The Grim Adventures of the KND

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The Grim Adventures of the KND is a 2007 Crossover special following The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy and Codename: Kids Next Door.


[At Billy's house, a picture of him and his parents is hanging on the wall. Suddenly, an apple plows into it, breaking it.]
Billy: Oh! He nailed that one! [golfing, using Grim's scythe as the club and apples as the golf balls] All Billy needs is one more shot, and he'll win the Continental Breakfast Golf Tournament! [takes a hefty swing at the next apple. It sails across the room just as the door opens and his father walks in. The apple nails Harold in the middle of his forehead, knocking him over]
Billy: [worried] Dad! [runs over to his dad, a worried look on his face; angrily screaming] YOU JUST MADE ME LOSE THE TOURNAMENT! [The force of his shouting blows his father across the room. Harold gets up and walks over to his son.]
Harold: Look, Billy. I'm going underwear shopping for a couple of hours, so while I'm gone, you'll be the man of the house, and I suggest you ACT like it! [grabs Grim's scythe and sticks it in an umbrella stand]
Billy: [excited] Man of the house? Does that mean I get to wear your lucky pants?!
Harold: No, I'm the one who wears the pants in this family. You just keep an eye on things while I'm gone... [exits the house through the front door. Just after exiting, he sticks his head back in] And keep your FILTHY MITTS OFF MY PANTS! [slams the door firmly]
Billy: [stares straight ahead blankly] So... that's a "yes"?
[A whirlwind bursts out of a closet and spins to a stop in front of a mirror. It's Billy, wearing a gigantic pair of plaid orange pants. Billy proceeds to jiggle his butt, does the Prisyadka, goes swimming the pants, break-dances, and moonwalks–until he steps on a Sassy Cat doll, at which point he proceeds to stumble backwards, fall through a banister, and drop screaming to the floor. Suddenly, though, he slows to a stop, as his underwear has just been caught by Grim's scythe. Unfortunately, though, the scythe bends and pops out of the umbrella stand, dropping him to the floor, and to add insult to injury, the scythe lands blade down in the middle of his dad's lucky pants. Billy slowly stands up and looks at the scythe, now trapped in the exact middle of the pants, before freaking out.]
Billy: Aah, Dad's pants! What do I do? Dad's gonna sell my organs if he finds out I ripped his lucky pants! [determined] There's only one group of kids who can help me now.
[The Eds are in Eddy's garage, over which a sign is hung reading "Ed's Pesky Problem Fixers". Eddy is behind a desk, Edd (Double Dee) is with a typewriter, and Ed is mopping up some of his own drool. Suddenly, the phone rings.]
Ed: Hello!
Eddy: [picking up the phone] Ed, Edd n Eddy's Pesky Problem Fixers! Got a problem that's pesky? We'll fix 'er, for just 1 lousy quarter! [Billy muffled gobbling comes from the telephone. Eddy gives it a look.]
Eddy: [angry] WHADDYA MEAN, YOU'RE BROKE?!? HEY, if you're looking for charity, call Kids Next Door. They're cheap. [angrily hangs up the phone]

[At Billy's house, the doorbell rings. He steps over and answers the door.]
Billy: Oh thank goodness you're here! [notices who it is] Hey! You're not Powerpuff Girls!
Numbuh 1: No, we're not. I am Numbuh 1 of the Kids Next Door and these are my teammates. Numbuh 2, Numbuh 3, Numbuh 4, and Numbuh 5. We're here to solve your problem.
Billy: So you're like elves?
Numbuh 1: No, we are highly trained operatives skilled in the art of covering things up that get kids grounded. Normally we try to stay away from this town, with all the weird things that happen. But the Kids Next Door never say no to a problem.
Billy: IT'S THESE PANTS! My dad told me to never ever wear them, but I couldn't resist! [lying on the floor, whimpering] And now I've broke them.
Numbuh 1: Nothing the Kids Next Door can't handle. So, first things first, off with the pants! [his teammates rush over and try to pull the pants off of Billy]
Numbuh 5: Get them!
Numbuh 4: Hold still!
[The 4 are unable to get the pants off, and both they and Billy go flying. Billy's nose comes off and lands on Numbuh 3.]
Numbuh 5: Those pants are not coming off.
Numbuh 2: Maybe if we take Billy to the Kids Next Door Deep Sea Lab, our scientists could find a way to remove them.

[Billy is standing in the middle of the living room, staring straight ahead.]
Numbuh 3: [looking at him] Wow, great disguise, Numbuh 1! You look exactly like Billy!
Numbuh 1: [offscreen] That IS Billy.
[The camera pans over to Numbuh 1. He has a saucepan on his head and a tomato on his nose, and he's wearing Billy's clothes.]
Numbuh 3: Um, why do you have a tomato stuck to your face?
Numbuh 1: Because while you guys take Billy back to the lab to get those pants fixed, I'll stay here in disguise. If his dad comes back, I'll keep him away from the closet so he won't know his pants are missing.
Billy: But what if my dad finds out you're not me?
Numbuh 1: Don't worry, Billy. I'll never tell anyone where you or those pants are, even if they try torturing me. Now get him out of here! [his associates grab Billy and carry him away] All right. Phase 1 complete. [the doorbell rings] Ah. Ahem. [acting like Billy and imitating his voice] I'll get it! [opening the door] Hello...?
[At the door is Mandy who squints at Numbuh 1.]
Mandy: Who are you?
Numbuh 1 [in Billy's goofy laughing]: I'm Billy!
Mandy: No, you're not. What have you done to him?
Numbuh 1: I told you I'm– [Mandy slaps him on the tomato; in his normal voice] Hey! [Mandy slaps him again] Stop that–! [Mandy slaps him again] I– [Mandy slaps him several times]
Mandy: Tell me who you are and what you've done with Billy before I'm through with you.
Numbuh 1: I'd like to see you try!

The Delightful Children From Down the Lane: Finally. With the latest adjustments to Father's Delightfulization Chamber, we'll be able to create even more well-behaved obedient children–like ourselves. And together, we will finally destroy those Kids Next Door! [laugh evilly]
Billy: Scuse me. Are you in line for the bathroom?
DCFDTL: Why, no. Go right ahead.
Billy: Thank you. [darts into the Delightfulization Chamber]
The Delightful Children: You're wel– Hey, that's not a bathroom! Get out of there this instant! [tromp into the chamber after Billy]
Numbuh 4: Oh crud. What's Billy doing?
Numbuh 5: [cocking her weapon] Challenging you for fool of the month. C'mon! [The members of Sector V charge out screaming, heading for the Delightfulization Chamber.]
Billy: Hey, is this button to flush?
The Delightful Children: No, don't touch that!

Grim: Ooh! Something terrible just happened!
Numbuh 1: Well, I don't know what happened to you or why you're wearing that dumb Halloween costume, but to tell you the truth, I... don't... care! [takes the tomato off and throws it to the ground] I'm out of this nuthouse! [stalks out the front door]
Grim: No! You've got to help me, Billy! Horrible children have fused with me scythe. I can feel it! They're evil and strangely... delightful.

Numbuh 5: Is everyone okay?
Delightful Children: Yes! I can feel the power going through me! I can feel the–
Billy: Hey! Can you slow down? This talking at the same time is really hard.
Numbuh 3: Ooh, ooh! I want to try talking at the same time too!
Billy and the Delightful Children: That can be arranged, for you can be first to be assimilated by... THE DELIGHTFUL REAPER!
Numbuh 3: Wait, start over! I wasn't ready!
Numbuh 5: Come on back to the ship! [the Delightful Reaper assimilated Numbuh 2] NUMBUH 2!
The Delightful Reaper: He's only the first one to be assimilated by us. [Numbuh 2 joined the Delightful Reaper] Soon all children will assimilate!

Irwin: Dude! You're late for the party, yo!
Delightful Reaper: You shall assimilate!
Billy: WAIT! Can't we have some cake before we assimilactate?
Delightful Reaper: [to Billy] NO!

Rainbow Monkey Girls: Rainbow Monkeys!
Mindy and friends: Sassy Cat!
Rainbow Monkey Girls: Rainbow Monkeys!
Mindy and friends: Sassy Cat!
Delightful Reaper: Assimilate!
Mindy, her friends, Rainbow Monkey Girls: Assimilate! [realizing what they just said, the girls start to mumble confusedly. Suddenly, the Delightful Reaper rises up behind them. They, along with the rest of the playground, try to run away, only to get cut down by the cold iron blade of the Delightful Reaper]
Delightful Reaper: ASSIMILATE!

Numbuh 3: Hey, look! It's Billy!
Numbuh 1: DON'T be rediculus, Numbuh 3. [to Mandy] And what've you done to our Moonbase, Mandy? OWW!
Numbuh 60: DO NOT speak to her mandyness without prior written permisson.
Mandy: It's ok Mandy Numbuh 60, now leave us.
Grim: What are you up to this time, girl?
Mandy: My destiny! These dumb kids have the means to conquer the world for centuries, but instead spent their time fighting over the right to eat cookies for dinner, but now that I'm in charge, WE'RE HAVING WORLD DOMINATION FOR DINNER... with the side of rice.
Numbuh 1: You'll never get away with it!
Mandy: And whose gonna stop me? Grim is powerless with out his scythe, and everyone still thinks you're that idiot Billy.
Grim: YOU'RE not really Billy?
Mandy: Silence! Take them away!

Numbuh 1: Well, isn't this just the perfect sunday! First I'm stuck impersonating some half-wit kid, then a maniacal girl takes over the Kids Next Door and now I'm locked in a cell with some guy in a halloween costume!
Grim: It's not a costume! I am the grim reaper, and YOU have NO idea of the power I possess.
Numbuh 1: Oh, yeah? Then why don't you use your "power" to open that door an get us out of here?
[Grim shrugs as the door opens on its own]
Numbuh 5: Numbuh 1, am I glad to see you. Everybody's gone crazy around here. [points to Grim] And what happened to that guy? Don't they feed prisoners around here anymore?
Numbuh 1: Never mind him, let's go.
Grim: Wait! Take me with you! I can help!
Numbuh 5: With what, a crash diet plan?
Numbuh 1: Hold on. Why would YOU help us?
Grim: Because I'm sick of everyone and their aunt-Trixie always taking me scythe! And together, using the Bone of Barnacles, we can fight the Delightful Children and Mandy. I'll get me scythe and you'll get your friends back.
Numbuh 5: Forget that fool, let's go.
Numbuh 1: No. Right now we need all the help we can get. You go find Numbuh 362, Abby. Grim and I will take care of everything planetside.
Numbuh 5: Well, you'll be needing THESE then. [hands Numbuh 1 his shades which she had secretly been hiding after Mandy left with Numbuhs 3 and 4]
Numbuh 1: Right So let's do this.
Grim: Sunglasses? Are you going to a fight or a fashion show?
Numbuh 1: Just get on with it!
Grim: [while grumbling under his breath] If you say so. [laughs]

Delightful Reaper: Assimilate! Assimilate!
Billy: [singing] Na na na na na na na na na! [The reaper stops and stands still, confused.] La la la la la la la la la!
Delightful Reaper: [annoyed] "Would you stop that!?! Ugh! I wish I had never assimilated you in the first place!"

Computer Voice: Mandy New Dictator, M.A.N.D.R.O.B.O.T. - Monkeys and Nice Doggies relax on Bodies of Turtles.
Mandy: What kind of acronym is THAT?
Numbuh 3: [testy] Well, if you weren't in such a rush, maybe I could've come up with a better one!
Billy: Hiya, Mandy! Did you come to assimimamamamalaminate... or whatever it is we're doing?
Mandy/M.A.N.D.R.O.B.O.T.: No, Billy. You're in the way of my world domination. So I'm taking you down.
Billy: Oh. Okay.
Delightful Reaper: Then let's fight!

Billy: [spotting something on a roof] Ooh! [The Delightful Reaper picks it up.] A bacon sandwich! Is anyone gonna eat this? [eats it happily as the rest of the assimilated look at him angrily. Only then does he notice the bone barrage] Hey! Who's shooting bones at my butt?
Numbuh 1: Our attacks aren't working!
Grim: It's those pants! I know those pants. [has a flashback where he is sitting on the couch next to Harold wearing the lucky pants]
Harold: Yep, this are my lucky pants alright! I wore these babies the night I engaged with Gladys.
Grim: You called THAT lucky?
Harold: Heck, no! They're lucky because they're immune to lasers, supernatural powers and mustards.

Mandy Reaper: That's right! You puny KND are nothing compared to what I've become!
Harold: Hey, you! [at the base of the Mandy Reaper, decked out in wrestling gear] Give me back my lucky pants! Give... them... BACK! [foaming at the mouth] AY-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI-YA!

[Behind Harold, the Mandy Reaper lies in a huge hole and groans. Shortly thereafter, kids begin to pop out of it in spurts. After the spurts become a flood, a scythe falls out and flies through the air, into the capable hands of the Skeleton Samurai.]
Grim: Finally! Me scythe!