7th Heaven (season 8)

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7th Heaven (1996-2007) is an American television drama series created and produced by Brenda Hampton that centers on a minister's family and their lives in the fictional town of Glenoak, California.

The Long Bad Summer (1) [8.01]

Annie: [to Simon] Please. It's the last day of vacation.
Simon: I don't want to be on vacation. I don't want to have a picnic on the beach.
Annie: I'm gonna keep saying this to you until I get through to you: it was an accident.

Kevin: I love you.
Lucy: I love you, too.
Kevin: It's been a tough summer. You know, ever since you told me you thought that you might be pregnant, I felt really happy, not that you weren't pregnant, but because you will be someday. Someday, you and I will have children together, and I can't wait.
Lucy: Well, I'm afraid you're gonna have to. We're due downstairs for some more family fun.
Kevin: What do you think?
Lucy: About?
Kevin: About having children?
Lucy: I still have two years of school left. I think we'd better wait until I get out of school.
Kevin: If that's what you want.
Lucy: It's not what I want. What I want is to have a baby. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since the scare either. No, we can't. We really can't.
Kevin: I could baby-sit while you go to class. [Lucy chuckles] No, I could.
Lucy: Are you serious? You want to have a baby?
Kevin: I need something life-affirming.
Lucy: We all do.

Ruthie: Do you have any kings?
Sam: N... no.
David: Yes, he does.
Sam: No, I don't.
Peter: Are you sure? If you have a card with a king on it, you have to give it to Ruthie.
Sam: I'm sure.
Peter: Sorry this is the last day of vacation. It's been really fun.
Ruthie: This is the best vacation I've ever had. I'm really glad you came.
Peter: I'm really glad you invited me. [Sam and David make kissing noises] Why you guys want to give me a hard time, huh?
Sam: Because we love you.
David: We love you.
Sam: And you love Ruthie.
David: You love Ruthie.
[The twins make kissing sounds; Peter scares them; they laugh and run off]
Ruthie: I just wish I didn't feel so guilty about having a good time.
Peter: I feel badly for Simon, too, but I'm still having a good time.

Eric [to Chandler] What are you doing here?
Chandler: Uh, I was wondering what you were doing here.
Eric: We have the house until Sunday.
Chandler: Uh, you had the house till Saturday and it's... uh, late Saturday, and we're here because it's our turn.
Eric: We're not going home until tomorrow.
Chandler: What about church?
Eric: We'll be home in time for church.
Chandler: You said you wanted to be home for the weekend.
Peter: Did I? Uh, I meant I wanted to be home for Sunday.
Chandler: Well, it's a very long drive. We just can't turn around and go back.
Eric: No, no, of course not. Uh, come on in.
Chandler: Oh, no, no, I don't want to spoil your last night here, which was supposed to be last night.
Eric: I wouldn't want to spoil your first night here, which is supposed to be tomorrow night.

Roxanne: [to Simon] How are you doing?
Simon: How do you think I'm doing?
Roxanne: I was just making polite conversation, but if you want to, we can talk. I've been worried about you.
Simon: I wish everyone would stop worrying about me. It just makes it worse.
Roxanne: To have people care about you?
Simon: I don't want anybody to care about me.
Roxanne: Not even Cecilia?
Simon: No, not even Cecilia.
Roxanne: Simon, don't do this to yourself.
Simon: I killed someone. And don't say it was an accident because it was an accident that happened when I was driving. I'm responsible for killing someone.

Chandler: [to Eric about Simon] How's he doing?
Eric: Not so well.
Chandler: When do you go to court?
Eric: Next week unless our insurance company settles, and they don't want to settle.
Chandler: Does Simon have to go?
Eric: He doesn't have to go, but I think he should. It was an accident.
Chandler: Look, I almost forgot why you were on this vacation. Roxanne and I will get a hotel and we'll come back tomorrow.
Eric: No, you should just stay here.
Chandler: No, you spend your last night with your family, all right? I'm sorry about the mix-up.
Eric: No, there are plenty of rooms here for everyone. There's a room for you and a room for Roxanne unless, of course, you decide to get married tonight.
Chandler: Ah, we'll just leave and come back.
Eric: Come back married?
Chandler: I don't want to get into this right now again.
Eric: Okay. No judgment.
Chandler: You don't know that we're doing anything. She's not sure if she wants to get married right now.
Eric: Depends on whether or not the fun lasts?
Chandler: What time are you leaving tomorrow?
Eric: No matter when we leave, whether we're here or not, God knows what you're doing.
Chandler: God does, but none of you do.

Sam: We're hungry.
David: Yeah, we're hungry.
Eric: You just ate.
Sam: The beach makes me hungry all the time.
David: When are we eating dinner?
Eric: In an hour or so. How about a snack?
Sam: What's for dinner?
Eric: Whatever your mom wants to cook.
Sam: She's sleeping.
David: If she sleeps until tomorrow morning, we won't have dinner.
Eric: Well, she won't do that. She only did that once, and we still ate, didn't we?

An Early Fall (2) [8.02]

Mary: Carlos and I got married... last April. A week after Lucy and Kevin.

Sam & David: What's for dinner?
Annie: Same thing we've been having all summer. Trouble. A big bowl of heaping trouble, with a Mary on top.

Eric: [about learning that Mary and Carlos got married] I hope they will be very happy. For the rest of their stupid lives.

Annie: Simon, no more running away. We want you home with us. You scared me.

Mary: You know, don't you?
Carlos: All I know is that I love you.
Mary: How do you know?!
Carlos: Just say it.
Mary: I can't.
Carlos: Why?
Mary: Because once I say it, it'll be true.
Carlos: And I want it to be true.
[Long pause]
Mary: We're gonna have a baby.
Carlos: Yes! [hugs Mary] Oh, yes!
Mary: Soy una gallina loca emperazada!

P.K. [Preacher's Kid] [8.03]

Chandler: [to his date] I don't want to talk about the Camdens anymore. Can you go back to the anti-depressants?

Kevin: I don't think that this is funny. You should never play hide and seek with a babysitter. In fact, hide and seek may not be a good game to play at all.
Haley: Could you be a little nicer? You're scaring me.

Lou: [about Carlos and Mary getting married] So, are you going to make a formal announcement?"
Eric: What? And spoil all the fun at the church?

I Wasn't Expecting That! [8.04]

Peter: Sam and David ate the coal.
Sam: I like coal.
David: Me, too. I'm gonna be a miner.

Eric: Are you ok?
Kevin: Lucy and I haven't had sex since I got pummeled by that woman.
Eric: Good night.

Chandler: I don't think you're that close yet. I don't think you'll ever be that close where you can talk to him about having sex with his daughter.

Eric: [about Annie] She's always cranky when she comes back from her little trips.

Simon's Home Video [8.05]

Simon: This is our house...only it's not our house because it belongs to the church. My dad is a Protestant minister. Because my dad and mom moved here shortly after they were married with my dad's first big assignment, we all grew up here. Or we're growing up here...in this house that really isn't ours. Most of the time, that doesn't bother me, but... you know, sometimes it does. Maybe someday I'll become rich enough to buy it from the church, so we can keep it in the family. It's not impossible. I've always been known as the Bank of Simon. I'm good with money. When I was 10, I begged my dad for a dog, and when that didn't work, I went to a higher authority. I was certain that a dog would just appear out of the either, but...(chuckles) Dad wasn't so sure. "Simon, if by some great cosmic coincidence, a dog happens to come to you here at the house, fine, but you don't go out looking for a dog, and you don't trick one into coming into the yard." Fortunately, in addition to delivering many heartfelt prayers, I also begged my mom for a dog, and she stopped by the pound and rescued one -- this one, Happy. So I believed my prayers were answered. Dad let me keep her, even though we found out she was having puppies.

Simon : The curly-haired one is Ruthie. She's my youngest sister. We shared a room at one time for a long time, and that's probably why I still feel closest to her. We've been through a lot together... that and the and fact that she's saner than my two older sisters. Lucy is 21. She's been married about 6 months to Kevin. He's a cop. Lucy wants to follow in my father's footsteps and become a minister. And evidently, Mary has decided to follow in my mother's footsteps because she's 22 and she's gonna have a baby with her husband, Carlos. They got married the week after Lucy and Kevin...only, no one knew. They just told us when they found out they were pregnant. This is my older brother, Matt. He's 24 now. 2nd year of medical school. He's married, too, to Sarah. She's also 24 and in her 2nd year of medical school. They've all married young, but what are we supposed to do? It's get married and have sex or don't get married and don't have sex. And of course, we've all wrestled with the other choices. Although she better not be wrestling with anyone soon, especially him. He better not even think about coming anywhere near her. Oh, that's...that's Peter, Ruthie's boyfriend. And these two are Sam and David my youngest brothers, they're 4. They're twins. Right, 4 year old twins. Matt's 24. Uh, here's the family. Mary's 22. Lucy's 21. I'm 17. Ruthie's 13. And then Sam and David are 4. We were all surprised when Mom and Dad decided to have more children and happy. We were happy... happy and surprised. But...we shouldn't have been. My mom and dad have always been hot for each other. I can't think of a better way to describe them. I think they're the reason Matt, Mary, and Lucy got married. They want that. We all want that. It's like...being in 7th Heaven. Permanently.

Simon : It takes a lot of work to get that kind of relationship and keep it going, and no one's tried harder than Lucy. She got off to a bad start.

Charity Begins at Home [8.06]


Getting to Know You [8.07]


Baggage [8.08]


Go Ask Alice [8.09]


The One Thing [8.10]

Dr. Norton : It's a classic indication of obstructive lung disease, and it...Miss Glass, welcome. Mr. Simon here has a long-standing history of asthma. He presents today with increasing SOB.
Sarah : SOB?
Dr. Norton : No, it's not an epithet.
Matt : Uh, shortness of breath.
Dr. Norton : Well, thank you for interrupting, Mr...Camden. Why don't you listen to Mr. Simon's lungs and tell us what you hear.
Matt : I've lost my bag.
Dr. Norton : Your what?
Matt : My stethoscope -- it was my black bag. I must have left it in the subway.
Student : Wow, you have a black bag.
Dr. Norton : Okay, anyone willing to help out our poor Mr. Camden? Oh, look. No one else left theirs on the subway. On second thought, you may need those. Uh...Nurse Kelly...
Nurse Kelly : Yes?
Dr. Norton : Would you be kind enough to lend our Mr. Camden here your stethoscope for the day?
Nurse Kelly : No.
Dr. Norton : Don't worry, I'll make sure he gives it back. Consider it your contribution to medical education.
Nurse Kelly : Find me when you're done. Okay?
Dr. Norton : Oh...[stammers] Doctors are a lot like boy scouts. They're expected to be prepared and on time. Understood, Miss Glass? Mr. Camden? Mr. Camden?
Matt : Uh...bilateral exploratory wheezes with rails at the right base?
Dr. Norton : Brilliant.

Dr. Norton : Write this down, Mr. Camden. Turn off phone. All right, the lab is down the hall. Time-stamp your requisitions. Curtains three, four, five. Psych patients are stored next to bed eight. Try not to lose anybody
Sarah : What's the problem?
Matt : I can't turn it off
Sarah : Why?
Matt : It won't turn off
Dr. Norton : Then, get rid of it. Trauma rooms one, two, three
Student : Do we get to work on traumas?
Dr. Norton : No. Are you getting all of this Mr. Camden? Main desk, Dr. Sterling. This is one of our residents, Dr. Lisa Sterling. Dr. Sterling will assign you your patients. You're expected to do histories and physicals, draw bloods and gather lab results.
Dr. Sterling : Okay. Drawing blood, room three
Nurse : They look like little vampires

Patient : Ouch!
Sarah : Sorry
Dr. Sterling : No, never say sorry. It's a sign of weakness
Patient : Is it all right to say ouch? Ouch! How about getting a nurse to do this?
Matt : Uh, I'll give it a shot
Dr. Sterling : All right, Mr. Adams, if Mr. Camden here can't get it on the first try,then I'll do it myself
Patient : I thought the nurses drew blood. Do you even remember how?
Dr. Sterling : Tourniquet. Prep the area
Matt : Got it. Bevel up 20 degrees immobilize the vein and...
Patient : Hey, you drew first blood. I hardly felt it
Dr. Sterling : Good job. Make sure it gets to the labs
Patient : Hey doc, can you get this guy to do all my tests?
Dr. Norton : The rest of you guys need to practice
Patient : Not on me
Sarah : You going to tell them

When Bad Conversations Happen to Good People [8.11]


The Prodigal Father [8.12]


Major League [8.13]


Healing Old Wounds [8.14]


Don't Speak Ill of the Dead or the Living [8.15]


The Anniversary [8.16]


Two Weddings, an Engagement, and a Funeral [8.17]


Angel [8.18]


There's No Place Like It [8.19]


High and Dry [8.20]


Lost and Found [8.21]


Little White Lies (1) [8.22]


Little White Lies (2) [8.23]
