got our target, let's do this people! Disarm that bomb! NOW!
  • Lucia von Bardas: I may have lost this battle... but you will not win the war.
  • Nick Fury: Good work! Von Bardas is down, the bomb is offline, and the city's in the clear. Now get with the cleanup effect.
  • Reporter: ...a wide swatch of devastation. The mayor has declared a state of emergency, and FEMA workers are already on the scene, assisted by local rescue authorities and a number of super heroes... Captain! Captain America! Can we have a word? Captain, we've receiving reports that the terrorists were from Latveria, and that they claimed that was retaliation for a secret, unsanctioned S.H.I.E.L.D. assault on Castle Doom exactly one year ago. What can you tell us about that?
  • Captain America: No comment...
  • Reporter: S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nicholas Fury, now-wanted for questioning in connection, with the Latberians' claim; has disappeared. In his absence, Commander Maria Hill has been named Acting Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., as authorities continue to try to piece together the events that led to today's...
  • Captain America: You hear what they've saying about that mission in Latveria?
  • Iron Man: Color me shocked, Steve. I half-suspected we weren't sanctioned at the time. What else should we have expected from Fury?
  • Captain America: You half-suspected... Nice of you to say so at the time.
  • Iron Man: Because I also suspected Fury was right... that, like you said, we were doing it for a good reason, whether or not Uncle Sam was officially on board. Given a choice between Fury and the government, who are you going to trust?
  • Nick Fury: Mm, tough call. That's why I didn't even ask you to make it.
  • Captain America: So, thanks to you, all this is on our hands.
  • Nick Fury: No. Not on yours. I kept you in the dark, so that, if somethin' like this ever happened, your consciences would be clear. It's on me, and I'm takin' the fall for this one.
  • Iron Man: You got that right.
  • Nick Fury: Dammit, Stark...
  • Tony Stark: ...and so to answer your question, Mr. Senator, in spite of these recent events... ...I don't believe forcing super heroes to register with the government is the answer. The law would split the hero community right down the middle, with consequences I'm not sure any of us want to ponder.
  • Steve Rogers: Was that really your best shot?
  • Tony Stark: Sneaking around doesn't become you, Steve.
  • Steve Rogers: Maybe I'll need the practice. Maybe we all will.
  • Tony Stark: Don't be so melodramatic. This whole thing would affect you least of all. You're already deputized.
  • Steve Rogers: You almost sound like you agree with them. This Registration Act would tear down, everything we've done, destroy a century-old tradition of--
  • Tony Stark: I'm trying to save it, Steve. As much of it as I can, anyway. Don't you see where this is headed? All it's going to take is one more slip-up, by anyone in a cape, and we'll be lucky if registration is the worst they do. They could turn us all into criminals, hunt us down--
  • Steve Rogers: No, they won't Tony... ...not in my country.
  • (Four Days Later...)
  • TV Annoucner: --now return to our special LIVE episode of THE NEW WARRIORS, coming to you straight from Stamford, Conneticut... ...where the Warriors have just been spotted by their super-villain quarry. Looks like it's on!
  • Speedball: I've got Coldheart, you guys! Hey, somebody snag Nitro, he's rabbitting!
  • Namorita: Don't worry, Speedball. I'm on him. On your feet, Nitro. And don't bother trying any of your stupid exploding tricks.
  • Nitro: Oh, baby, don't you even know? You're playing with the big boys now...
  • Reporter: --reports now coming in from Stamford., Connecticut indicate a massive explosion in a residential neighborhood... --just over 12 hours ago now, and preliminary causalities are said to be over 600. --following last week's devasting explosion, Congress has rushed through passage of the Superhuman Registration Act. With the President expected to sign the Act into law concerns have been raised as to how the country's super heroes might react.
  • Captain America: --completely insane, Hill. I won't do it.
  • Maria Hill: I'm sorry, was it not clear I was giving you an order?
  • Captain America: You're asking me to arrest people who risk their lives for this country every day.
  • Maria Hill: No, I'm ordering you to obey the will of the American people, Captain. Either you help us bring them in, or we'll bring you in.
  • Captain America: Weapons, down, gentlemen, or--
  • Maria Hill: Tranq darts! NOW!! Take him down! Take him down!
  • The President: Of all the people to go underground... Captain America? Now every super hero who disagrees with the Act suddenly has a leader. Maybe we should hold off until--
  • Iron Man: That won't be necessary, Mr. President. Registration can go forward as planned. We'll take care of Captain America.
  • Hercules: Ho! Tis you again!
  • Luke Cage: I thight you were sitting this out. Waiting for the madness pass.
  • Hercules: Nay, my friend. The time for waiting has passed. Now it is time to act!
  • Luke Cage: It's good to have you on our side, Hercules.
  • Spider-Woman: So here we are.
  • Spider-Man: Here we are.
  • Spider-Woman: I'm behind Cap one hundred percent, but I hope he knows what he's doing.
  • Spider-Man: Of course he does. He's Captain America.
  • Dagger: You're here too?
  • Invisible Woman: Yes. I had to... I can't support the registration.
  • Dagger: Me either. I was happy to hear Cloak felt the same way.
  • Invisible Woman: It's good to see you both here.
  • Cloak: I see you chose to join Captain America.
  • Invisible Woman: You as well.
  • Cloak: Indeed... I hope it was the right choice.
  • Invisible Woman: Of course it was! We can't let this insanity stand. We have to fight for what's right!
  • Captain America: Thank you for making the right choice and joining with me. It's not easy to square off against friends--but what we are standing up for is right, and we must never forget that. But enough pleasantries. We just received word from Cable that he needs assistance. Tony and his people are attacking one of our bases, and Cable needs any help we can offer. Let me know when you are ready. All right soldiers! Move out!
  • Cable: Stark's forces are inside our base. Cloak and Dagger are securing the base. Your team needs to hurry and secure the locations I'm currently uploading to your map. Set up that turret and secure the area. Cloak should have that area wired up by the time you get there. I have lost contact with him, so be ready for anything until the system is operational.
  • Invisible Woman: It looks like Cloak didn't fix this turret. We need to set it up quickly. something's wrong. We should be getting power.
  • Cloak: Hey, I need some help. Someone is hacking our system and is really wreaking havoc with the power grid. I opened the door so you guys can make your way to me.
  • Invisible Woman: Alright, we're on our way.
  • Cloak: Hey, I'm sorry. This door is locked from a secure console that I don't have access to. You're going to have to open it from the outside. I'm glad you guys are here. It looks like Stark's men are en route. I'll need you to keep me clear of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents while I work on the power grid. Alright, we're back in business! Wait a minute... it looks like Dagger is in trouble! Please help her!
  • Dagger: Oh, hey guys. No need to panic, but it looks like some S.H.I.E.L.D. robots are about to break into the base. I am going to man the turrets in the other room, just in case anything gets past you.
  • She-Hulk: Attention! As a fully registered hero, it is my duty to inform you that you are in violation of the Superhuman Registration Act. Stand down now, or face arrest. This is your last chance to surrender, guys.
  • Ms. Marvel: Enough talk. Attack! Impossible... We can't lose to you...
  • Invisible Woman: Good work. Base secure. Now fall back to the sewers and help defend the entrance.
  • Captain America: Team, heads up. Several blips showing up on the scans. I suspect our friends are regrouping for another attack. Wait, something large is showing up ahead. The sensors must be busted. Nothing that large can fit down in these sewers. Be careful, team.
  • Spider-Man: "Nothing that large can fit in these sewers," he said. Looks like we got a big fight on our hands, team. Let's bring this thing down and get out of here.
  • Captain America: Good, the security system has locked this door down. Looks like the flamethrowers are still set up in the halls. Let's activate them to help clear the way and reduce their numbers.
  • Spider-Man: If we lock this door, it will slow S.H.I.E.L.D. down even further.
  • Bishop: You ready for this? Captain America? That's going to be a fight.
  • Thing: I think I'm ready.
  • Bishop: Just remember, no matter who he is--
  • Thing: He's breaking the law. We have to stop him.
  • Iron Man: I would like to, and I mean this sincerely, thank each and every one of you for making the right choice and joining me here today. I know how difficult a climate we live in right now and-- Okay. There's no getting around this. We will do battle with men and women we consider friends. We will convince them to follow the letter of the law and not their own selfish desires. And we will begin this task today. S.H.I.E.L.D. has identified a secret facility in the sewers of Newmark, New Jersey. Our task is to hit this base hard and fast, rounding up as many unregistereds as possible. Our primary target today is Cable. Intelligence says he's the man in charge of this facility, and taking him out would be a huge blow to Captain America's forces. Good luck out there, people. Stay safe.
  • Spider-Man: Status report?
  • SRU Soldier: All clear. Sensors report negative hostiles. Looks like our intel was just a decoy.
  • Spider-Man: Strange. I saw the footage myself and... wait a minute, something's not right here. Those are level one security equipment crates. Sergeant, who authorized that equipment to be brought down here?
  • SRU Soldier: ... I'm sorry abou this, but... Plan B, team! Activate security protcol Omega and take out those supers. Attack!
  • Bishop: What's this? Hrmm... looks like it might belong to our rebels. Let me see what I can do to hack it. I've cracked it. Keep me covered until I can find what I'm after. Will you look at that? Looking at the system, we're practically inside their base already. There's an entrance up ahead. Go on ahead and I'll meet up with you. I'm going to try to gather more information from their system while I am inside.
  • Iron Man: What the...?! These defectors brought some serious firepower with them. Let's take that tank out!
  • Thing: Now what? It's a dead end.
  • Bishop: There's no way! I know the entrance is here.
  • Thing: Bishop! If the entrance is here, then where is it?
  • Bishop: I'm not sure, let me investigate a bit.
  • Thing: There is nowhere to go. Bishop said the entrance was up ahead.
  • Bishop: It is here. Sorry I took so long, some agents showed up after you left. Let me input the code and we will be on our way.
  • Thing: We have gone as far as we can with Bishop. The rest is up to us!
  • Cloak: Look, Dagger... Intruders.
  • Dagger: None of you belong here. Leave now... Or pay the price.
  • Cloak: Dagger, come quickly to me! We must flee!
  • Dagger: Get us out of here, Ty!
  • Iron Man: Let me see what I can find in their computers. There we go. It's a list of heroes loyal to their cause. Aliases, known locations, everything they'd need to help one another stay underground. Damn! There's one other terminal connected to the network and it has unique information. It looks like Cable has caused each terminal to erase its own data. I'm pulling down info as fast as I can. We have to find the other terminal and stop the purge.
  • Cable: Look at you. Noting more than stormtroopers, marching to your orders, with no idea of their repercussions. You will not defeat the anti-registration movement simply by stomping it with your boot. Enough of this! I have delayed you long enough.
  • Sentry: Let's take care of that terminal, and we can get out of here.
  • Cloak: It was a near thing with Cable.
  • Invisible Woman: Yes.
  • Cloak: We must be on the offensive now. Take the fight to Stark.
  • Invisible Woman: I couldn't agree more.
  • Cloak: We won't win waiting for Stark to come looking for us.
  • Dagger: That was sort of scary just now.
  • Invisible Woman: We got everyone out in time.
  • Dagger: I know. It's just... now the whole thing is way more real...
  • Daredevil: What do you think Cable is worked up about?
  • Invisible Woman: I don't know.
  • Daredevil: His heart's racing like mad.
  • Cable: Thanks for the help in New Jersey.
  • Invisible Woman: No problem, Cable. Glad to help.
  • Cable: I hate to consider where I might have ended up had they got me there.
  • Invisible Woman: Well, you're free now, so let's hear what Cap has to say.
  • Captain America: Good work pulling Cable's fat out of the fire. I appreciate it.
  • Cable: Cap, you're never gonna believe this. S.H.I.E.L.D. has some form of nanite they're injecting too super-villains. Using them like puppets.
  • Captain America: Good lord. There's no telling what the men may be like if we encounter them in the field.
  • Cable: More bad news -- There's been an accident at the Geffen-Meyer chemical plant. Do we risk helping?
  • Daredevil: No. We don't.
  • Captain America: How can you say that?
  • Daredevil: An accident at a chemical plant in our own back yard? I'm blind and I see the trap.
  • Captain America: We can't risk that there might be innocent people in danger. Everyone get ready and report in! Alright soldiers! Move out! How many trapped workers did the radio say?
  • Cable: Over three hundred -- but something's weird. I'm not getting anything with my info-net. No panic signals, nothing...
  • Luke Cage: What's wrong, Cable?
  • Cable: Cloak, get us out of here! It's a trap!
  • Iron Man: Of course It's a trap. How else were we going to get you all in one place? Skybird One, is the area fully cordoned?
  • Maria Hill: Roger, perimeter, sealed. No one's leaving the zone without our say-so.
  • Iron Man: Copy that. Stand by.
  • Captain America: "Stand by?" You and S.H.I.E.L.D. going soft, Tony?
  • Iron Man: We didn't come to arrest you, Cap. I talked S.H.I.E.L.D. into offering all of you a chance at amnesty.
  • Captain America: You mean surrender? Thanks, but I think I'd rather take my chances.
  • Iron Man: Cap, please... you know how hard I tried to fight this... but that was before Stamford. The public doesn't want secret identities anymore. Registration is the only way to make them feel safe when we're around. Just give me a chance to tell you our plans for my twenty-first century overhaul.
  • Captain America: You've got five minutes.
  • Iron Man: That's all I need. What the hell?
  • Captain America: Everyone stay alert. We will encounter further resistance. Do not give them any ground at all! Every step backwards is a step away from freedom!
  • She-Hulk: I see you've let Captain America lead you astray. That is a damn shame is what that is.
  • Wolverine: What? Who said that?
  • She-Hulk: Don't let Captain America lead you... to your... doom.
  • Mr. Fantastic: This is foolish. The level of energy and manpower being wasted in what is essentially an ideological difference... It's embarrassing is what it is. Everyone here should be ashamed of themselves. I don't have time to pursue this any further. Thor, please remove these intruders.
  • Thor: No! No! NOOOOOOOO!
  • Captain America: Goliath... we're going to need your help. Now more than ever.
  • Goliath: They've got Pym in the field, don't they?
  • Captain America: They do, soldier, and you're the only one who can take him on.
  • Goliath: It will be my honor to fight for you, Captain.
  • Captain America: Goliath... we're going to need your help. Now more than ever.
  • Goliath: They've got Pym in the field, don't they?
  • Captain America: They do, soldier, and you're the only one who can take him on.
  • Goliath: It will be my honor to fight for you, Captain.
  • Yellowjacket: Enough of this! Look at yourselves! A law has passed. A LAW! You do not take the streets in armed conflict to oppose a law. You protest. You hire lawyers. You do NOT--
  • Storm: I believe you have let your head get to big, Mister Pym. Perhaps my friends and I should bring it down to size.
  • Yellowjacket: How...?
  • Storm: By the Goddess, I wish things had been different, Hank. Truly I am.
  • Captain America: So far so good, people. But, stay alert. Iron Man is in the area, and he is a formidable opponent.
  • Iron Man: I have fought alongside all of you as Avengers... or friends. You are each the best of heroes, but now you have turned your backs on what is right and just. It's shame you are following Steve... like lambs to the slaughter. Enough of this! There are more important things to do than argue with insolent children. You will be dealt with in time. All of you!
  • Captain America: You beat him down pretty bad, team. I'd like to give chase and finish the fight, but there are more pressing matters at hand.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Good work in New Jersey.
  • Hulk: Thanks. Any idea what's next?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Big things. You'll hear at the briefing.
  • Iron Man: Congratulations to everyone for the good work in New Jersey. Several numbers of the anti-registration forces are in custody in the Negative Zone facility.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I wanted to show everyone an exciting development. Myself and Doctor Pym have developed a new form of nanotechnology codenamed Compliance, now allows S.H.I.E.L.D. to not only track the location of injected super-villains, but modify their behavior as well. Should a villain injected with Compliance disobey orders, S.H.I.E.L.D. can remotely incapacitate them by triggering a biochemical stasis. A pause button, if you will.
  • Iron Man: Your destination is the Geffen-Meyer chemical plant where we have staged a false accident in an attempt to draw out anti-registration working in the area.
  • Mr. Fantastic: When the anti-registration members, arrive, we'll be there waiting for them.
  • Iron Man: Okay, let's move out!
  • Captain America: How many trapped workers did the radio say?
  • Cable: Over three hundred -- but something's weird. I'm not getting anything with my info-net. No panic signals, nothing...
  • Luke Cage: What's wrong, Cable?
  • Cable: Cloak, get us out of here! It's a trap!
  • Iron Man: Of course It's a trap. How else were we going to get you all in one place? Skybird One, is the area fully cordoned?
  • Maria Hill: Roger, perimeter, sealed. No one's leaving the zone without our say-so.
  • Iron Man: Copy that. Stand by.
  • Captain America: "Stand by?" You and S.H.I.E.L.D. going soft, Tony?
  • Iron Man: We didn't come to arrest you, Cap. I talked S.H.I.E.L.D. into offering all of you a chance at amnesty.
  • Captain America: You mean surrender? Thanks, but I think I'd rather take my chances.
  • Iron Man: Cap, please... you know how hard I tried to fight this... but that was before Stamford. The public doesn't want secret identities anymore. Registration is the only way to make them feel safe when we're around. Just give me a chance to tell you our plans for my twenty-first century overhaul.
  • Captain America: You've got five minutes.
  • Iron Man: That's all I need. What the hell?
  • Sentry: Did you hear that? Everybody look out!
  • Hercules: You have stopped me... but you will not stop us all.
  • Daredevil: There's no reason for a war. I'm willing to discuss our ideological differences. Or I'm willing to fight to the end. Your call. This is all... wrong...
  • Iron Man: Hank... what are you doing?
  • Yellowjacket: We're doing what we're agreed needed doing. Are you starting to doubt youself?
  • Iron Man: No. Of course not. I... Never mind. We need to take care of this situation before it gets any more out of hand. Everyone converge on Goliath. Time him out.
  • Goliath: You guys... you don't understand... I'm not going to just turn myself in. What you're doing is wrong and...
  • Thor: Silence! Stand ye down now, Goliath, or feel, the wrath of Thor!
  • Goliath: No! NO! NOOOOOOO!
  • Thor: Goliath is defeated. Stand tall, heroes. For this day you have tasted victory!
  • Iron Man: Attention all units. Don't forget Captain America is in the facility. He is considered armed and dangerous. Do not slow down, do not give any ground to these rebels! 
  • Captain America: So it's come to this...I've fought along side all of you at one time or another; known each of you to be the best of heroes. But now you're here... hunting me in the name of justice. This isn't right... none of this is right.
  • SRU Soldier: Thanks for helping me. My squadmates are being chased up ahead by rebels and need help!
  • Nick Fury: Here's the story. Some of the pet super-villains have gone off the reserve and are planting bombs.
  • Green Goblin: You won't be defusing anything!
  • Hulk: Are you okay?!
  • Nick Fury: I just got blown up, what do you think?! Nonetheless, nothing seems to be broken. Let's get out of here and back to base. Well, look who's back in the land of the livin'. You're in one of my little safe houses. An out of service S.H.I.E.L.D. facility I kept on hand for an occasion just like this... You know they can deny it all they want, but something big is goin' down. Maybe even bigger than this 'Civil War' you're all havin' so much fun with. Someone out there is tryin' to take advantage of the situation. Maybe by now I could've figured out who, if I hadn't been too busy playin' nursemaid to you grunts. You owe me. And since you're all presumed dead by both sides, you're the perfect little group to check out of this war -- at least for a bit - to help me figure this thing out. You with me? Good.
  • Luke Cage: This is a bad day for us, but we'll get through it somehow.
  • Wolverine: These are some rough times, bub.
  • Cable: This keeps getting crazier. The chemical plant --
  • Thor: Went totally out of control.
  • Cable: Exactly.
  • Bishop: I can't believe it's come to this.
  • Thor: If S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't started--
  • Bishop: We can lay blame later, okay? Right now, let's just concentrate on finding a way to solve this problem.
  • She-Hulk: Nanites. Crazy people, Super-villains. Life was easier when I was lawyer.
  • Thor: The problem with "easy" is, it's almost never "interesting."
  • She-Hulk: Today? Today I'll take "easy" over "interesting."
  • Nick Fury: The nanotechnology mumbo is a few above my head. Lucky for me though, I know someone who can make sense of it all - the fella that built the little buggers in the first place. Team, meet the Tinkerer.
  • The Tinkerer: I did not build the nanites, but I did the research that ...
  • Nick Fury: Cut to the chase. Tell them what you told me.
  • The Tinkerer: There... There is no one in control of the super-villains. The nanotech has become a self-aware nerual network, manipulating its host in the interest of extending its control.
  • Nick Fury: What's he saying is the little bugs he made me are in control now and we need to find a way to stop them.
  • The Tinkerer: If I could work with a sample of the finished product-- pure, pre-activation nanites, I might determine a way to counteract the nanites in the super-villain hosts.
  • Nick Fury: The only folks with a pure sample are the sawbones working at the Negative Zone Prison. Now, I have it on pretty good authority the Anti-Registration forces are planning a jailbreak to get their people out. So I figure we hit the prison at the same time, using the jailbreak as a cover for what we're up to. Sound like a fun way to spend an afternoon to you? Good. I knew it would.
  • The Tinkerer: I knew the nanotech was a bad idea.
  • Thor: So why build it?
  • The Tinkerer: I didn't! I knew the potential for its misuse was too great!
  • Thor: A super-villain with a heart of gold... just what we need.
  • Nick Fury: Cut to the chit chat. I need you to break to Ryker's Prison and get to the Negative Zone portal. The is the only way into the Negative Zone Prison. I'll catch up to you and meet you at the portal. Everyone understand what's goin on? Good. Either the boys in charge of Ryker's Island have developed some interesting new ideas in how to secure a prison, or Captain America's already been here...
  • Iron Man: Every single leader of the anti-registration movement just ran head long through a hole into another dimension. If I were to go in after them... I think I could capture them pretty easily. All of you stay here and clean up. Once I'm through the portal, seal this end up.
  • Nick Fury: You lot jump down there and secure the area. I'll get this portal operational again.
  • Penance: Why is this happening? Why is any of this happening? If I could take it all back... Stamford... The New Warriors... if I could undo all of it, I would. But all of you... you're just making it worse! Yes... hurt me... hurt... me...
  • Nick Fury: Aw, for the luva... nothing ever works right. You lot go find the main research lab. I'm gonna go hunt down a way to get this portal propped open again. Be careful. The Negative Zone guards are fully aware of our presence here.
  • Storm: These must be the guards Fury told us about. Not very friendly looking, are they?
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Seriously now-- everything we test on him works. The subject absorbs the properties of anything he touches!
  • Negative Zone Scientist 2: You sound surprised by this.
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Ray tried marshmallows last night. I thought he was crazy, but it worked.
  • Negative Zone Scientist 2: You let Ray turn the subject into a giant marshmallow?
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Just for a second.
  • Negative Zone Scientist 2: Don't... don't do that again. Okay? Don't let Ray do that.
  • Thor: What's happening here? What is this device you're using?
  • Negative Zone Scientist: It's an inhibitor beam. It keeps the subject from using his powers.
  • Thor: Sounds useful.
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Indeed. We're preparing to inject the subject with a pure nanite sample.
  • Thor: And what will that do?
  • Negative Zone Scientist: The science is a little complicated, but the results should be...provoactive.
  • Absorbing Man: Hahahaha! Must be Christmas mornin', see'n as how I got me so many new toys to play with. I'm gonna have fun cruch'n all a yas.
  • Nick Fury: Good work, team. With Absorbing Man down we'll have a pure sample of the nanite virus to examine. Now that we've got the sample, I think I've found a way out of here...but it won't be easy. Head into the Maximum Security block off the prison. I'll contact you again on the inside. Fury out. You ain't gonna stop nothing, but you gotta try'n control the chaos. Save as many folks as you can, and then meet up with everyone else.
  • Diamondback: Ya'll think you're something special, don't ya? Well, let's see if you're special enough to deal with this! I'll fry the whole mess of ya. Don't you doubt it for a minute.
  • Nick Fury: Heads up, commandos. The bad guys are rounding up whoever they can get their hands on and are showing them into cells. Looks like they're planning to inject everyone with some nanites if their very own. Get in there and free anybody you find before the bad guys have their way.
  • Cloak: We are free?
  • Thor: You're out of your cell, which is a start.
  • Dagger: What's happening?
  • Thor: S.H.I.E.L.D. has lost control of their pet super-villains. We're evacuating everyone we can.
  • Dagger: We'll help you--
  • Thor: No, we have the situation under control. You should get to safety.
  • Cloak: Good luck to you.
  • Thor: You as well.
  • Hercules: Hail, friends!
  • Thing: Hercules, we're getting everyone out of here.
  • Hercules: A most wonderful idea. A cage is no place for the Lion of Olympics!
  • Thing: Fall back to the portal. We'll all be out of here shortly.
  • Sentry: The door is locked. There must be a computer controlling this block somewhere.
  • The Lizard: Guess what, Norman? Heroes.
  • The Lizard: You'll have to excuse my friend. That's all he ever says.
  • Thing: Got it! We should be able to free Daredevil now.
  • Daredevil: About time you got here. I heard you talking with Nick Fury. Spider-Woman is being held up ahead. You must hurry.
  • Spider-Woman: What are you guys doing here?
  • Thor: Are you okay?
  • Spider-Woman: Good as can be expected. What's happening?
  • Thor: We're all getting out of here, that's what. Run to the portal. We'll be there as soon as we can.
  • Nick Fury: Nice work. That's everyone that was trapped in this area. Let's move on. Security cameras are showing that most of the guards are out of the prison. But the nanites have taken over and trapped a squad in the central security room.
  • Thor: Don't worry, Nick. We will rescue them.
  • Negative Zone Scientist: Thank goodness you showed up. They were holding us in case they needed us in the genetics lab ahead. I don't know what they up to, but the prison self-destruction system should go off soon.
  • Thing: We will find out what's going on. Give us time to clear the way, then lead for the portal.
  • Captain America: Tony...
  • Iron Man: Whoa. Down, Cap. What's going on here isn't going to get resolved by you and I punching one another half to death.
  • Captain America: You're right. We have to work together.
  • Sentry: Captain! Iron Man!
  • Captain America: Ah, perfect timing. The two of us are going to do a final sweep of the area. Hold the enemies back here til we return.
  • Nick Fury: Alright, ladies! I'm turning on the portal! Everybody get through as quickly as possible. Once I've set off the self-destruct sequence here, I'll follow you through. Let's move, people! Move!
  • Iron Man: No one is left!
  • Captain America: Let's get out of here!
  • Computer: There is not enough free memory to run this program. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
  • Nick Fury: Stark, your I.T. department sucks...
  • Computer: Protocol accessed. Initiating self-destruct countdown.
  • Nick Fury: Took you long enough. Time to get the hell out of here!
  • Wolverine: Friends again...
  • Luke Cage: I guess we're back to normal.
  • Cable: Looks like things might be calming down.
  • Thor: But everything else is getting worse.
  • Cable: Sometimes it takes the greater threat to make everyone realize they're in the same side.
  • Thor: I supsose so.
  • She-Hulk: I have no problem working with the people who resisted registration...
  • Thor: But...?
  • She-Hulk: But the fact remains that crimes were committed -- no one pay for.
  • Thor: Maybe we've paid enough already? It's time to band together.
  • She-Hulk: Perhaps you are right.
  • Bishop: Makes me nervous having both sides together like this.
  • Thor: It was a trap, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have sprung it by now.
  • Bishop: Agreed. But it worries me... how ba things be if we're meeting like this?
  • Spider-Woman: Well... this is interesting.
  • Thor: Everyone together in one place. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
  • Spider-Woman: Nobody attacking anyone else.
  • Captain America: Just so you know, no matter what's come before, it is over now.
  • Iron Man: Cap's right. Our infighting has allowed things to get out of hand. We have to cease hostiles now and deal with the threat at hand.
  • Captain America: The nanites are using the super-villains to attack the African nation of Wakanda.
  • Iron Man: We're still working on the why and wherefore of it all.
  • Captain America: What's important to know is that the nanites are spreading.
  • Iron Man: Yes, the villains have infected the local Gorilla Cult, lead by M'Baku AKA the Man-Ape.
  • Captain America: We start by securing the royal palace and ensuring the safety of Wakanda's leader, Black Panther.
  • Spider-Woman: How can people switch their loyalties so quickly?
  • Captain America: It's good to have my friends back at my side--
  • Thor: But the situation is worse than ever.
  • Captain America: Yes. But now that we're working together again, there's nothing we can't accomplish.
  • Thor: I hope you're right.
  • Iron Man: I admit it... I'm glad to have Steve back.
  • Thor: This can't have been easy for the two of you.
  • Iron Man: We've been friends for a long time. With him back, I think we stand a chance against the nanite threat.
  • Cable: So everyone is friendly again.
  • Thor: So it seems.
  • Cable: Huh.
  • Thor: What's that mean?
  • Cable: It means... "huh."
  • She-Hulk: As much as everyone wants to say hostilities are at an end...
  • Thor: You don't believe them.
  • She-Hulk: I do not. I want you to look into the possibility of recruiting Green Goblin and Venom. Should our truce fail, I would like to have these forces at our disposal.
  • Thor: I'll get right on it.
  • Bishop: Looks like we're one big happy family again.
  • Thor: I keep waiting for someone to yell "psyche" and then print a gun at me.
  • Bishop: Not while there's a bigger threat, they won't. I'd say the peace will hold.
  • Thor: I certainly hope so.
  • Spider-Woman: So... that's it?
  • Thor: What?
  • Spider-Woman: We just decide we're done fighting and hug and make up?
  • Thor: I don't know if the hug is exactly required...
  • Black Panther: Greetings, I would say "Welcome to Wakanda," but things here are not very welcoming at the moment. The infection has spread amongst my people. Only I have managed to stay uninfected. I cam currently barricaded inside the royal palace, but I am not sure how long I can't hold out. Thank you all very much. You saved my life. I understand desire to return to Stark Tower, but there is more to do here today. This is where the war will be won or lost. We have to stop this mechanical evil and who profit from it! I am sorry, my friends, but it appears it if someone doesn't want you to continue. You need to find a way out. M'Baku! The Man-Ape! This is another one of your plots?
  • Man-Ape: Indeed, Black Panther. Today, finally, the nation of Wakanda is MINE!
  • Black Panther: Not so long as I draw breath.
  • Man-Ape: No. I am Wakanda's true leader.
  • Black Panther: You are nothing but a man in a foolish costume, M'Baku. Black Panther to Stark Tower...come in. Do you read me? It is almost as if the signal's been jammed. We have received nothing since their distress call one hour ago. Wait a second...I have something. It is weak, but a signal nonetheless. Stark Tower, do you read me?
  • Shadowy Figure: The inhabitants of Stark Tower are undergoing a glorious rebirth. There is no need to worry for them.
  • Black Panther: What the!? Who is this?
  • Shadowy Figure: Calm yourself, Panther. Soon, you too will experience the change, and at last know peace.
  • Black Panther: Fury...!?
  • Nanite Nick Fury: Indeed.
  • Black Panther: How did you survive? Unless...
  • Nanite Nick Fury: I have been welcomed...I am part of the Fold.
  • Black Panther: The Fold?
  • Nanite Nick Fury: The end of war. The end of strifle. The end of all the plagues of humanity.
  • Black Panther: And how would that be accomplished? By taking over by force?
  • Nanite Nick Fury: There will be no show of force. Everyone will come into the Fold peacefully, or not at all.
  • Black Panther: You will understand if I do not see the kindness of your offer.
  • Nanite Nick Fury: Here is kindness. We stop the attack on Stark Tower right now, if you and your people will join the Fold.
  • Black Panther: I do not pretend to know what you have become... and I will negotiate no surrender to you.
  • Nanite Nick Fury: All right. We gave you the chance. Remember that.
  • Black Panther: Is it working?
  • Iron Man: Reed says it is.
  • Mr. Fantastic: It is.
  • Black Panther: A cure.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Yes.
  • Captain America: I've got a location on where the Fold's taken the vibranium. Iceland.
  • Iron Man: Iceland. What the hell is in Iceland?
  • Captain America: A tower. Looks like it's being used for comminications.
  • Mr. Fantastic: A tower that large... made of vibranium...Tony!
  • Iron Man: A repeater. With the power to broadcast around the globe.
  • Mr. Fantastic: They're going to create a global network...
  • Black Panther: A world-wide army.
  • Captain America: They'd be unstoppable.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Not if we get there first. Use the tower against them.
  • Iron Man: You're thinking stasis program...
  • Black Panther: The original program that was supposed to keep the villains in check.
  • Mr. Fantastic: They'll have adapted to it by now. But I should be able to modify the code enough...
  • Captain America: We have a way to stop them.
  • Iron Man: If we hurry.
  • Black Panther: The Fold have Fury. We must do our best to bring him back.
  • Invisible Woman: I wonder if that's possible.
  • Black Panther: If it isn't, then we will have to find another...solution. We cannot leave Fury in enemy hands. Speak with me again when you are ready to depart. The Fold... this is a threat unlike any we have ever faced before. Be careful.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I have developed a modified version of the Fold's stasis signal. If we can get it uploaded into the repeater, then we should be able to put the entire Fold to sleep until the cure can be administered globally. These nanite units have been enhanced. Everyone stay extra alert as you proceed. Team, that door looks to be held by an electromagnet. There must me some way through it.
  • Magneto: So you came here to join us? To help us bring humanity to the next stage of evolution!
  • Quicksilver: No, father, I think they have come to stop us.
  • Magneto: That would be a shame, Pietro. What say you, heroes? It is not too late to join us. Become one with the Fold. Then so be it. What! Pietro! You so-called heroes will pay for this! You would deny humanity its greatest achievement? You are more the villain than I.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Quickly! Give Magneto the cure before the Fold gets control again!
  • Magneto: What has... where am I?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Mr. Lehnsherr, I'm Reed Richards of--
  • Magneto: I know who you are, fool.
  • Mr. Fantastic: You were taken over by the Fold, but we managed to cure you.
  • Magneto: Unacceptable. The Fold must pay for this affront. My powers are yours. The best of luck to each and every one of you.
  • Tinkerer: You're too late, heroes! The tower is active! The Earth belongs to the Fold! Now join us, as you were always meant to!
  • Iron Man: Looks like the Tinkerer had the security shut down while using the system.
  • Nanite Nick Fury: It's a shame you feel you need to fight. Time for fighting is over...
  • Nick Fury: Awright, awright, it's working, honey. Enough, already. 'Swear, it's like having an entire staff of mother hens around here.
  • Tony Stark: Doesn't look so bad to me.
  • Steve Rogers: So how are you feeling?
  • Nick Fury: Like I've had nanites crawling in, around, and through every cell in my body.
  • Tony Stark: No surprise there... you did. Everyone else who was infected is pretty much recovered, but the stuff the Tinkerer put in yours was ten times--
  • Nick Fury: I know. Believe me, I know. Look, guys... I just wanted to... uh... to apologize... for... you know -- not leveling with you both back in Lateveria. A lot of this might not have happened if--
  • Steve Rogers: You can stop there, Nick, There's plenty of blame to go around, on all sides.
  • Tony Stark: And plenty of cleaning up yet to do.
  • Nick Fury; Yeah, there's that. I know you'll put it right... get things back to where they used to be.
  • Tony Stark: I'm not sure things will ever be quite the same as they used to be.
  • Steve Rogers: No. But that doesn't mean they can't be good again.
  • Captain America: (Narrating) It was so very long ago, but somehow I still remember what it was like to be a boy, looking up to my heroes. When I volunteered for the Army and they turned me into the first- super-soldier, I began to realize that for some kids, I was becoming the hero they looked up to. I didn't have time to bask in that, though, or even think much about it. I was designed to help fight and win a war, and that's what I did. Somewhere along the way, when the only remaining wars to be fought were on our own streets, against, thugs and lunatics, I found my greatest pleasure in helping those who had no way to defend themselves. The war hero had evolved into an everyday hero. then war returned, and swallowed up all of that. Nothing mattered more than being right, than winning the conflict. The public, the politicians, and even we fought what the word 'hero' meant anymore. Fury and his team just didn't just help save the world... they proved that heroics can't be regulated, or dedicated. They come from the heart. Now, finally, heroes are becoming heroes again, instead of pawns in someone's giant chess game. Doing what we do best... risking our lives to help those who need it most. Because we represent hope... hope that there's someone out there watching over us. And because our children need to know there are heroes out there... ...and they need to have someone to look up to. At the end of the day, that's what it's all about.
  • Reporter: --and so with the global battle against the Fold now won, thanks in large part of the combined efforts of the world's super heroes, Congress this week voted to append the Superhuman Registration Act. The updated Act allows super heroes to voluntarily register for training without revealing their secret identities to the government, or being pressed into mandatory police service. S.H.I.E.L.D. is slated to jurisdiction over all super heroes, and only interfere with unregistered hero activity when it's believed to pose a direct risk to public safety. Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, fresh from accepting new position as Commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. has to say regarding the traditionally secretive agency's new role...
  • Tony Stark: One positive note that came out of everything that's gone on over the past several weeks was that through all of the instantly, a small group of heroes rose above the fray and kept their eye on their ball. They stayed focused on what it means to be a hero. Balancing that freedom to act for the greater good with the government's need to protect its own people is what the new S.H.I.E.L.D. will be all about. It's too easy to think of super heroes as weapons, things to be controlled and developed like an arm of the military. But that's not what they are. They're people. People with special abilities who want to help others. We can't let these recent events erase all that good work. And we won't. Because heroes represent hope... hope that there's someone looking out for us... ready to help us when we need it most. And because our children need to know there are heroes out there... ...and they need to have someone to look up to. At the end of the day, that's what really matters.
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