Spyro: A Hero's Tail

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Spyro: A Hero's Tail is a 2004 video game and the fifth home console Spyro game.


  • So Hunter, are you ready for me to get going?


  • Small dark holes... not a problem for me, Spyro. I'll have that lock removed in no time.
  • Give it up, Spyro. You'll never fit through that crack in the wall.
  • Here's a Dragon Egg. Are we done yet?
  • Look, a Light Gem! You should start appreciating me more.
  • There's nothing left in there! Do I really have to go back in?
  • This looks like a job for Sparx. Hooray!
  • So you want me to risk my life while you "stand guard" out there?
  • I found a Dragon Egg, although I have no idea how I carried it out.
  • Check it out, a Light Gem! I'm so good, this game should be called "Sparx the Dragonfly".
  • I already got everything! Can't we just get on with our mission?
  • Here you go Hunter, I got a Dragon Egg.
  • Okay Hunter, I got that Light Gem.
  • There was nothing else down there, but I can always go back and practice. It was good fun.
  • Spyro, you'll never fit into that crack. You know I usually find valuable stuff in these places.
  • I can't say no to you Spyro... I wish I could. So, should I take it from here?
  • Here you go Spyro, I got a Dragon Egg. Man, those things are heavy!
  • Okay Spyro, I got that Light Gem. You know, it's a good thing I can fit into those gaps, or you'd never get all the Dragon Eggs or Light Gems you need.
  • There's nothing else down there, but I can always go back and check it out if you like?


  • Yo Spyro! Did you know you can use the Double Jump to Glide further? So Double Jump and Glide already, buddy. If you find a Dragon Egg and get back here safely, I'll open the door.
  • Hey, nice one, Spyro, you managed to find the Dragon Egg. Alright! Keep it safe - somebody might be looking for that. Oh, now allow me to get the door.
  • Hey, Spyro... it's good to see you again. See this cave behind me? Well it looks like you're not gonna fit through there. Don't you wish you were me?
  • Now, Spyro, you know only I - with my superior feline abilities - can get through the glacier.

Sgt. Byrd

  • Sorry chap, but only birds and air force pilots can get up there. And I happen to be both of those things.
  • Right! Shall I take on this flying challenge?
  • Well here you go, Spyro. All I got you was this ridiculous Dragon Egg.
  • Look, Spyro! A Light Gem! I oughta get another stripe for that one, eh? Add to the collection...
  • Greetings, Spyro! Still fighting the good fight, I trust. Oh blast, we're really high up, aren't we? There's an area that only us bird types can reach and I might be able to earn you a Dragon Egg or a Light Gem.
  • Right! Should I get airborne, Captain?
  • Here you go, Spyro. This egg should go great with some bangers and mash.
  • Right! Well, thanks to my expert flying skills, I managed to earn you a Light Gem. Not as spiffing as my shiny war medals mind you, but valuable all the same.
  • Well, that'll be all for now, but I can go back at any time and practice just for fun.
  • Hello, Spyro. Still soldiering on old chap, eh? Hehe... a little R.A.F. humor for you.
  • Well, shall I attack the enemy? Or is this just a drill?
  • Here you go, Spyro. I earned you a Dragon Egg.
  • Right! My trusty air force training got me through that, you know? I managed to earn you a Light Gem.
  • Oh, rot! There's nothing more of value in there. But a good soldier follows orders, so just say the word!
  • By jove Spyro, this heat is tough on me. I'm not a tropical bird, after all. Still, I can blast off to see what I can find if you'd like, old chap?
  • Well, how about it? Shall I demonstrate our air superiority?
  • Hold out your hands... there you go, Spyro. I earned you a Dragon Egg.
  • Great scot, Spyro! That was rather a tough one, I must say. But, I managed to earn you a Light Gem.
  • I can always go back at any time and practice, if you want me to, old chap.


  • Spyro, you've found the secret entrance to my lab! Well, I'm busy right now, so let me show you the not-so-secret exit.
  • Spyro, now here you are on the beautiful but cold Icy Wilderness. You should head to the Ice Citadel and try to find the elder there. He may be able to tell you where Red is hiding.
  • Spyro, I've got an idea where Red might be. I believe he has a secret underground lair somewhere on this Realm. I'm going there in a while with my new gadget. Yes... I, being a mole, will dig my way down to Red's lair... Meanwhile, see if you can find a way into the Volcano.


  • Ah, Spyro! How nice to see you! I was hoping to remodel my third home - and no one overpays like you! But don't bother coming back here until you've got 500 gems, ok?
  • Well, I am not a fan of new money, but it is money after all! So go inside and buy a Lock-Pick.
  • Hey, check it out, Spyro! I've got a shop here too. Same low quality, same high prices. I tell you I'm crazy!
  • You know, I was thinking of freezing my prices, ha ha ha ha, but then I thought better of it. Anyway, come inside where it's warm and spend some of those lovely gems with me.
  • I don't know what possessed me to set up shop in such a hostile place Spyro, ah, but it's business as usual, and even hostile people have money!
  • Come inside, Spyro... and bring your money. It may seem like the end of the world but I still have to make a living... yes?

Gnasty Gnorc

  • Gnasty Gnorc: Stupid! You beat me! Man, I gotta get my head in the game!
  • Gnasty Gnorc: You beat me again! Come on! Come on! Come on, you wanna piece of this?


  • Ineptune: I can't believe I was defeated... by someone as small as you.
  • Ineptune: I can't believe I was defeated... yet again... by someone so small.


  • Red: What? Defeated by that little twerp Spyro - he is only a dragon whelp! Your master was a useless lump of dragon dung! And you brainless imbeciles better get your act together or you will find yourselves working in the mines, digging for Dark Gems for the rest of your miserable lives. Oh, as for you this is the first and last time you will bring me bad news... Now, all of you get out there and stop Spyro. I suspect he's on his way to this Realm, and when he gets here I'll have a little surprise for him.
  • Red: I cannot believe this! What is going on around here? Do I have to deal with Spyro myself? He'll be on his way here, looking for me, soon. Hmm... let me think. Yes... I suppose I could always release my other guardian. Old Red has quite a few tricks up his sleeve that will give smarty pants Spyro a run for his money! Now, you big lumbering dollop, stand guard over there and make sure nobody gets past you. If you let me down, (in singsong voice) you know what will happen.
  • Red: Well, well, well! You do have a lot of fire in you... but don't think you're any match against my infinite power!! Aaaahhhhh!


  • Mergatroid: I hate the way the master treats us.
  • Mergatroid: Why is this place always so dirty? Anyone would think an army had been through here! Oh, I forgot - it has.
  • Mergatroid: 11011010110110101! Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else.


  • Ember: Go ahead Spyro, you should go and see the Elder.
  • Ember: Please Spyro, you have to break this gem. Into little heart-shaped pieces, if possible.
  • Ember: Don't take that bridge to the swamp, Spyro. If you do, I might never see you again.
  • Bentley: Hey! You said you'd chase those yetis out of my house! Friends don't go back on promises.
  • Ice Princess: I am the Ice Princess... because it's freezing in here! Please, light the boilers that are scattered around the citadel.
  • Wally: Oh no, Gnorcs are storming the beach! You have to stop them! There's a reward in it for you.
  • Wally: Not bad! Could have done better myself, however it seems they are slow learners. If you're successful again I will reward you with a Light Gem.
  • Wally: Good show, almost as good as me! I'm sure they will be back. You can defend the Realm any time you like. But I have no reward, this'll just be for practice.



(First lines)

Professor: That's the fallen dragon, Red. I'm sure you've heard all about him.
Spyro: No.
Professor: I thought he was long gone. But it looks like he's been mining Dark Gems and planting them all over the Realms. He's even got Gnasty Gnorc and his minions doing all his dirty work.
Spyro: Gnasty Gnorc? Didn't I defeat that guy years ago? Huh. What are Dark Gems?
Professor: Ah, questions, questions, so many questions. Dark Gems are the life draining stones that fuel Red's evil power. If you're going to stop Red, you'll have to find out more about him, and destroy all the Dark Gems. But first, go and see Moneybags. He usually has something worth buying. Good luck, Spyro! Now I'll unlock that door so you can...
(Spyro rushes out the door)
Professor: Oh, Spyro...

Elder Tomas: Ah, Master Spyro. You must be setting out to stop Red from using the Dark Gems to take over the world.
Spyro: Yeah, something like that. Hey, who's Red?
Elder Tomas: Ah, Red was once an Elder like myself. I'd tell you the whole story, but I'm old and I take a really long time to tell stories... So, how about I just tell you how to destroy the Dark Gems instead?
Spyro: (To the audience) Whew, close one. (To Tomas) Yeah, do that.
Elder Tomas: To destroy Dark Gems, you should use your Horn Dive.

Professor: Spyro, this is an activation pad for my latest invention... the Ball Gadget! Of course, to operate it you'll need to collect eight Power Stars.
Spyro: Power stars? I've never even heard of those.
Professor: Oh. Then how about red coins? No? Heart pieces? Gold tokens? I'm at a loss, Spyro. What exactly do you need to collect?
Spyro: Ahh, I don't know! Light Gems?
Professor: Fine. You need eight Light Gems. Anyway, off you go, I'll open the door to the Nursery for you. Once you have the Light Gems, approach the pad and the Ball Gadget will automatically activate.

Blink: Thanks for rescuing me, Spyro. My name's Blink... Blink the mole.
Spyro: A mole, huh? Do you know the Professor?
Blink: What? You think because I'm a mole I must know every other mole in the world?
Spyro: Uhhhh...
Blink: I'm just kidding ya. The Professor's my uncle. He built me these gloves to give me special abilities when I'm exploring underground. Yep, I bet I'd make a great sidekick... if it weren't for my fresh-air-a-phobia.
Spyro: Fresh-air-a-phobia?
Blink: That's right. I actually have a fear of not being trapped deep underground. I know, it's kinda weird. So, how 'bout I dig a hole and do some exploring?

Elder Magnus: Spyro darling, you'll be to learn as much as you can to help you in your quest to find Red.
Spyro: I don't know anything about Red. The Professor said he was someone from the past... who is he and what did he do?
Elder Magnus: Oh, such a story! How much time do you have, sweetheart? Red was part of the Order of Dragon Elders until his jealousy and hunger for power led him to try and overthrow our leader. I'm afraid that's all I can tell you, Spyro - confidence, you know! But before you leave I will teach you how to Pole Spin. Now, to Pole Spin jump onto the pole. To swing over to the next pole or dismount, just jump. You can change direction on a pole simply by turning in the opposite direction.

Gnasty Gnorc: Ha ha ha ha! Spyro! It's been a while since I last defeated you in battle.
Spyro:Huh? Actually, I defeated you.
Gnasty Gnorc: You did?! Really? I don't remember that at all. Man, I guess it really has been a while.
Spyro: So, are we going to do this thing or what?

Gnasty Gnorc: Aaaaaargh! A third time?! Noooooo! This time you really defeated me! That stinks!
Amp: Thank you for releasing me, Spyro. I know that you have traveled far and overcome great obstacles in your quest to save me.
Spyro: Yeah, well, actually I'm on a quest to...
Amp: So as a reward, I will bestow you some of my electric energy. This will give you the ability to breathe electricity from now on.
Spyro: Wow! Is this breath even stronger than my Fire Breath?
Amp: In some ways it is, but it will take longer to defeat enemies. Specifically, it can be used to activate switches and power machinery! Excludes non-electric switches and/or machinery that uses Light Gems. "batteries not included".

Professor: Well done, Spyro! You've freed this Realm from Gnasty Gnorc! Right after you did that this teleporter started working again.
Spyro: Oh, a teleporter, huh? I think Moneybags already has one of those.
Professor: Well, yes, that's true. But he has a local teleporter. Mine will take you to a whole new realm. They're completely different technologies.
Spyro: Yeah, Moneybags's teleporter is smaller.
Professor: Oh, Moneybags's teleporter's smaller...

Professor: Ah, Spyro, I see you made it safely. Certainly gives the old system a thorough workout, eh?
Spyro: Yeah, right! Like being sucked down a giant drain...
Professor: Ahh! Matter transportation is still in its relatively early stage. But don't worry, you'll soon get used to it. You can travel back to the first Realm from this teleporter anytime. Just step inside and activate it and choose where you want to go. Anyway, now you're here, the next thing you should do is try to find the Elder in the Cloudy Domain...

Otto: Dude! Some dude's drained my pool, dude! I mean, dude! Dude...
Spyro: Okay. And you want me to fill it, right?
Otto: Dude! That'd be... aw, dude!
Spyro: (To the audience) Just say "No".

Lily: Hello. What sort of fish are you, and where are your fins?
Spyro: I'm not a fish, I'm a dragon. My name's Spyro!
Lily: Well, dragon fish, here's a tip. To get through these ruins, you'll have to follow the markers.
Spyro: Er, thanks, but once again I'm not a fish, I'm a dragon.
Lily: Oh! A sea dragon! Got it.
Spyro: Huh! Chicks...

Elder Titan: Ah, Spyro, yes. I've been expecting you. I hear you- what? Excuse me? Oh, it's no one. I hear you've been quite inquisitive about Red.
Spyro: Yeah, but everyone seems to be avoiding the issue. Can you tell me any more about him?
Elder Titan: About Jim? I don't know any Jim, but Red ended up being banished from the Order of Dragons for his terrible crimes. Now I've not seen him in years. He and I used to be friends until he turned evil, then we drifted apart. You know how it is, like ships in the sky. Do you know that you could deflect some projectiles with your wings by using them as a kind of shield? Fold your wings in front of you like this... do you like origami? This will allow to deflect blunt objects. Bear in mind, Spyro, sharp objects will still be able to penetrate your wings and harm you. Hello?!

Ineptune: Ah, you must be Spyro! Ha ha ha ha! You're larger than I expected.
Spyro: Huh? Normally, people I fight say I'm smaller than they expected. You know, trying to psyche me out.
Ineptune: Oh, I guess I just assumed dragons were tiny. You know, I spend all my time in the water, so I don't get to see a lot of dragons.

Ineptune: Arrghh! No! What happened?! I can't believe ! was defeated by a Pygmy pipsqueak so tiny that I couldn't even see him with a microscope!
Spyro: Okay, see, now you're just over-reacting!
Aqua: Spyro! Thank you for releasing me. As a token of my gratitude, I will grant you the power of Water Breath.
Spyro: (To the audience) Cool, another breath type! (To Aqua) What can I do with this?
Aqua: You can use your Water Breath to move some objects, solve puzzles and slow down some enemies. You can also use it to add water to dehydrated foods.

Phil: Hello there, you must be Spyro. The area behind me is protected by a very clever security system that, may I add, I personally designed myself. Something complex that those brainless Gnorc would never figure out. But I bet a dragon of your skill and intellect would do it in no time.
Spyro: Okay, okay, cut to the chase. What do I need to do?
Phil: Just activate all electric switches in this area within the time limit and the gate will open. It's actually as simple as that really… nothing complex at all… hmm, maybe the Gnorcs could have figured that one out, but they would never have been fast enough to do it!

Phil: See you around, Spyro! Take care! I must fly now… (Tries flying but fails due to his flippers) oww!
Spyro: You should see Sgt. Byrd about a jetpack. Or maybe Moneybags has one.
Phil: (Fails after one last attempt to fly) Oh, darn it.

Mammoth: You must be Spyro the Dragon! Red tell me to stop you!
Spyro: Fat chance! I've beaten bigger baddies than you! All I have to do is run around you a few times, while I figure out your weakness. Then I just hit you three times and...
(The Mammoth crushes Spyro under his foot.)
Sparx: (To the audience) Uh-Oh!
(Sparx tries to fly away, only for the mammoth to suck him up using his trunk)
Mammoth: He he he he he he...
(Sparx flies out of the Mammoth's backside then flies off to find Hunter shooting arrows at a target)
Sparx: Hunter! It's me, Sparx!
Hunter: Sparx? Hey, what are you doing here? And where's Spyro?
Sparx: It all started when we ran into this elephant. Only it wasn't really an elephant... he had hair all over his body.
Hunter: Okay... right, I see... yeah hairy... oh no! They got Spyro? We have to rescue him before it's too late!
Sparx: But what if it's already too late?
Hunter: Relax, buddy. Spyro's still alive. I know, because if he weren't, we'd be going back to a previous save. Heh! I rock!

Bentley: Wha, ah, hey! If it's not my old pal Hunter! What are you doing in these parts?
Hunter: Oh, hey Bentley. Yeah, I'm just passing through. I'm on a mission to rescue Spyro. He's gone and got himself captured. How you doin'?
Bentley: Eh, some yetis from the neighborhood chased me out of my house. But I don't want to bore you... you're busy looking for Spyro.
Hunter: Oh, cool, okay then... are you sure you're okay, Bentley? I could go in there with my bows and arrows and get rid of 'em for ya.
Bentley: Ah, would you, old pal? I would be very grateful. My cave is through there and you'll have to climb the wall to reach it. But you've got to be careful, there's quite a few bad guys and they're very tough. If you get rid of all the yetis, I'll give you a reward.

Bentley: Ohhh thanks, pal! Let me help you with that door so you can go about your business. Also, I meant to give you this on your birthday. Sorry it's so late.
Hunter: Oh yeah, Light Gem. Okay, cool...
Bentley: If you don't like it, you can return it.
Hunter: N-n-n-n-no no, I love it. I'll give it to Spyro.
Bentley: Good luck with finding Spyro, old buddy!

Sparx: Spyro always used to send me into cracks like this.
Hunter: Oh? He did, did he?
Sparx: Should I take it from here?

Hunter: Spyro, you okay?
Spyro: Oh, Hunter, am I glad to see you! Do you think you could get me down?
Hunter: Yeah, just hang in there, buddy.
Spyro: (Unamused) Ha ha, very funny!
(Hunter shoots the lock on Spyro's cage, releasing him)
Spyro: Thanks Hunter. Now I'm off to find Red.
Hunter: Hey, you want me to tag along?
Spyro: No no no! ...I'll continue from here.
Hunter: Alright then, see you soon buddy. You look after yourself. Cool?

Elder Astor: Free at last, Spyro. Oh, thank you! I have been trapped here since Red returned from exile.
Spyro: Oh, I've met with the other Dragon Elders and I...
Elder Astor: Yes yes, I get it. Then you have acquired most of the skills you will need. However, there is one more skill you must have if you are to face Red.
Spyro: Well?
Elder Astor: Some place to go, have you? You now have the ability to Wall Kick from one wall to the other. However, they must be close enough to achieve any real height. In order to Wall Kick you must jump onto the wall and jump again after contact. Spyro, you must remember that only certain wall types will allow you to perform the Wall Kick. You must learn their tell tale signs. None of your A.D.D.

Red: I cannot believe this. How did you make it this far? (Lands in front of Spyro) No matter, I will deal with you now. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but alas, you have forced my hand.
Spyro: Am I supposed to be scared of you? I've spoken to the Elders and from what I can make out you're just a traitorous coward!
Red: Ah, well then. Prepare, young dragon, to be taught a lesson... or two.

Red: Oh yes, Spyro, you fight well. You remind me of me when I was your age.
Spyro: I just hope I fight better than you when I'm your age.
Red: Bring it...

Red: Ahh! You're stronger than I thought... I can't believe I underestimated you!
Spyro: Well, looks like your power wasn't so infinite after all.
Freezia: Spyro, thank you, for releasing me. I will now enchant you with the power of Ice Breath. Ice Breath can be used to freeze enemies and stop them in their tracks. It can also be used to freeze small water jets or cool down hot geysers.

Teena: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! He he he he he he he!
Spyro: What are you laughing about?
Teena: Hehehe! Those rock monsters burnt down my house. I'm actually quite sad. It's just that I'm a laughing hyena. Hahaha!

Blink: Normally, I'd be freaking out right now, desperate to get underground... but for some reason I don't feel that bad.
Spyro: Maybe that's because you're already underground.
Blink: Hey, you're right!

Mergatroid: Intruder alert! Intruder alert! You have breached the perimeter of Red's lab! Ha ha, I'm just kidding. I'm a maintenance robot, not security.
Spyro: Cool. So, what's this thing?
Mergatroid: That, my dear philistine, is an orrery. In addition to showing the rotation of the planets, it locks and unlocks all the doors in this room.

Spyro: Professor, I finally found you! What were you thinking going after Red?
Professor: I don't know! I thought I could stop him after you had weakened him, but as soon as I got here I was captured and locked in this lab. Red's forcing me to work on his new improved army. You know, better armor... extra brain capacity... that sort of thing. Oh Spyro, I seem to have made things a lot worse.
Spyro: Hey, don't worry. I'll have you out of here as soon as I...
(Red enters)
Red: Oh, how cosy! So Spyro, have you returned to fight me again?... and do you think I will allow you to win this time?
Spyro: Yeah, whatever! You're not so much of a challenge. I'm sure I can do it again.
Red: Ahh! Poor naïve Spyro... You obviously don't know that I always get my way.
(Spyro charges at Red and knocks him into a machine which turns him into a robot called Mecha-Red. Mecha-Red flies through the window into the arena, followed by Spyro)
Professor: Leave it to me, Spyro! I've got him! (Accidentally makes Mecha-Red grow) Oops!

Professor: I've fixed the machine, Spyro, so hold on... I'll finish him off! (Shrinks Red down to the size of an insect)
(Spyro moves over to squash Red)
Red: Get away from me, you horrid little dragon!
Spyro: Why? Are you afraid of me now?
Professor: Oh no, Spyro, don't do that! He doesn't deserve to get off that easy. I'll take him from here. I'm sure I can find a good use for him in my laboratory.
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