The Goldbergs (season 4)

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The Goldbergs (2013–present) is an American long-running sitcom aired on ABC.

Season 4


Deadheads [4.17]

Beverly: Alright, my little Robo schmoop. Time to clean up your masterpiece so I can lay out mine.
Adam: But we're about to shoot Pops' big scene.
Pops: Adam, is that you? I can't see in this thing.
Adam: Just take five, Pops.
Pops: Finally! I'm schvitzing in this big box.
[Pops accidentally knocks over Adam's video camera]
Adult Adam [voiceover]: What happened next would change my life forever.
Adam [slow-motion]: Ohhhhh...fudge!
Adult Adam: Only I didn't say "fudge". I said the big one. The granddaddy of bad words, and it was not good.

Beverly: Unacceptable! I mean, where did you even learn such a potty word?
Adam: Nowhere.
Beverly: Answer me! Who taught you how to do this stuff?
Adam: You, alright?! I learned it by watching you!