Banshee/Season 1

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Banshee is an American dramedy series that aired on Cinemax from 2013-2016 that is about the dysfunctional town of Banshee, Pennsylvania that is site of non-stop warfare between the Amish, Native American and Neo-Nazi mafias in conundrums with the local, state and federal police departments, as well as transient criminals with the main characters of Lucas Hood, an ex-con from New York City on the run from a mafia boss Rabbit, whose daughter Ana that Lucas has an on/off relationship with and also has a relationship with Rebecca Bowman, the mistress niece of Kai Proctor, the Amish boss.

Pilot [1.01]

Kai Proctor: If any of my employees ever stepped out of line, hassled you in any way, I'd expect you to call me. What I mean is I wouldn't want you to take matters into your own hands.
Sugar Bates: Look at me. Nobody runs from a fight faster than an old fighter.

The Rave [1.02]


Meet the New Boss [1.03]


Half Deaf Is Better Than All Dead [1.04]


The Kindred [1.05]

Deputy Siobhan Kelly: You checking up on me?
Lucas Hood: No I came to get you. You shouldn't stay here.
Deputy Siobhan Kelly: What are you kidding me? What do I have a curfew now too
Lucas Hood: No.
Deputy Siobhan Kelly: Well this is my house and I'm not leaving.
Lucas Hood: Well I guess I'm staying too then.
Deputy Siobhan Kelly: When the time comes for you to spend the night, it won't be to protect me.

Job: [To Hood] I am legit worried about you, motherfucka!

Wicks [1.06]

Sugar: I knew guys like Wicks in prison, guys that never stop digging graves for themselves and then trading everything and everyone to keep from getting buried. [Knocks on door] Eh, Hood, I never saw the paperwork on that Leonard Vanderwick guy. That get filed or...? It wasn't worth the effort. I sent him packing. Guys like that don't go down without taking everyone close down with him. That's their game.
Brock: How did he know you anyway?
Sugar: He didn't. Not really. Knew of me, I guess.
Brock: And you just... just let him go?
Sugar: Yeah. I didn't want to waste any more time on a vagrant who tried to steal some dinner.
Brock: So now you decide which laws are worth enforcing?
Sugar: That's why they gave me the badge.
Brock: Yeah, but the rules are different out here.
Sugar: No. Same rules. Same rules they had since the first man picked up the first stick and beat the second man's ass with it.
Brock: You have an interesting way of looking at the world.
Sugar: [Chuckles] Yeah, I've lived an interesting life.
Man: ['Answers phone] Yes?
Carrie: Tell him it's me. It's her.
Man: Anastasia. I'm ready... to bring him to you.
Carrie: When?
Man: By the end of this week.
Carrie: Where?
Man: I'll let you know. She will bring him. [Starts engine]
Carrie: And just when things finally seem to be nice and boring, you came along. You're welcome. I guess I'm just not cut out for... boring.

Jason: Hey, Dad, it's Jason. I got your message. I know we haven't talked in a long time, but I've got some real trouble here. I called a few times and I haven't heard back from you. I just wish I knew where the hell you were. I really need to talk to you. Anyway, please call me. Bye.

Behold a Pale Rider [1.07]

Kai Proctor: You know generally Banshee is a pretty quiet town but after you arrived it's been one thing after another, it's almost as if you brought it all with you. "And behold a Pale Rider and his name that sat upon him was Death and Hell followed with him", Revelations 6:8.
Lucas Hood: Yeah I've never had much patience for people who quote scripture.
Kai Proctor: This is God's country, you better acquire a taste for it.

Sugar Bates: What would we be without our secrets.

We Shall Live Forever [1.08]

Olek: Your punches are sharp. You have speed and your balance is good, but you're still a woman. So it's not dangerous, not really.

Always the Cowboy [1.09]
