Talk:Enoch Powell

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I'm not entirely sure the "Pakis are scum" quote is accurate. Any chance of a cite?

   I agree, too working class in tone.

"Poor Enoch, driven mad by the remorselessness of his own logic." is the accurate quote. Said by Iain Macleod to the political columnist Alan Watkins. Often mistakenly attributed to MacMillan. Is it ok to change this?


  • Yes, I am a virus. I am the virus that kills socialists.
    • Replying to Harold Wilson's conference speech where he attacked "the virus of Powellism" (1 October, 1968).
  • Judas was paid! Judas was paid! I am making a sacrifice!
    • Powell reacting to a heckler's cry of "Judas!" in a speech in Shipley where he told the audience to vote Labour (25 February, 1974).

I do not know how to use wikiquote, but you can find evidence to support this quotation here: I assume this should now be moved to the fully accessible page.

  • I have never seen such a disgraceful display of pharisaical handwashing in my whole life. (on Thatcher's government's statements in the Commons about violence in Ulster in April 1986)
  • Most people are. The only change is that is has become a term of abuse... I just don't like America or Americans. It is like saying you like sugar in your tea. De gustibus non est disputandum.
    • When asked whether he was anti-American (1986)
  • Britain's fondness for America has turned this country into something horribly resembling a satellite of the United States.
    • 1983
  • A party is not the private property of its leader.
    • 1973
  • Often when I am kneeling down in church, I think to myself how much we should thank God, the Holy Ghost, for the gift of capitalism.
    • 1968
  • Toryism is about enjoyment.
    • 1966
  • Hospital building is not like pyramid building, the erection of memorials to endure to a remote posterity.
    • 1961
  • A politician complaining about the media is like a fisherman complaining about the sea.
  • I will not surrender responsibility for my life and my actions
  • If I cannot understand my friend's silence, I will never get to understand his words.
  • If my ship sails from sight, it doesn't mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends.
  • No battle is worth fighting except the last one.
  • Remove advertising, disable a person or firm from preconising its wares and their merits, and the whole of society and of the economy is transformed. The enemies of advertising are enemies of freedom.
  • When I repress my emotion my stomach keeps score.
  • You must have access to sources of information, divination and prophecy which are absolutely closed and unknown to me.
  • The beneficiaries thus regard themselves as having received no more than their due, to which they were entitled anyhow, while those whose benefits are discontinued regard themselves as cheated of what they had a right to and had been encouraged to expect.
    • On changes to the State benefits system
  • Reading one's diary is like returning to one's own vomit
  • I [also] know that, on my deathbed, I shall still be believing with one part of my brain that somewhere on every ocean of the world there is a grey, grey ship with three funnels and sixteen-inch guns which can blow out of the water any other navy which is likely to face it. I know it is not so. Indeed, I realised at a relatively early age that it is not so. But that factor – that emotional factor... will not die until I, the carrier of it, am dead.
  • Wildernesses are good places, I notice, for voices. They tend to get a reverberation which is often lost in the more crowded places.

I do not know how to use wikiquote, but you can find evidence to support this quotation here: I assume this should now be moved to the fully accessible page.

Quotes about Enoch Powell (unsourced)

  • Poor Enoch, driven mad by the remorselessness of his own logic.