Talk:Catherine of Aragon

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This article was preserved after a vote for its deletion.
See its archived VfD entry for details.

Unsourced, moved from quote page to talk page


Unsourced, moved from quote page to talk page. Cirt (talk) 02:20, 20 February 2009 (UTC)Reply



By Catherine


"I will not give up what is rightfully mine to adorn a woman who is the Scandal of Christendom!"

"I make this vow, that mine eyes desire you above all things."

"God never called me to a nunnery, I am the King's true and legitimate wife"

"All the God sends is for the best"

"Keep your heart with a chaste mind."

"By daily proof you shall me find, to be to you both loving and kind."

"In this world I will confess myself to be the king's true wife, and in the next they will know how unreasonably I am afflicted."

Others About Catherine


"The most beloved Queen who ever reigned" - Contemparies

"She thrilled the hearts of everyone. There is nothing lacking in her that the bestgirl should not have." - Thomas More

"I am yours, Henry R., forever" - Henry VIII

"The Queen of Hearts" - "The Tudors"

"The Lady Catherine is a proud, stubborn woman of very high courage. If she took it into her head to take her daughter's part, she could quite easily take the field, muster a great array, and wage against me a war as fierce as any her mother Isabella ever waged in Spain" - Henry VIII



"The Six Wives of Henry VIII" by Antoina Fraser

"The Six Wives of Henry VIII" by Alison Weir