Mount Erciyes

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Mount Erciyes (also known as Mount Argeas in Greek sources) is an inactive stratovolcano in Kayseri Province, Turkey. According to a biography of Saint Lazaros of Mount Galesios (11th century CE) written by his disciple Gregory the Cellarer, Lazaros climbed and descended Mount Erciyes in the depths of winter while singing the Psalms, as he encountered harsh weather and even a bear and attacking dogs.


Lazaros went on his way unhindered, heartily singing the Davidic psalms.
  • When he reached Mt. Argeas, he wanted to climb it but he was stopped by those who lived there because it was winter. Lazaros, however, put all his hope in our Lord Jesus Christ and His mother and started to climb. When he was halfway up the mountain, such a dense fog came down around him, as he used to relate, that, even though he strained his eyes, he could not see to the right or left or anywhere else. He did not give up his attempt, however, but bent down and, using his hands to guide him, went on up.
    While he was climbing like this, he met a bear, as he used to say, and neither he nor it sensed the approach of the other until they came so close that they bumped into each other. The only explanation for this was that it was a device of the Evil One intended to frighten him into turning back, or rather of God allowing this as a trial of his faith and hope. The bear came to a halt at their sudden collision and left the path, while Lazaros went on his way unhindered, heartily singing the Davidic psalms. When he had climbed up to the top he found that the door of the chapel had been securely barred. He opened it and went inside; when he had prayed, he came out, closed the door securely, and went down the mountain again.
    • Gregory the Cellarer; Greenfield, Richard P. H. (2000). The life of Lazaros of Mt. Galesion: an eleventh-century pillar saint. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. pp. 109–110. ISBN 0-88402-272-2. OCLC 41445690. 

See also

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