Banshee/Season 4

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Banshee is an American dramedy series that aired on Cinemax from 2013-2016 that is about the dysfunctional town of Banshee, Pennsylvania that is site of non-stop warfare between the Amish, Native American and Neo-Nazi mafias in conundrums with the local, state and federal police departments, as well as transient criminals with the main characters of Lucas Hood, an ex-con from New York City on the run from a mafia boss Rabbit, whose daughter Ana that Lucas has an on/off relationship with and also has a relationship with Rebecca Bowman, the mistress niece of Kai Proctor, the Amish boss.

Something Out of the Bible [4.01]

[Brock is investigating a cabin in the woods and comes across Lucas pointing a shotgun at him]
Lucas: How'd you find me?
Brock: I didn't. I mean, I wasn't looking for you. I thought you were gone. Hey, you want to do me a favor and point that thing somewhere else, okay? Holy hell. Haven't seen you in two years. And all that time you've been living up in this cabin like some kind of mountain man or something? Is there anybody here with you?
Lucas: No.
Brock: Then I'm gonna need you to come with me.
Lucas: No.
Brock: I'm not asking.

Brock: Have a seat. First of all, you should know when I went up there today, you were the last person I expected to find. Were you in that cabin two nights ago?
Lucas: Yes.
Brock: Anybody with you?
Lucas: No. [Hands out photos of Rebecca's remains] Who's dead? Who is that? Rebecca.
Brock: Her body was found yesterday near the river. That's not where she was killed, but that's where the body was dumped.
Lucas: Jesus.
Brock: This is the third murder of its kind that we've had this year.
Lucas: You call the FBI?
Brock: Yeah. I called them after the second one and they sent some little shit up here and he looked through our files and took some notes and then he ran back to Quantico as fast as his little $60 loafers could take him. Told me to call back if a third body turned up. So maybe now they'll give a shit.
Lucas: So what does this have to do with me?
Brock: When was the last time you saw Rebecca?
Lucas: I haven't seen anyone... for about 18 months.
Brock: And yet, it's the weird part, the last coordinates on her car's GPS brought me up to your cabin today. You didn't see her?
Lucas: Nope.
Brock: Any idea why she'd come looking for you? How the hell she'd even know you were up there, Hood? I'm just trying to put this together.
Lucas: It's her uncle's land.
Brock: It's what?
Lucas: It's her uncle's land.
Brock: You're living on Proctor's land? He doesn't know. What happened to you, Hood?
Lucas: I retired.
Brock: We found trace blood that didn't match Rebecca's. I'm gonna need you to voluntarily submit a blood sample so we can rule you out.
Lucas: You think I'm a fսcking serial killer now?
Brock: Have you seen yourself lately, Hood? You're living up in the woods. You look like the Unabomber.
Lucas: Yes, you can have my blood.
Brock: Oh, and, Hood... if there's anything else you want to tell me, now's the time.
Lucas: You should be looking at Proctor.
Brock: Yeah, well, these days that's a little more complicated. [Kurt enters]

Stacy: Is there something wrong?
Lucas: Sorry, you just... you reminded me of someone for a moment.
Stacy: Mmm, the deputy who got killed? Indian gangbanger broke her neck?
Lucas: I think I like you better when you don't talk.

[Kai is facing a throng of reporters at a conference]
Reporter #1: Mr. Mayor, this is the third murder of a young woman this year. Is this a serial killer?
Reporter #2: Is it true that the latest victim was your niece?
Reporter #3: Mr. Mayor, why are the police reports being withheld?
Kai: Here's what we know. Here's what we know. Yesterday the body of Rebecca Bowman was found near the mouth of the Dellwood Basin. She was murdered. And while the police can't say for certain, there are definitely similarities between this case and the murders of two other young women that occurred over the last year. The Banshee Sheriff's Department has notified the FBI and agents are enroute to assist in the investigation. And to answer your question, yes, Rebecca was my niece. And, yes, you can rest assured that neither I nor Sheriff Lotus and the members of his department will rest until we have found this sick, twisted bastard.

Kurt: [Opens cell door] Get out.
Bearded suspect man: What's going on?
Kurt: DA dismissed the charges. You're free to go.
Bearded suspect man: You're fսcking with us.
Kurt: You got 10 seconds before I close that door again.
Bearded suspect man: [Walks out cell] I knew that arrest was bullshit.
Brock: [Sighs] What was it this time?
Kurt: Physical evidence.
Brock: They practically strangled that old man.
Kurt: I know. DA's a real piece of work.
Brock: He's a puppet. Proctor's got his hand up his ass. [Turns head to Stacy observing at desk] But that's a talk for another time. The walls have ears.
Bearded suspect man: [Leaving station] Hey, thanks a lot, Officer. Have a nice evening. [Carrie watches the men walk from her vehicle]
Therapy Carrie: There's always some part of me that's thinking about him. How he looked when he died. How he looked at me. There are days when that look haunts me so badly I can barely breathe.
Suspect: [Spotting Carrie] Hey, hey, hey, hey. Look at this.
Therapy Carrie: And then there are days when I can distract myself.
Bearded suspect man: You lost, honey?
Therapy Carrie: Where I can shut off all the noise.
Suspect man: Maybe we can help you find your way. [Suspect man chuckles]
Street Carrie: Oh, I hope so. [Expands telescopic night baton]
Therapy Carrie: And just do what I have to do. Those are the good days.
Street Carrie: [Pokes up bearded suspect man's chin with baton after a ferocious beatdown] So you tough guys like beating up on people, huh?
Bearded suspect: It wasn't us. They let us go.
Street Carrie: Well, they shouldn't have. [Repeatedly beats man's hand with baton with him screaming]
Therapy Carrie: There's always that moment when I just wake up where I think I'm still there, still back there in our old house. And when I roll over, Gordon will be there lying next to me. And then I'll hear the kids stirring in their rooms.
Psychotherapist: So how do you handle it?
Therapy Carrie: I exercise. I eat something. I start working on the house.
Psychotherapist: How's the house coming along?
Therapy Carrie: There's something about working with my hands that gives me peace.
Psychotherapist: What else gives you peace?
Therapy Carrie: Not much. Do you find our sessions helpful? I'm here because it's court-mandated. No offense.
Psychotherapist: None taken. If I vouch for your competency to parent your children today, would you come back?
Therapy Carrie: If I said yes, would you do that?
Psychotherapist: That's not really how it works.
Therapy Carrie: They had no right to take my kids away.
Psychotherapist: You violated the terms of your probation.
Therapy Carrie: I was abducted. The military investigation cleared us.
Psychotherapist: Any association with the criminal element was enough for social services...
Therapy Carrie: I know.

The Burden of Beauty [4.02]


The Book of Job [4.03]

Fat Au: [While Ana is beating the hell out of Dennis Flanagan] Stop! The boy can't talk if he is unconscious... take Nikita to the kitchen.

Innocent Might Be a Bit of a Stretch [4.04]

Brock: Did you know that Rebecca Bowman was pregnant?
Lucas: You've asked me that three times already.
Brock: And I'm gonna keep asking it till I'm satisfied.
Lucas: Did you know?
Brock: [Sighs] No. Tell me about your relationship with Rebecca.
Lucas: It wasn't a relationship.
Brock: Then what was it? Like just friends with benefits or something until you killed her?
Lucas: Fսck you, Brock.
Brock: No, fսck you. Look, I don't think you're killing young girls. But I don't know that you're not. The only thing I know is you've been lying to me since you got to Banshee. And the lies end here. When was the last time you saw her alive?
Lucas: I don't know. A while ago.
Brock: I need you to be more specific than that.
Lucas: I don't keep a fսcking diary.
Brock: Her car's GPS proves she was at your cabin the night she was killed.
Lucas: Like I told you, I didn't see her.
Brock: Really? How do you know? I mean, you don't keep a fսck¡ng diary. [Sighs] I think you did see her that night. I think she told you she was pregnant. Knowing you, you probably didn't take that news too well, so you argued. Maybe it turned violent, physical.
Lucas: No.
Brock: Why is your blood in her car?
Lucas: I don't know. Why don't you ask Proctor?
Brock: I'm asking you.
Lucas: Well, I don't remember.
Brock: Well, do you remember cutting the hearts out of these two girls?
Lucas: Jesus Christ. Come on, you know me, Brock.
Brock: No, see, I don't! I don't know you. The only thing I know is that you went off the deep end when Siobhan was killed. You snapped and maybe you're reenacting her death over and over and over again like some psychotic...
Lucas: Jesus, open your fսcking eyes, Brock! This didn't happen in the moment. Whoever did this shit took time to plan it! Think! What, you think I got them pregnant as well? Huh? You fսcking know it wasn't me. I don't know anything!
Brock: Yeah, well, that about sums it up.

Randall: Ted, Sheryl, and Martin. How y'all doing this morning?
Ted: Have a seat, Mr. Watts. State your name for the record. Randall Cody Watts. Good morning, Mr. Watts. I'm Commissioner Ted Smith. I'm joined today by Commissioner Sheryl Golden and Commissioner Martin Davis.
Randall: Yeah, we've all met.
Ted: Today is your... sixth appearance before this board of parole.
Randall: If you say so, Teddy. I've lost count. Sheryl, I see you finally had that baby.
Sheryl: I did.
Randall: I hope you and Mr. Golden picked out a nice Anglo name.
Ted: Mr. Watts, I suggest you take this hearing seriously.
Randall: What about the kike sitting next to you? You think she's taking this seriously?
Martin: Mr. Watts!
Randall: Shut the fսck up, Martin.
Ted: Mr. Watts.
Randall: We all know the drill. You're going to deny my parole, then go home congratulating yourselves on making the world a safer place. But what you minimum wage pencil dicks can't possibly understand is that however repulsive you seem to think I am, that the darkness swallowing this country whole and coming for you and your half-breed families is a million fսcking times worse.
Ted: We're done here, Mr. Watts.
Randall: Go fսck yourself, Ted. Oh, and, Sheryl... you be sure to give little Shoshanna Golden a big kiss from her Aryan uncle 'cause you know I'm gonna be thinking about her. [Chuckles and leaves]

Carrie: Sheriff's giving you five minutes.
Lucas: You finally get to visit me in jail, huh?
Carrie: Better late than never.
Lucas: [Chuckles] I didn't do this.
Carrie: I know. Do you have any idea who did?
Lucas: Not yet.
Carrie: I don't know if you'll make bail, but I can use my house as collateral if you do.
Lucas: Thanks. How's Job?
Carrie: They did a real number on him.

Veronica: Lucas Hood. Onetime sheriff. Part-time mountain man. And now the primary suspect in three homicides. It's a hell of a résumé. Sheriff Lotus told me you don't talk much.
Lucas: Well, maybe I just don't talk to him much.
Veronica: He also told me about Deputy Kelly. You two were a couple at the time of her death? God, losing a deputy and a lover in one fell swoop. That must have been tough. I've been there. [Sighs] My husband Paul. He was leading a tactical operation. Some low-level terrorist we could lean on to get us some bigger fish. By the book, breach and arrest. He had the perp facedown and zip-tied when in walks the guy's 13-year-old nephew holding a Glock 9. Paul could have dropped him in a heartbeat. I mean, who can't outshoot a kid, right? But instead he tried to talk him down. I guess that kid didn't feel like talking. He shot Paul in the neck. Killed him instantly.
Lucas: You've been doing this a while.
Veronica: [Chuckles] Long enough.
Lucas: Long enough to know that the fake husband story is not gonna work on someone like me. So either you think I'm an idiot or you wanted me to call you on it.
Veronica: What, so that I would feel like I'm in control?
Lucas: Seeing as we both know that's not true, why don't you cut the bullshit and ask me what you want to ask?
Veronica: Okay. Did you kill Rebecca Bowman?
Lucas: No.
Veronica: Well, that was easy. I so appreciate your cooperation, Mr. Hood.
Lucas: You're welcome. I'm sure we'll meet again. I'm guessing you don't have a lot of pals down at the bureau.
Veronica: You know a lot about the FBI, do you?
Lucas: No, not really. But I know a little something about burnouts.
Veronica: Yeah, I'll bet you do. [Leaves room] He didn't do it.
Brock: Really? You decided that in five minutes?
Veronica: No, I decided that in about two. [Brock scoffs] The evidence... The evidence is shit and you know it.
Brock: The evidence isn't shit. It's circumstantial. I'll cut him loose.
Veronica: Not yet.
Brock: Why?
Veronica: Because the minute we release him, Hood's gonna try to find Bowman's killer on his own. And I'd like a little bit of a head start.
Brock: For the record, I also knew that your husband story was bullshit.

[Job wakes up from flashback nightmare]
Carrie: Job. Job! You okay?
Job: I'm fine. How about you?
Carrie: I'm fine.
Job: Yeah, you look fսcking fine.
Carrie: Not now.
Job: Just in case I do have to drive home alone, you want to tell me what this is really about? Why are you doing this? Hmm? Do you think all this... Catwoman bullshit is what he would have wanted?
Carrie: Stay in the car.
Man 1: Hey, what did he say?
Man 2: He said you're gonna die. [Carrie walks up to three men at back of truck and he laughs] Oh, what the hell is this? Hey, this is private property. Who the fսck are you? I asked you a question. Are you deaf, you stupid bitch?
Carrie: No, I hear you loud and clear... bitch. [Starts up flamethrower]
Man: Shit! [Men flee and Carrie torches truck cargo and then proceeds to torch pill production facility]

A Little Late to Grow a Pair [4.05]

Job: [Spots Lucas at the gate of Carrie's residence] Well, look who got out of jail... again. [Opens gate for Lucas]
Lucas: So how you doing? You look better.
Job: Yeah, I'm a real fashion plate. How about you?
Lucas: What about me?
Job: I hear you went native while I was away.
Lucas: [Sighs] Yeah. That's one way of putting it.
Job: You got another way?
Lucas: Listen, Job, I tried to find you. We all did. After Dalton was dead...
Job: You mean after you killed him.
Lucas: I thought you were dead. I believed it. And then something... something inside me, it just... I gave up. I'm sorry.
Job: Well, it could have been worse. Could have been 15 years. You never put that shit on me.
Lucas: Rabbit fսckеd us.
Job: Yes, he did. On my watch. Baby, all our bullshit... that's all in the past. You and me, we ain't ever getting that time back. So... what you really need to worry about is what's happening in the here and now.
Lucas: What do you mean?
Job: Our little friend is building a fortress and she is armed to the teeth. For what? Seems she feels the only way to honor her dead husband is to finish his war on Proctor herself.

Kai: [To Burton driving him] Mr. Watts has made provisions to keep all five facilities running around the clock. I'll need you to keep an eye on things. I don't trust him. If I don't deliver on my promise to the Colombians, Watts is gonna be the least of our problems. [Spots crowd at city hall] Stop the car. Stop the car! [Burton parks vehicle]
Reporters: [Kai walks to crowd of Amish] Excuse me, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Proctor, why are offices holding on with Rebecca Bowman's body?
Kai: What the hell are you doing, Miriam?!
Miriam: We want her back, Kai! You can't keep her like this!
Kai: I'm not keeping her!
Miriam: You can fix it!
Kai: Rebecca wasn't the only girl who was killed!
Miriam: She's the only one we need to bury!
Elijah: It's not right keeping her body like that! It's disrespectful!
Kai: I'm gonna give you two minutes to get these men out of here!
Elijah: We will not leave without Rebecca.
Kai: You lost all rights to Rebecca when you shunned her! If you don't leave right now, I'm gonna have you dragged away and put into jail.
Elijah: We are not scared of you anymore, Kai. There's nothing else you can do to us.
Kai: I wouldn't be so sure about that. [Turns to walk into city hall]
Reporters: Mr. Mayor? Mayor Proctor...
Kai: [Turns speaking Amish to crowd] Go home! All of you! Get out, now! Or you will all go to jail! Go away! [Lunges at crowd with Burton thwarting him]
Burton: Sir, sir. We should go inside.
Kai: [Walking into city hall to Stacy] I want these steps cleared right now! You understand?!
Stacy: They have a permit.
Kai: I don't give a shit!

Lucas: [Brock gets into patrol vehicle and Lucas surprises him from the backseat] Hey.
Brock: Jesus Christ, Hood!
Lucas: Afternoon, sheriff.
Brock: You have any idea how many laws you just broke?
Lucas: You gonna arrest me again?
Brock: If you came looking for an apology, you're not gonna get one.
Lucas: You know I wouldn't do the same thing. You would have shot me.
Brock: [Chuckles] Yeah, maybe. What... What do you want?
Lucas: Heard there was another girl.
Brock: Yeah, 20-year-old college student.
Lucas: Any leads?
Brock: Other than a six-year-old witness who can barely speak English, no. Nothing. You're not gonna stay out of this, are you? You know, I got to ask, you really didn't know she was pregnant?
Lucas: No.
Brock: Must have been quite a shock. I'm sorry, Hood.

Only One Way a Dogfight Ends [4.06]

Gail: Is the sheriff in?
Police station desk sergeant: Sheriff Lotus is in a meeting. Can I help you?
Gail: I have information he needs to hear.
Brock: [Approaches] Can I help you, ma'am?
Gail: He wants you to know he won't stop. Taking those girls was just the beginning.
Brock: What is this?
Gail: He wants you to see. You will all see. [Starts dousing herself in gasoline]
Brock: What the hell are you doing? Don't! No! Don't do it! [Woman lights herself up]

Veronica: Shower's all yours. [holds out narcotic smoking pipe] Help yourself.
Lucas: Not really my thing.
Veronica: You know, I started out in undercover. Pretty white chicks have to go a little bit further to prove themselves. So it was either fսck 'em or smoke their shit. Sometimes it was both.
Lucas: You don't have to explain yourself to me.
Veronica: [Sighs] I've been meaning to kick it. But when you spend your days up to your neck in this shit, sometimes I got to get out of my own head.
Lucas: Do I need to worry about you?
Veronica: No. Might be nice if you did. Wow, you, my friend, have some intimacy issues.
Lucas: Thanks for letting me crash. [Walks out]
Veronica: Could have shared the bed. Just saying.

Kai: [Enters room] Burning the midnight oil, I see. This is not the place to talk business, Calvin.
Calvin: That's fine because we no longer have any business to discuss. The Brotherhood no longer works for you.
Kai: Is that so?
Calvin: Yes, that is so.
Kai: Well, that's unfortunate.
Calvin: Not from where I'm sitting. I can't help but wonder what Watts will think about this. Well, why don't we ask him? [Produces Randall's severed head and places it on desk] What do you think, Randall? Seems the cat got Watts's tongue.
Kai: That's a bold choice.
Calvin: Yeah. I thought you'd like that. [Sighs] So here's how it's gonna work. Everything that's yours is now ours. Warehouses, shipments, buyers, I fսcking want all of it. You can go quietly or you can go bloody, but either way you are gone. [Chuckles] You can keep the head as a souvenir.

Job: What is it with this fսcking town? Can't we go one week without some mοtherfսcking army shooting at us?
Lucas: Seems like you handled it fine.
Job: That's because it's already become a mοtherfսcking habit.
Lucas: Thank you.
Job: Baby, there's a whole world out there.
Lucas: So they tell me. [To Carrie] What the fսck happened here?
Carrie: [In hushed voice] Proctor.
Lucas: What are you doing messing with him?
Carrie: Are you kidding me? You don't get to walk into my life every few years and question me.
Lucas: Hey, hey, Deva could have been fսcking killed.
Carrie: Get out of here.
Lucas: Come on, Ana.
Carrie: [Shoves him] Get the fսck out of here! Who the fսck do you think you are saying that shit to me?! Do you think I don't know what could have happened there?! You think I don't know what... [Lucas hugs her tightly with her crying]
Lucas: Shh. Hey, hey, stop. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Kim: Hello. Can I help you?
Veronica: Kim Newton?
Kim: Yes. [Seated at table with Veronica] My parents were the ones that called the police. I was 15, Declan, he was 25. I was a quiet girl. You know, I didn't have many friends in school. Always the kid in the back row. Nobody really paid any attention to me. And then I met Declan. He told me I was beautiful and I could tell he meant it. I had never even been kissed before and here was this handsome older guy falling head over heels in love with me. And I understand now that I was young and impressionable and he manipulated me, but, you know... I still think he loved me and I know I loved him. So what happened? My dad found out. He wanted to go after Declan with a tire iron, but my mother convinced him to call the police instead. [Chuckles] Oh, I cried for days.
Veronica: And the sеx? Was it perverse in any way?
Kim: It was intense, but, no, I wouldn't say it was perverse. Is Declan in some kind of trouble?
Veronica: He's a person of interest. When was the last time you spoke to him?
Kim: The night he was arrested. After that, I never saw him again.
[Gets into her vehicle and makes a phone call]
Veronica: Hey, it's Veronica. You disappeared on me this morning. But, anyway, I tracked down our statutory rape victim. She said all the right things, but my bullshit meter is ringing. Anyway, I'm going back to the hotel, so call me and I'll fill you in on my... [Kim appears at Veronica's window and smashes it]
Veronica: [Wakes up hanging tied from ceiling in Declan's dungeon club] Oh, shit.
Declan: [Appears] I heard you were looking for me.

Truths Other Than the Ones You Tell Yourself [4.07]


Requiem [4.08]

Loera: Mr. Proctor.
Kai: Senor Loera. Good to see you again.
Loera: I must admit I'm a little surprised that you were able to pull this off.
Kai: I don't promise what I can't deliver. Bring it up.
Loera: Show me. Hi. [Truck door opens to reveal Carrie with three dead goons and the mafiosos all cock and aim their guns]
Carrie: As long as we all whipping our shit out... [Camera reveals Job on top of Truck aiming his M60 gun at them] Emilio Loera, I take it?
Loera: Who the fսck are you?
Carrie: I'm nobody.
Loera: You know my name, so you know who I am. Which means you know what kind of a mistake it would be to try to steal from me, right?
Carrie: I wouldn't dream of stealing from you. No, I came here to provide you with a valuable service.
Loera: Oh, yeah? Which is what?
Carrie: I came to show you that Mr. Proctor was mistaken when he told you that Banshee was a safe place for you to set up your manufacturing. Very mistaken. I mean, if he had it so locked down, how did I steal this truck full of all these drսg?
Kai: [Raises gun] I'm gonna fսcking slit your throat.
Loera: [Raises hand] Stop. [To Carrie] I suppose you have some fee in mind for this service.
Carrie: No. Sometimes a service is its own reward. Just let my friend and me walk away right now and we'll call it even.
Loera: [Laughs] Start walking.
Kai: You're not just gonna let her walk out of here?
Loera: [Raises hand] Shut up. Hey, Miss Nobody. Did you really think that I was gonna let you leave?
Carrie: No, actually, I didn't. [A rocket propelled grenade fired by Brock flies into truck and detonates it entirely]
Brock: [Lowers down PSRL-1 rocket launcher] That's right. Someone just blew up your fսcking drսg. [Job and Carrie run to Mercedes vehicle, drive it to pick up Brock]
Carrie: Nice shot.
Brock: Thanks. You know, you really need to stop doing this shit.
Carrie: You invited yourself.
Brock: I'm serious. It's become like a bad habit with you.
Carrie: This was the last time.
Brock: I've heard that shit before. This is a very nice car.

Burton: [To Kai] Ev... Everything I did... [Gasps] ...I did for you.
'Flashback Rebecca: [On table] Untie me! Untie me, you son of a bitch!
Flashback Burton: [Sitting with hood obscuring eye] You're ruining him. I can't let that happen anymore.
'Flashback Rebecca: He loves me! You... You don't understand! Don't do this!
Flashback Burton: He doesn't see you... but I do. [Leans into Rebecca with hood off] I... SEE... YOU...!
'Flashback Rebecca: Burton, please!
Flashback Burton: [Voiceover yelling] I see you!
Burton: [Repeatedly] I'm sorry.
Kai: It's okay. It's all right, Burton. It's all right. [Snaps Burton's neck]

[Lucas is in bathroom washing off blood]
Veronica: Well, I should have known better than to let you go off like that. How'd your forensics team do? They found some skin samples. Probably gonna match Proctor's.
Lucas: It turns out it wasn't actually him. It was Burton.
Veronica: Burton?
Lucas: Yeah. Guy with the glasses. His butler or whatever.
Veronica: The butler did it? [Chuckles and walks into washroom] Seriously? Well, I should probably go arrest this butler Burton, no? [Lucas stares at her in an informal look of factual correction] Right. Should have guessed. Then I guess my job here is done.
Lucas: Yeah, me, too. Me, too. It's about time I moved on. It's been time a couple of times, actually.
Veronica: [Puts hand on his shoulders] Well, if you're ever in D.C... look me up.
Lucas: I will. [She kisses him and walks away]

Brock: Let me see if I got this straight. Calvin got the jump on you, beat the shit out of you, then somewhere along the way, you remember you got a gun and you shoot him from 20 feet away. Is that it?
Kurt: Yeah.
Brock: Bullshit.
Kurt: Sir, ahem, I'm not sure what you're trying to imply, but...
Brock: I'm not implying anything. I'm saying it. You beat the shit out of Calvin and then you killed him for good measure. Hey, Bunker, relax. It's just you and me talking here, okay? Come on, sit down. [Sighs] I don't know what it is about this town, Bunker. What geographic phenomenon makes us a magnet for every scumbag and criminal East of the Mississippi. But what I do know is that to do this job, sometimes you've got to take off these badges and get bloody.

[Lucas, Job and Sugar are The Forge bar]
Sugar: It's gonna be mighty quiet around here.
Job: Don't even pretend like you're gonna miss me.
Sugar: I was talking to Hood.
Lucas: You know, I think I'm actually gonna miss this place.
Job: I know I'm not. Sugar, it's been a thin slice of heaven.
Sugar: I know you don't mean that.
Job: It's true, I don't.
Sugar: You in a rush?
Job: Damn right. Every time I try to get out of this mοtherfսck¡ng place, some shit goes down and I get stuck in it. I'm getting while the getting's good. But before I do... figured I'd pay my tab.
Sugar: [Opens duffel bag full of cash] Where the hell did you get this?
Job: Now, you know better than to ask. Point is, you spent your retirement fund getting me out. Well, you're too old to be slinging drinks, so... Thank you. You know how to reach me?
Sugar: [Scoffs] No one knows how to reach you.
Job: He does.
Lucas: Yeah, I do.
Job: [Opens door] This is where I leave you. Banshee, Pennsylvania... Suck my tit! [Leaves and shuts door]

Sugar Bates: I was just remembering the first time you walked in here. I never could have imagined. You know, some might say you weren't all that bad at that whole sheriff thing.
Lucas Hood: Yeah, and other people might say I was the worst fucking thing that ever happened to this town.
Sugar Bates: Putting that badge on the way you did, I never thought you'd be walking out of here on your own two feet.
Lucas Hood: Neither did I. You know, I probably wouldn't if it wasn't for you.
Sugar Bates: You know you hid up on that mountain because you felt the need to atone for something. And for all we know, you'd still be there if Brock hadn't come and pulled you down. We are cons. We're made to believe that you pay for your sins by getting locked up. But maybe the way to redemption isn't hiding on the mountain. Maybe it's about choosing another road down here with the rest of us.
Lucas Hood: Maybe.
Sugar Bates: The past has kept you locked up long enough. Today there's really only one question left to ask yourself. What are you going to do now?