7th Heaven (season 4)

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7th Heaven (1996-2007) is an American television drama series created and produced by Brenda Hampton that centers on a minister's family and their lives in the fictional town of Glenoak, California.

The Tattle Tale Heart [4.01]

Annie: What's the matter? Eric!
Eric: I think I'm having a... heart attack.

Ruthie: Why did Daddy's heart attack him?
Simon: Some hearts just do that, I guess.

Matt: I'm moving in an apartment with John Hamilton. You know I love you, but I can't stay forever.

Life is Too Beautiful [4.02]

Eric: Life is beautiful. [walks away]
Annie: Ah, it is. It is. It is.
Matt: Too beautiful?
Annie: Just a smidge.

Mary: You know what your problem is, Lucy? You don't have basketball. You don't have anything. So next year, you're gonna be a senior and you're going to be trying to decide where you're going to college and how you're gonna pay for it, and I hope that nobody helps you figure it out.

Simon: You moved out and left me in charge of Mom, Dad, and the kids!
Matt: I didn't leave you in charge of anyone.
Simon: Nevertheless, that's exactly what I've been doing, and you're undermining my authority.
Matt: How?
Simon: How? By telling Ruthie that she doesn't have to take a bath, and....and by doing all kinds of things.
Matt: Like what?
Simon: Just stuff, okay?
Matt: Hey, don't get so upset!
Simon: It's too late for that, because I'm already upset. And you know what I'm most upset about? The fact that you find this all so funny, like I'm some kind of idiot or something.
Matt: When did I ever act like you were an idiot?
Simon: When I was shaving. (pause) I mean, it hurt my feelings! Did people make fun of you when you started shaving?
Matt: I'm sorry.
Simon: It's okay. I just wanted you to know.

Yak Sada (a.k.a. One Voice) [4.03]

Annie: A group called the Talibans is in power in Afghanistan. The atrocities they're commiting against women in the name of religion are shocking. I don't know whether to be angry of what Afghan women don't have or grateful for what I do.
Eric: There's no reason why you can't be both.

Eric: This is the most important thing you have to do before your wedding. There's still a lot of issues left to resolve before you two stand in front of your families and friends and promise to be together for the rest of you lives.
Ryan: After we're married, we'll have the rest of our lives to talk about these things. I don't mean to be insensitive here, but it's not our fault you had a heart attack which forced us to push these counseling sessions up to just before the wedding.
Eric: We haven't even discussed the vows.
Ryan: Love, honor and obey. What's to discuss?
Eric: Well, for one thing there's that pesky word, "obey." Jump on in here anytime you want, Jessica. (looks at Jessica for her opinion.)

Ryan: You know, like you said, a husband has to be responsible for providing for the family.
Eric: Uh, I believe I said "parents." Parents or a parent as the case may be has to be responsible for providing for the family. Of course, those responsibilities can be divided up in any number of ways depending on the couple doing the dividing wants.
Ryan: Jessica will be responsible for cooking and cleaning and laundry and childcare. And I will be responsible for bringing home a paycheck, deciding how that money is spent and when it's time for us to have children. These are pretty traditional division of responsibilities, not much different from the way you and Annie do things.
Eric: You think that's what Annie and I do? (Ryan agrees.) Okay, I have to admit that the division of labor has been a little off lately, but that's because of my heart attack. When I was in- when I get back to fighting form, Annie and I have one philosophy: Do whatever is necessary, whenever necessary and whenever amicable to whomever necessary.

Come Drive with Me [4.04]

Eric: We haven't seen you around. What, did you finally buy some groceries?
Matt: No, I've been bust deciding what I'm gonna be when I grow up.
Eric: Picking a major?
Matt: Yup. Pre-med. I'm gonna to be a doctor.

Matt: I hate this job, I hate this job, I hate this job!
Adam: So let me ask you something. Do you hate this job?
Matt: Who's there?
Adam: My name's Adam. (emerges from the hospital bed covers)
Matt: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.
Adam: Gee, I wish I could say I've never heard that one before. (Matt looks embarrassed) Relax, I don't take that kind of thing personally.

Lou: Where's your father, Ruthie?
Ruthie: He's at home and he doesn't know that I'm here. And I risk being punished to tell all of you that my dad really needs that raise so he could buy a new car. But I think you should change your minds. Do you know all the things my father does? He helps kids who are in trouble and people without jobs or houses. And when something really bad happens, he's there. And you know why? 'Cause he cares. But don't worry, he'll keep caring whether he gets the raise or not. I'm just hoping you'll change your minds. That's about all I have to say.

Lou: The entire board saw you riding in that new red convertible, Eric. And the other day when I was here, some guys delivered some fixtures. We thought if you had the money to get the car and to remodel the house. Chances are you didn't need the raise especially with as well as Annie manages a household budget. Now, I'm sorry. Ruthie explained everything and of course, we will give you your annual raise. And we're sorry if we gave you an impression other than that we are grateful for everything you do for us.

With Honors [4.05]

Ruthie: So, what kind of fun stuff do we have planned for tomorrow?
Annie: [to Eric] Teacher Work Day. No school for Ruthie.
Ruthie: Yes!
Annie: Okay, let's see. Tomorrow, you can help me clean the bathrooms, do the laundry, repair the kitchen sink, iron the socks, reorganize the linen closet, and go shopping.
Ruthie: Toy shopping?
Annie: Food shopping.
Ruthie: Man, this is gonna be worse than school!
Annie: [when Eric gives her a funny look] What?
Eric: It is going to be worse than school.

Elaine: Did you hear the rumor? It's all over school.
Mary: I just saw you this morning. How could anything be all over school?
Elaine: Well, what can I say the real juicy stuff has a life of its own. Corey Conway had a baby when she was 14.
Mary: Corey had a baby?
Elaine: Yeah, Maggie, the new girl said that there was a Corey Conway who went to her junior high school, and that Corey got pregnant and dropped out of school and had a baby.

Mary: How did you hide this from everyone?
Corey: It wasn't easy. I couldn't have anyone over to my house. I couldn't go to parties or stay out late. Forget about dating. With taking care of a baby, I barely had time to go to school or play basketball. When I think about it, I actually don't even know how I was able to finish high school. Most teen mothers don't. I do know that I couldn't have done it without my mom. She's been there for me every step of the way since the day I told her I was pregnant.
Mary: Man, motherhood at fourteen.
Corey: You know what's harder than motherhood? Your friends talking and whispering behind you back.
Mary: Not everyone is talking about you.
Corey: Please, this spring I'm graduating Magna Cum Laude. I'm the top score on a championship basketball team and I've been accepted to three Ivy League Colleges. But now, thanks to Maggie, the only thing that everyone cares about is that at fourteen, I had a baby.

Mary: I'd really like to thank the local businessman's association for this honor, but I can't. Excellence in sports and in life to individuals we have future generations see as role models. I've never thought of myself as a role model. I go to school and get good grades. I go to basketball games and score points, but a role model, I don't think so. But there was a real role model who was supposed to receive this award with me today. But at the last minute the committee changed their minds. You all know who I'm talking about, because for the last 24 hours, most of you have done nothing but talk about her. She's my friend, my teammate. She's Corey Conway. And when she was 14, she had a baby. Corey Conway is a person, not an issue. And the only statement made by celebrating her achievements is to honor that someone who didn't take the easy road in life and did what few others could have done. Finish high school with honors while raising a baby. I want to let you know how I feel before I bring Corey out on stage and give her my award because even if she's not a role model for the local businessman's association or for some of the students at this school, she is for me.

Eric: Look, I'm the minister at the Glenoak Community Church. And if there's a problem, I can help, I can...
Jeff: No, thank you, but I think you should mind your own business.
Eric: When your son brought drugs into my house it became my business.

Mrs. Peterson: [to Jeff)] I should have kicked you out. I should have told you that if you did drugs, you couldn't live with me, but I thought turning my back on my son made me a bad mother. But I was wrong. It made me a bad grandmother. Look, if you won't straighten up for me, do it for Lee. He's your son! You need to act like his father, and if you don't make me a promise, right that you will take the steps to clean up your life, then I will take custody of Lee, and you'll never see us again. And I don't want to do that. I just can't sit by and watch my grandson turn to drugs, the way my son did.
Eric: Admitting you have a problem is the first step. I think it's the hardest step, too.
Mrs. Peterson: I'll be there for you every step of the way, and as long as you're clean and sober, you can live with me. But you've got to get a job. You've got to start contributing to the household.
Jeff: I just...I don't know if I can do it.
Lee: Dad, please. I already lost a mom. I don't want to lose you, too. I love you.

Just You Wait and See [4.06]

Annie: So, how is Glenoak's newest licensed driver?
Lucy: Fantastic! I love the freedom of driving down the road, with the wind in my hair. It's very exhilarating.
Simon: You can't feel the wind when you're only going 5 miles an hour.
Mary: Lucy drives way too slow.
Annie: When it comes to your children driving a car, there is no such thing as driving to slow.
Lucy: Thank you. (shifts her gaze and comment towards Mary) And the reason I drive slow is because you have your big feet hanging out the window.
Mary: Hey, I give my dogs some air.
Annie: From now on you keep your dogs in the car.
Simon: Dogs?! Try horses!
Mary: Excuse me, pinhead!

Eric: I am strong. I am strong. I am capable of handling anything.
Julie: I'm leaving my husband! We tried, but it's over.
Eric: I am strong. I am calm. I am capable of handing anything.
Julie: Great. Are you capable of carrying my suitcase!?
Eric: What happened?
Julie: I'm not having a baby with that man. I refuse. No one can make me. No one.
Eric: I don't understand. I thought you and Hank were happy.
Julie: The marriage was a big mistake. Big mistake... (looks at Eric) It's all your fault! You know how I am. If someone tells me to go left, I go right. If they tell me to jump up, I sit down. If you hadn't disliked that man so much, I never would've married him!
Julie: My back is killing me!
Annie: What's wrong?
Julie: I don't feel so good. And I have this cramping thing. May be it's an upset stomach...
Annie: I think you may be in labor.
Julie: That's impossible. I'm only 8 months pregnant. Besides, I can't be in labor 'cause I'm not going to have a baby with that man!

Julie: [about their daughter] What shall we name her?
Hank: We could name her after Eric and Annie.
Hank and Julie: Erica.
Julie: Erica Camden-Hastings.

Hank: I love you more than life itself, and I will never leave you. We are going to make fabulous parents. True, you'll be doing the pushing, but I'll be there every step of the way. And you have never looked more beautiful. Don't cry.
Julie: I can't help it. It hurts.

Sin... (1) [4.07]

Coach Cleary: I understand that some of this has to do with "senioritus." I don't care. You were told in no uncertain terms that your studies were the priority and your grades had to show immediate improvement. Unfortunately, these reports show that they haven't. Now, I don't know if you didn't have an understanding of just how serious I was, or if you didn't have time to study. But now, you have both. (locks the gym doors)
Elaine: Practice is cancelled?
Coach Cleary: You are students here who play basketball. You're not basketball players who show up to classes whenever the mood strikes. Until you proven that you understand that by bringing your grades up, this season and this team are cancelled!
Mary: You can't do that!

Eric: Did you guys know what would happen if you didn't get your grades up?
Mary: [hesitantly] Yeah.
Eric: Well, then, for now, I support this lock-out.
Mary: What?
Annie: I'm sorry, kiddo, but your coach didn't screw up. You did.

Mary: This can't happen. This is my senior year and I have a scholarship to play basketball. I mean, somebody has to do something.
Simon: Why did he lock you guys out?
Matt: Mom had two babies, Dad just had a heart attack, and now this? They have enough going on without having to worry about without the stuff. You're supposed to be the oldest. How can Mom and Dad trust that you can keep an eye on everyone else when you can't keep an eye on yourself?
Mary: Oh, boy. One more lecture on how it is to be the oldest. How many times do I have to hear this stuff from you?
Matt: Until you get it right.
Mary: Go away! And take your lemony-scented self with you.

...And Expiation (2) [4.08]

Mary: We trashed the school gym.
Lucy: What?! Who?!
Mary: Some of the girls from the team and me.
Lucy: Why?!
Mary: I don't know. We were just eating and talking about the team lockout and it just happened.
Lucy: And you got busted?
Mary: Yeah, We must've set off an alarm or something'cause the cops showed up.
Lucy: What's gonna happen?
Mary: I don't know. Sgt. Michaels saids I need a lawyer.
Lucy: This is unreal.
Mary: I wish.

Sgt. Michaels (to Annie): If you need any help trying to find a lawyer...
Annie: What?!
Sgt. Michaels: We're releasing her without bail on your recoginance, but this isn't over. She's... you're gonna need a lawyer.

Annie: I thought I was an ok parent. I thought I knew my kid. But I didn't.

Ms. Williams: [to Eric and Annie when she agrees to meet with Mary] I know she's your baby and probably always will be to you, but not to me. She's not in your house anymore. She's in mine. Someone must really like you. You can't even begin to imagine what kind of favors it took for me to come in today to review your case. So, Mary, what happened to your grades? Drugs?
Mary: [shocked] No.
Ms. Williams: Booze? A boyfriend you couldn't get enough of?
Mary: No. None of that.
Ms. Williams: Well, did you see something on TV or at the movies that you had to copy? Marilyn Manson hypnotized you with one of his songs? Your parents just didn't love you enough?
Mary: No.
Ms. Williams: Well, then, I heard about the team lockout, so I'm guessing that your coach and school did you so wrong, you had to get back at them, and that basically, they had it coming.
Mary: No.
Ms. Williams: Come on, Mary. There's got to be some reason why you did this that has nothing to do with it being your fault. Why should I consider you for the diversion program?
Mary: I don't know. I.....I've made some mistakes, but for the most part, I've always been a pretty good kid.
Ms. Williams: Pretty good kids don't trash other people's property. What else have you got?

Mary: Um, I just got off the phone with Mr. Wolf. Um, Mr. Wolf from the group that gave me the scholarship. Apparently, word of what happened has gotten around, and in light of everything that's gone on, including me recent subpar academic performance, Mr. Wolf said the committee felt there were better candidates out there for the limited funds that they have to donate, for college next year. I lost my scholarship.

Mary: I knew the choices I was making was wrong and I did it anyway... and I am sorry. I am sorry that I did it, and I am sorry for the way I've been acting, and I am sorry for everything that everyone has gone through because of me. And it kills me to know that sorry doesn't make a difference, and that it doesn't undo what I did, and it doesn't make my family like me again.
Eric: Hold on...
Mary: Look I know you love me. But how could you like me? I don't even like myself, and I don't know what to do to make things better.

Mary: What if I get expelled?
Eric: Well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens, and then deal with it.
Mary: I know I blew it, but up until now, I've been a pretty good kid. Now it's gone. It's all gone. Who knew that one mistake could ruin your whole life?
Annie: Your dad and I.....when you're an adult, you know that one mistake can ruin your life. Your life's not ruined. It's going to be radically different, but only you can decide if that's going to be a good different or bad different.

Dirty Laundry [4.09]

Lucy: How would you know anything about being left out? You have been in the in-crowd your whole life. You've been Miss Star, Miss Athlete, Miss Popularity all during high school. You have no idea what it's like to be left out.
Mary: Are you crazy? Why do you think I got into basketball in the first place? I was, like 7 feet tall by the time I got into the fifth grade. Kids laughed at me and called me names, and so I did something. I learned a sport. I used my height instead of just complaining about it. I became an athlete instead of just whining about being different. And after all that, I'm nothing. I'm just the tall bad girl who let everybody down, and now I'm paying for it!

Who Nose [4.10]

Lucy: You met a guy at your community service program, didn't you?
Mary: Yes, I knew you wanted to know.
Lucy: No. I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know anything.
Mary: He's gorgeous, and his name is Robbie.
Lucy: Great. Now I know his name.

Eric: Hey, do you wanna tell me anything?
Mary: Not really.
Eric: Sometimes when someone leaves out information that absence could be considered a lie by omission.
Mary: Am I that someone?
Eric: I thought we agreed that you couldn't see anyone while you were on restriction.
Mary: I'm not seeing anyone. But in the interest of not lying by omission there's a guy who's also doing community service that I talk to. But he is just a guy. And doing community service together can hardly be considered seeing anyone. And, besides, why does punishment always have to be a bad thing?
Eric: Well... because it's punishment. Does this guy have a name?
Mary: Yes, he has a wonderful name. Robbie Palmer. Now I have to go or I'll be late.

Pete: Spray paint makes it faster and it's a lot of fun.
Simon: How do you breathe around that stuff?
Pete: Oh, you'll get used to it, actually, you'll probably start to like it after a while.
Simon: Where are the guys?
Pete: Oh, uh... they decided to catch a breather.
Simon: We could use a breather, too. (Pete laughs) What?
Pete: You're too pure to understand.

Simon: [to the guys huffing in the hall] Hey, you guys are going to get a huge headache if you do that.
Pete: It's called huffing. It makes you you feel like you're walking on clouds, right? Wanna try it...or are you too pure? Didn't think so.
Mitch: Hey, Camden, you say a word to anyone, and your life will be hell.

Mrs. Jasper: Pete Lawrence collapsed on his way into school. His nose was bleeding and he was having trouble breathing.
Simon: I didn't know it was serious or at least this serious. I thought it can only make your nosebleed.
Eric: A bloody nose is the least of it. Huffing causes liver damage and kidney failure. Heart failure.
Simon: Can you die from it?
Eric: Kids do every year.

Mrs. Lawrence: The spray paint Pete used came from your garage. Pete said Simon brought it to school. [Simon shakes his head "no."] You just stay away from my son. You've done enough damage.

Simon: How's Pete?
Eric: The doctor said there wasn't any permanent damage, but when he's better, he'll have to go though a detox program to get the chemicals out of his system. And I recommended that he and his parents meet with a family counselor.

Pete: [in the hospital] Just go away.
Simon: I can't.
Pete: Why?
Simon: Because your mom thinks I did this to you.
Pete: Yeah. I let her think that.
Simon: I know. And it's okay. You must have been scared, and you had to tell your mom something. When you're feeling better, you can tell her the truth.
Pete: If I do, I'll get all my friends in trouble.
Simon: And that's better than getting one innocent guy in trouble. Look, under normal circumstances, I wouldn't mind taking the rap for a friend, but you and your buddies have to stop huffing, or eventually, they're gonna end up just like you, or maybe even worse.

Eric: I talked to Mrs. Jasper. Pete told his mom about the other guys and the huffing. Principal is meeting with the boys and their parents tomorrow. Pete promised to call each of the guys and explain why he ratted them out. No one is going to think it was you.
Simon: I don't care if they do.
Eric: Good for you.

Mary: Robbie got transferred.
Eric: We know.
Mary: Why'd you do it?
Eric: We think your community service shouldn't be anything but community service.
Annie: It's not something you're doing for yourself, it's something you're doing for the community as a payback. When the first phase of your service is complete and if you get a satisfactory review, then we'll see about Robbie coming over so we can get to know him better and you can get to know him better.
Mary: Then I guess I'm really grateful.

Forget Me Not [4.11]

Shana: I still can't believe I'm going to NYU.
Matt: I still can't believe it either, but...but it's great and you're going and you need a place to live.
Shana: Most guys would be pressuring for me to stay. You are the best boyfriend ever. Long distance relationships aren't easy, but I know we can make it work.

Annie: Ginger, what a nice surprise. Where's Dad?
Ginger: I don't know.
Annie: What? What do you mean you don't know? What's going on?
Ginger: Uh, Annie, honey, your father...well...I don't know where he is.

Ginger: About 3 months ago, I started noticing some changes in Charles' behavior.
Annie: What changes?
Ginger: Difficulty in buttoning his shirt, trouble saying certain words, feeling lost in familiar places, misplacing things, and, uh, so we went to see the doctor.
Annie: And?
Ginger: And after a battery of tests your father was diagnosed as being in the very early stages of Alzheimer's. I couldn't tell you this over the phone, I just couldn't. And so I just, um, hopped on a plane and headed here.
Annie: Are you saying my dad has Alzheimer's?
Ginger: I'm afraid so.

Charles: I just walked away for a second. I made a mistake. I'm sorry.
Annie: We have to talk about this.
Charles: There's nothing to talk about. I'm fine. I really think that you're overreacting.
Annie: Dad, you almost set the house on fire!
Charles: I do not have Alzheimer's!
Annie: Dad, don't be afraid. You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here, Eric's here, the kids, Ginger...
Charles: I don't have Alzheimer's! End of discussion!
Annie: Dad!?!

Eric: How's your father?
Annie: In denial, just like I was.

Ginger: We're gonna make sure that dad gets the best medical care possible.
Annie: That's not the problem. The problem is getting him to except the fact that he has to deal with this. You see, I'm afraid to leave him alone. You saw what happened with the barbecue. But if he doesn't believe that there's anything wrong with him, it's hard to convince him that he needs someone when I'm not there. I mean, what if... he takes off again? What if he goes somewhere and forgets how to get back home? Or he forgets what his name is?
Charles: I didn't know I was scaring everyone. I'm sorry. It's just that if I agree with the doctors that they're right, then I have to start facing up to this thing. And I don't know that I can.
Annie: We're gonna get through this. We are. You're not alone.

Susan Gertz: [to Lucy] Look, we all have things in our lives, boyfriends, jobs, school work. You have to prioritize. Decide what's important to you. No one is forcing you to be a part in the Habitat Project. But if you're going to do it people are depending on you. So you have to show up when you're scheduled. If everyone cancelled, where would we be?

All By Myself [4.12]

Mary: Where's breakfast?
Annie: You take cereal, you take the milk, you pour it into the bowl, it's not rocket science!

Ruthie: [to Eric, angrily] Your wife called! [slams the door]

Annie: I need a time out! Did everybody hear me!? Mommy is taking a time out!

Who Do You Trust? [4.13]

Ruthie: Shana didn't call yesterday. That's the first time that happened.
Eric: I didn't know any of this.
Ruthie: Maybe Matt just doesn't want to tell you that stuff.
Eric: Why would that be?
Ruthie: I don't know. Sometimes kids just don't want their parents to know stuff. They have their reasons.
Eric: Like you having your reasons for not wanting to tell us what your science experiment is?
Ruthie: Exactly!

Rick: I always wanted a steady girlfriend, but not tonight. I wish I didn't even have one.
Lucy: Why?
Rick: Because right now, I'd like to kiss you.
Lucy: I guess your girlfriend wouldn't go for that.
Rick: Probably not.
Lucy: But what if I kissed you?
Rick: You mean, without me not knowing about it?
Lucy: What?
Rick: That didn't even make sense, did it? [They start kissing]

Annie: Are you sure it was Lucy?
Eric: Oh, it was Lucy all right. They were just making out right there on the street. They don't even know each other. She just met him. Frankly, this is not the kind of behavior I'd expect from a National Merit Finalist. I can only guess where the other two were.
Annie: They were probably watching the movie. Why is that so hard to believe?
Eric: If the younger brother has the nerve to make out with Lucy right on a public street, then it scares me to think of the brother who was arrested is capable of.
Annie: You're out of your mind, you know that?
Eric: Maybe, but it doesn't make me wrong about this.
Annie: We've got to hope that we raised our daughters well enough that they're doing anything more than kissing. But I think we have to expect the kissing.
Eric: And you're happy about this, aren't you?
Annie: I'm not thrilled. But I'm not going to drive myself crazy. They've got make their own decisions. We can't make the decisions for them.

Simon: We figured if we told you that we were buying cigarettes, you wouldn't let us buy anymore, and our project would be ruined.
Eric: If you knew we wouldn't approve, maybe it wasn't the best project to do.
Nigel: Well, we did show how easy it was for kids to buy cigarettes.
Eric: What were you planning to do if you got caught buying the cigarettes?
Nigel: The person selling the cigarettes gets in trouble, not us.
Eric: You guys didn't do your research. It's a $75 fine and 30 hours of community service for minors caught by buying cigarettes. Besides that, you're saying that you were willing to let the guy who sold you the cigarettes get into legal trouble, just so you could get a good grade on you social studies project?
Simon: But those people are killing us by selling us cigarettes. Not us, technically, but kids who smoke.
Annie: It's a very interesting project, but it's also a project that could've have some serious consequences for other people, as well as you two. And who wants to tell of how actually smoking the cigarettes you bought fit in.
Simon: We were expanding the project, you know, going from the thrill of buying the illegal project to the thrill of smoking it. Plus, when you make something so bad, it makes it irresistible, too.
Nigel: Yeah. It's like when we had the cigarettes, we couldn't help ourselves. We had to smoke.
Simon: Even knowing all we know about smoking and how bad it is. Sorry.
Nigel: Sorry too.
Annie: I'm afraid you're going to have to throw out your project and start over.
Simon: Is that our punishment?
Eric: What do you think?

Words [4.14]

Ruthie: Don't just stand there. Do something
Lucy: Well, what am I supposed to do?
Ruthie: Teach me how not to let words hurt me.

Annie: I think you better tell me what's going on.
Lucy: Ruthie's new teacher has been calling her stupid. She asked me not to say anything, but...
Annie: She called her what?

Annie: Ruthie says you asked the class who the first president was, and when she answered Abraham Lincoln, you called her stupid.
Miss Riddle: [chuckles] No. I didn't say that. I told her that her answer was stupid. There's a difference.
Annie: She's eight. She doesn't know the difference.
Miss Riddle: Ah. I think I see where this is coming from. Every parent wants to believe their child is perfect. But in reality, most of the time the apple just doesn't fall far from the tree.
Annie: Did you just call me stupid?

Miss Riddle: I think it's time for you to go.
Annie: I'm not going anywhere.
Miss Riddle: Don't make me call the principal!
Annie: Oh, go ahead, make my day! Call the principal. Go ahead!

Annie: Nothing justifies calling a child stupid. Nothing.
Miss Riddle: You have your opinion, and I have mine.
Annie: Yes, but your opinion is wrong!

Annie: Well, it turns out there was no mistake. Miss Riddle has been calling Ruthie stupid.
Eric: What?
Annie: Yeah, and when I confronted her about it, she acted like it was nothing.
Eric: Unbelievable.
Annie: She called me stupid, too.

Annie: Do you know why I got so mad at your teacher?
Ruthie: Because she was mean to me?"
Annie: Yes. But also because when Ms. Riddle hurt your feelings and made you feel like you weren't smart, then school and learning became a bad thing. And if that happens enough, it won't be long before you don't like school at all. And that would be wrong. Because learning should always be enjoyable. And school should be like this safety zone where students not only learn about the stars, but reach for them as well.

Eric: [about Bobby] Do you know him?
Simon: I know of him. He's new at school. He's not very popular.
Eric: Why is that?
Simon: Everyone thinks he's weird.
Eric: Because of his outbursts, like the one in church today?
Simon: The jocks really make fun of him, especially Brian, the captain of the football team. He calls him Spazz Man. (Eric gives him a look) Well, I don't call him that!
Eric: Do you remember when I told you that all is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing?
Simon: Yes. [pauses] Let me guess. I'm the good man doing nothing.
Eric: Good and smart.

Eric: Bill!
Bill: Look, you don't understand, okay? Nobody understands!
Eric: I'm trying to...
Bill: Please just leave me alone! Please!
Eric: I want to understand. Your wife wants to understand. Hey, I'm here, but you have to open up to somebody. You have a lot of pain and anger. You can't keep it bottled up inside, or else you'll explode.
Bill: When I was growing up, I had a cousin with Tourettes. We didn't know it at the time, but later, we found out that was what he had. He had these horrible facial tics. I teased him all the time. I was really just mean. I tortured him relentlessly.
Eric: I'm not quite sure I follow.
Bill: I just can't stand to think there's some kid out there doing that to Bobby. Torturing him, making his life a nightmare, the way I did to my cousin. I mean, every time I look at him....it just reminds me of how badly I've acted in the past. Look, I did the research. Tourettes is hereditary, so basically, Bobby is the way he is because of me! You know, ADD I could deal with, but this, you know...I just don't think I can bear it.

Mary: Hey! I think we have Biology together.
Girl: What are you doing?
Mary: I'm talking to you.
Girl: Why? So you can distract me, and your friends can do something behind my back, and then you can all laugh at me some more?
Mary: I don't laugh at you.
Girl: You hang out with Laurel and those jerks she calls friends, don't you?
Mary: Sometimes. Look, I'm just trying to...
Girl: Do you have any idea how much you and your friends hurt my feelings? Do you think I'm deaf? Sometimes I wish I was, because then I wouldn't hear every little whisper and nasty comment that comes my way.
Mary: It's not fair to lump me with Laurel. I have never said anything bad about you.
Girl: Yeah. You just stand by and let it happen, which, for your information, is worse! Knowing that something is wrong and doing nothing to stop it is worse than just doing the something that's wrong.

Loves Me, Loves Me Not [4.15]

Ruthie: [about Sam and David's birthday] Why can't we just celebrate it today so we can keep Valentine's sacred?
Annie: Because Valentine's isn't sacred, but the birth of those boys was sacred, so the importance of their birthday outweighs Valentine's Day.
Ruthie: I'll be sure to let Hallmark know.

Ruthie: [about Simon] What? I don't know why he's wearing Lucy's shirt, but you can bet he's not dressed like a girl for nothing!

Say a Little Prayer for Me [4.16]

Eric: [to the congregation at church] My family has been talking a lot about prayer this week. The discussions began when I shared my feelings about a letter I received in the mail, sent anonymously...I will now pass the author's request on to you.

Eric: [to the church congregation] Say a prayer for the millions of children in the world who have become victims of violence...ask God to help those children who are trying to recover from the death of playmate or friend or family member...pray for the children, that they might have peace...because if we won't stop the violence in our children's lives by taking the right actions and behaving responsibly, then the very least we owe them might be the most powerful thing we can give them, our prayers.

Twelve Angry People [4.17]

Lucy: [to Annie bashfully] Andrew Nayloss. [Annie smiles] I was just hoping to run into him and Mary was just hoping to run into Robbie!

Mary: What if we just walk around the Promenade. I mean it doesn't cost anything to stalk Lucy's old boyfriend.
[Lucy slaps Mary in the arm]

Eric: [to the other jurors] I'm asking you to rise above that. The evidence shows that the defendant is guilty.

Hoop Dreams [4.18]

Molly: Mary, you're my hero!
Mary: No, I'm not. I'm nobody's hero.

Molly: Why don't you want to be my hero?
Mary: It's not that I don't want to be your hero. It's just that I've made a lot of mistakes, and I don't deserve to be your hero. I'm sorry. I've just...did some stupid things.
Molly's Dad: Maybe you're being a little too hard on yourself.
Mary: Yeah, or not hard enough.

John: We make such a nice couple.
Matt: [sighs] You say the sweetest things.

Talk to Me [4.19]

Eric: A young woman came into my office, and she just...appeared quietly at my door, and then...she couldn't bring herself to tell me why she was there. And it's just driving me crazy because I know she needs help. You know, maybe she was abused, maybe somebody hit her. Maybe she's a runaway. Maybe she's pregnant or---maybe she has one of 1,000 other problems, but I don't know. If she doesn't come back I'll never know. She just seemed so fragile. I didn't want to push her for a conversation because if I had she just would've run off. As it was, she disappeared, like, in the blink of an eye. I think I've seen her someplace, you know, but I can't...place her.
Annie: Does she go to school with Mary and Lucy?
Eric: She could. She's the right age. I don't think I recognize her.
Annie: Well, you could scan the yearbook...oh, but then you already have!

Liar, Liar [4.20]


Love Stinks (1) [4.21]

Mary: Don't break my heart.
Robbie: Don't break my jaw.
Mary: Don't break my heart, and I'll have no reason to break your jaw.

Love Stinks (2) [4.22]

Robbie: So are you breaking up with me?
Mary: I'm not sure. I just.. I need some time to think. And I need to figure out before I figure out us, but that doesn't mean that we're over. It's just means that you're just gonna have to have some patience this time around. I'm going to take it slow and really get to know each other. Because I think I love you, but I need to have the chance to find out what kind of man you are. So in other words, for the first time, I'm gonna look before I leap.
Robbie: So, are you gonna go to college in the fall?
Mary: I'm not sure what I'm going to do. But when I figure it out, I'll let you know. And if you don't want to wait for me while I do all of that, I'll understand.
Robbie: I'll wait for you forever.
Mary: Then I guess I'll see you in church.