Talk:Alec Baldwin

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Alec Baldwin page.


These require citations to adequate sources before being placed into the main article.
  • As much as I like acting, I know that I would love to have a different life, a private life. I think doing this now for a living has become really hard. It's really hard. I would rather go do other things and have whatever amount of time I have left in my life, have more of a normal life I want to find out if it's possible. How close can I get?
  • Acting in the theatre is fun, acting in film is work.
  • Gossip is probably the thing that makes me the most sad... Even educated people read Gawker and Defamer and all this other crap, and it's a world of people who have small lives, and their whole thing is to have this ledge that they can spit down on people from.
  • One day you're filling out applications to be a waiter, and the next you're nominated for an Oscar. This business is crazy.
  • I'm starting to feel I have to cure my addiction to Hollywood money, because while it's delightful, it's also insidious.
  • When you talk about private contractors, I've always been someone who felt that defense was tantamount to treason.
  • It's a difficult thing to say, but I believe it: I consider my entire movie career a complete failure... I'll tell you why. The goal of movie making is to star in a film where your performance drives the film, and the film is either a soaring critical or commercial success, and I never had that.
  • I was very competitive with my brothers when I was younger. Now we are all in completely different worlds.
  • I feel like I am two different people. I have interest in acting, and I have a lot of political interests that I'd like to pursue.